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Advertising Photography is primarily used to only sell products, and to increase the brands known identity around the
world. Advertising photography is characterised by high production values such as Coca Cola or Prada. The
photographer would use a variety of techniques to produce the perfect image to be the face of the company and that
will be advertised globally. This is the sole purpose for advertising photography. Even some of the simplest images will
come across as simple but it would have had a photographer that has spent long hours carefully planning and
constructing to produce the final product. Advertising photographers usually work for large corporations and
organisations with massive budgets again such as Coca Cola or Prada, smaller companies will still need advertising
photographers although the budget would be less.
Advertising Photography makes people that see the product
want to buy it which is what the photographers aim is to do.
But the product is most likely not actually the same condition
as it was advertised. An example of where this has occurred is
in McDonalds advertisement. Which clearly shows the food
advertised is not as appetising as the food served.

Promotional photography has similar values as advertising photography its just in
promotional the publicity is controlled securely this is for television shows, celebrities
and brands. An example of an celebrity who controls all the photos taken of her and all
of the photos that go in newspapers, magazines and on the internet. Promotional
photographers will put images in a magazine or a newspaper but it will usually be put
there to convey a message or an idea than advertising pictures because they carry
additional value.
An example of someone who uses promotional
photography is Kyle Jenner she posts pictures of her
self on her Instagram to publicise her self as a
beautiful lady with appealing photos.

Fashion Photography
Fashion Photography is simply used to sell magazines, clothes and other
accessories. It can be used to promote and reinforce brands to give them a bigger
name. Fashion photography can be used for editorial use in blogs, magazines and
newspapers, all of the work is characterised by high production values and
creativity. The work of Fashion photographers will usually be on billboards which is
very good for advertisement it also helps to promote retailers. Many of the fashion
photographers photographs will be done in a studio, photographs taken of catwalks
and fashion style they are trying achieve and photograph.
An example of someone who is very
famous due to fashion photography is
David Bailey, he is a well known fashion
photographer whom was a photographer
for Jaeger a well known clothing brand.
Shortly after working for Jaeger he starts
working for Vogue.

Photojournalism is used to illustrate magazines, newspapers, magazines, websites and on
television. By this I mean photojournalism is used to show the audience everything as if there
photos were to tell words, the photo is what people are influenced in magazines and newspapers
Photojournalists occasionally have to work in very dangerous and difficult conditions, just so they
can create the best possible shot. They always have very tight deadlines. Photojournalists can
work for newspapers or they work for agencies such as Magnum and Action Images.
An example of a photojournalist is Robert Capa
whom was a photographer throughout the war,
which is how he became so well known. He
documented the war through his photos throughout
the second world war. Robert Capa is and was
known as a war photographer and a

Portraiture is one of the different genres of photography, it is mainly photos taken
of people. It is usually done in a studio due to their being better lighting.
Portraiture photographers usually aspire to reveal something within the subject
the photographer is shooting. Portraiture doesn't just have to be done in studios it
can be outside as well. These photogrpahers can produce work that comes across
as formal as well as casual, all of their photos will have different meanings.
An example of an portraiture photographer is
David Bailey, David has produced some very
interesting work as you can see on the right.
You can tell each portrait photo has its own
meaning coming from the subject of the
photo. Bailey has been producing portraiture
work since 1959 until this present day.
David Bailey - 2012

Documentary photography is usually spread out over a longer period of time
compared to the other genres of photography. This is because in documentary
photography the photographers tend to try and tell a story through their photos,
their work can consist of peoples lives and what condition they may live in. The
photographers are always sympathetic towards the subject of the image.

An example of an documentary photographer is Lewis

Hine, Lewis work on the right as you can see was during
the world wars. His work was documented about and
around the wars, his photos tell a story and they a strong
meaning. Althugh Lewis is no longer alive as he died in
the year 1940 at the age 65.
A man named James Ravilious spent 17 years to produce
his documentary photography portfolio, it consisted of
40,000 photos around the community in North Devon.

Lewis Hine

High Street
High street photographers are independent photographers that do shoots for
families or individuals. The different types of shoots they would do includes
family shoots, wedding shoots or any other form of shoot that the
photographer has been tasked to do. High street photographers will
sometimes also do commercial work for small business such as estate agents
and restaurants.
Since high street photography is very popular, not many
people are considered to be famous or admired by
within in High street photography. This is because
common people can be in their own High Street
photography shoot although it will cost them money
which is how the high street photographers make there
money through shoots. There Is a wide horizon of
different photographers all of the world, there is most
likely to be a street photographer in every village, town
or city all of the UK.

Studio Photography
Studio photography has to be done in a controlled environment, where there is advanced
editable lighting. The lighting and the background is all done by the photographers so they
can get the exact results they want. Studio photographers are usually the most advanced
type of photographers because they can create a picture it being taken by using the light to
create a mood and to convey emotions. Studio photographers sometimes use props to
create elaborate pictures. An example of a studio photographer is Richard Avedon, a popular
one named David bailey is also a studio photographer as well as other types of photography.
Richard Avedon is a fashion and portrait photographer its just this is all done within a studio
because he would of used a lot of advanced to produce his photos.

Architectural Photography
Architectural photography is the concerns of the insides and outsides of buildings
and structures. The photos produced are usually very well constructed and show
lots of composition, using formally composed and precisely lit. Special equipment
is sometimes used in the production of architectural such as tilt shift lenses or
cameras with rising fronts to achieve the results they want. Their work is shown
in magazines and newspapers, as well as construction companies and architects
using their work as guidance. An example of a architectural photographer is
Berenice Abbott, she mainly had her work constructed around New York city
which is the best place to go for architecture. As you can see some of the photos
produced are inspiring and show lots of forms and shapes from the buildings and

Medical Photography
Medical photographer help and assist doctors and clinicians to cure conditions that
someone may have. The photographers are there to capture an image of a problem
someone may have put they would use a camera that would be zoomed in to a large
extend so they can see the condition and so the doctors can cure because they know
they are dealing with, due to their being a picture of it. All of their work has to be
precise, it cant be faulty otherwise that may put someone's health in risk. Medical
photographers use a ring flash which is done to erase all shadows from the photo.
Color control is very key in medical photography because they need to show the
thing they are photographing as accurately as possible.

Fine Art Photographers

Fine art photographers usually have their own independent work, because
they sell their work of to people afterwards. Their work is sold to individual
clients and galleries. All of their work is all self motivated and is concerned
with ideas and concepts which create their photos. Some fine art
photographers will sell their work for a very high amount of money and
this is due to them maybe being popular or just a famous well known
photographer, this would be someone like Ansel Adams. All the techniques
use in their work is very photographic, these are just a few of the many
famous fine art photographers-Cindy Sherman
-Sam Taylor-Wood

- Duane Michals
- Hiroshi Sugimoto


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