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Application of Transfer Learning in RGB-D object

# (1570298162)

S. Nithin Shrivatsav
National Institute of Technology,


Background information
Proposed Method

Human-Machine Interaction is rapidly
developing and researchers are
striving to develop a system that can
accurately classify objects.
Our goal was to dive into the field of
computer vision and deep learning
and contribute towards this pursuit

Aim: Achieve





To avoid time-consuming hand-crafted

features we made use of deep learning
For robust object recognition we made use
of both Depth and RGB images of objects.
To train the network quickly we made use of
Transfer Learning instead of training the
weights from scratch.

Background information
In past Five years, Many researcher worked on
Object Detection using Convolution Neural
Network(CNN). However, CNN requires a large
amount of training data to train.
In this paper, we tried to overcome this
problem by using Transfer Learning on multimodal neural network.
Transfer learning also helped in decreasing the
learning time.

Proposed Method
Our method involves object recognition
using deep neural networks.
Neural Network Type: Convolutional
Neural Network
Network Structure:
Multi-modal network with two streams
RGB stream
Depth stream

The two streams are fused in a late fully

connected layer.

Proposed Method
Softmax classifier is used to classify the images
Input image size: 60x60x3
No. of feature maps after Conv layer 1 : 48
No. of feature maps after Conv layer 2 : 128
The fully connected layer consists of 2048
Non-linearity: Rectified Linear Unit
Regularization method: Dropout
Max-pooling layers are present after every
convolutional layer.

Proposed Method
The network was implemented using
Keras library in Theano. The network
was trained on Quadro K2000 GPU to
speed up the trainng process.
The depth images are encoded using
jetcolormap into RGB images before
being fed to the network.
The images are first unrolled into
vectors of size 60x60x3 and then
they are reshaped into 4D tensors

Proposed Method
Training examples are stored in a
matrix and are normalized.
Training examples are shared
variables of float32 type, this is done
to enable efficient use of GPU.
Training Process:
Pre-trained weights are assigned to both
the RGB and the depth stream.
The weights of the fully-connected layer
is randomly initialized.

Proposed Method
The images are passed and the weights
of convolutional layers are fine-tuned.

The reason the transferred

parameters work efficiently is due to
the fundamental nature of
convolutional neural networks.






The CNN has around 6 million parameters
and it is not possible for a few thousand
training images to give a good accuracy.
The comparison shows the effectiveness
of transfer learning.
Also by making use of transfer learning
the time taken to achieve a given
accuracy is lesser.
Hence, we can use lesser number of
epochs to reach a particular accuracy.

In our work we have presented a transfer
learning approach for multi-modal deep
networks. This enables faster training and
more accurate results.
We have shown that by making use of both
depth and RGB information of an image the
accuracy increases
By making use of deep learning we have
avoided the use of time consuming handcrafted features.
We have effectively encoded the depth into a
color image.

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