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Section 4 : There are no spanners..

3.1.- Aplica tcnicas de

3.1.1.- Identifica unidades de

comprensin de lectura de
textos de la especialidad en
ingls, a partir de la
identificacin de unidades de
significado, actuando en
forma colaborativa.

significado, ya sea de existencia (there

is/are), de localizacin (prepositional
phrases), o de tiempo ( time/ hour), a
partir de formas lingsticas dadas.

Utiliza manuales de la especialidad

Unidades de existencia en el texto del manual: there is....;
there are....
Unidades de localizacin en el texto del manual: in the rear
of.....; in the front; on the upper part; below the...;
under... ; over... on... ; between X and Y; next to ...; etc.
Unidades de tiempo en el manual: for half an hour, for 45
min; for 30 sec

A.Theres no hammer in the box.

B.And there are no spanners A:
Are there any bolts?
B: Mm, there are no bolts in
the toolbox

There to be

Singular (countable and uncountable nouns)

Plural (Only Countable Nouns)

1. Theres a bolt on the workbench.

There are some nails over there.

2. Theres some fuel in the tank

There are some tools in the box.

3. There is a hammer on the bench.

There are lots of cars at the workshop.

4. Theres no engine in this car.

There are a couple of machines.

5. There isnt an oil filter inside the box.

There are no spanners in the box.

There is and there are indicate that something exists.

To indicate the opposite theres no or there are no is used.

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Exercise 4-1


Page 60

Match the sentences and the pictures.


There are no vices on the bench 9


There are goggles on the wall.


Theres no guard on the machine.


There are vices on the bench.


There are tools on the board.


There is no helmet on the wall.


There are no goggles on the wall.


There are gloves on the shelf.


There are no tools on the board.


Theres a guard on the machine.


There are tools on the floor.


Theres a helmet on the wall.


There are no gloves on the shelf.

Exercise 4-2

There is

You are a safety inspector, inspecting this workshop. Describe what you see.



There are



in the workshop.

A cable




on the floor.

Two windows



around the bricks.

The fire exit



on the machines.

Some cables



on the stairs.
on the benches.

fire extinguishers
fire exit
Theres + singular


a spanner on the table

some water in the tank
no vise on this
an engine on the hoist

There are + plural things

There are

Page 61

Two cars in the garage

tools on the shelf
no screws in the box
a lot of hammers over there.
not any fuses on this board.

Exercise 4-3 Complete the inspectors report. Describe all the hazards in the workshop.

Safety Inspection Report

Visit to :

Ally Bally Automotive Workshop

Date of report: 18th June

I inspected the workshop today 16th March. Here are my findings.

1There is no fire extinguisher anywhere in the workshop.
2There is a single fire exit, but the door is locked with a padlock.
3 ..

Exercise 4-4

Work in small groups. Write at least ten safety rules for the workshop. Use Modal verbs.
Example : Put away all tools after work.
Do not bring food or drink into the workshop.
No eating or drinking in the workshop.
Staff must /
must not

INACAP Mechanic Area

Work Group names:

Safety Rules for the workshop.


Page 62


Some prepositions and prepositional phrases are useful devices for indicating location. Study them with
the help of the following exercises.

Exercise 4-5

Page 63

Identify the prepositions of place in the following Text Reference.

Exercise 4-6

Where are these things?

Where is the spanner in a)?
Where is the spanner in b)?
Where is the spanner in c)?
Where is the switch in d)?
Where is the switch in e)?
Where is the switch in f)?
Where is the switch in g)?

Page 64

Exercise 4-7

Complete the sentences after looking at the electronic panel below.

1In the

on the left there is an LCD display.

2At the bottom on the right there are

. 3 At the

on the

there are two gauges.

4 At the top on the right there is a

5 In the

on the

there are four

At the bottom on the left there is a

Look at these prepositional phrases.


Study these prepositional phrases:

In: in the middle, in the centre
At: at the top, at the bottom
On: on the left, on the right



To: to the left of, to the right of

Exercise 4-8

Match the prepositional phrases with the numbers in each picture:

Example: (a) on the left of the wall number 4.

Page 65

(a) On the left of the wall


(e) on the right of the

(b) At the top of the wall


(f) to the right of the

(c) Above the window


(g) at the bottom of the

(d) To the left of the window

(h) below the window

Exercise 4-9

Read then correct these things location. There are six mistakes in location.

Here is one way to set up your items in the workshop. Put the starter motor in the centre.
Then put the gallon in the centre on the left, and put the air filter in the centre on the right.
Put the rim at the top on the left, and put the vise at the top on the right. Then put the
exhaust pipe at the top in the middle and put the toolbox at the bottom on the left. Finally,
put the piston at the bottom on the right, and put the alternator at the bottom in the centre.

Exercise 4-10 Look again at the shelf in the workshop. Are these statements true or false?
1 The vise is at the top, on the left. T/ F
2 The vise is above the gallon. T / F.

The vise is to the left of the toolbox. T /

4 The piston is under the rim . T / F
5 The exhaust pipe is next to the vise. T / F 6
The air filter is above the alternator. T / F

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Exercise 4-11

Complete the sentences about the things in the workshop with words in the box.



1 The toolbox is
The rim is





the top, the middle.

the right

motor is

the toolbox. The starter

the toolbox.

2 The alternator is
The piston is

the bottom,
the left

alternator. The air filter is

Exercise 4-12


the right.

the alternator.

Look again at these items in the workshop. Make sentences about the locations
of these objects. Use more than one preposition:

1 The alternator is.


2 The exhaust pipe is.

3 The rim is



4 The starter motor is..

5 The gallon is

Page 67

Exercise 4-13 Match the sentences with the numbers in the pictures.

Example (a) Please press the switch to the right of the window number 4

(a) Theres no light in here. Please press the switch to the right of the window.
(b) Please pull the lever below the wheel.
(c) Could you press the ON button, please. Thats the button on the right.
(d) Turn the knob to the left of the dial.
(e) Could you press the switch above the window, please.
(f) Use the socket at the bottom. It has 110 volts.
(g) Press the button at the top.
(h) Use the socket on the left.
(i) Could you now turn the knob to the right of the dial, please.
(j) Now pull the lever above the wheel.
(k) Press the switch to the left of the window.
(l) Now please put the plug into the socket on the right.
(m) Please use the socket at the top of the wall.
(n) Now press the OFF button. Thats the button on the left.
(o) And now press the button at the bottom.
(p) Please press the switch below the window.

Page 68

Observe these locations


Exercise 4-14 Look at the tool board below. Make sentences with the words in the box.


to the left of

to the right of

Example: the screwdrivers are to the left of the spanners and above the hammer

Page 69

Exercise 4-15 Label the diagrams 1 6 with the prepositions in the box.

Out of

Exercise 4-16 Use fig. 1 to complete the sentences about the car engine and transmission-system. Use
below, above or between.
For example:
1The rocker box is above the cylinder head.
2The cylinder block is
3 The sump is

the cylinder block.

4The cylinder block is

5The prop shaft is
6 The differential is

Page 70

the cylinder head.

the sump.
the gearbox and the differential.
the two half shafts.

Exercise 4-17 Look at the diagrams and answer the questions.

1 How many pedals does it have?

2 How many levers does it have?
3 Is the steering wheel on the left
or on the right?
Exercise 4-18 Read the manual. Write the letters (A G) from the diagram next to the controls.
In the diagram, you can see the controls of the forklift truck. On the left is a lever.
This is the direction lever (1

). Push this lever forwards, and the truck moves

forwards. Pull it backwards, and the truck reverses. Next you can see the steering
wheel (2

). This turns the truck to the left and right. At the top, on the right, you

can see two levers. Push the left-hand lever (3

) forwards, and the fork

moves up. Pull it back, and the fork moves down. Push the right-hand lever

) forwards, and the fork tilts up. Pull it back, and the fork tilts down. At the

bottom, on the right, you can see a lever. This is the parking brake (5
the bottom, you can see two pedals. The LH pedal is the brake (6
RH pedal is the accelerator (7


Exercise 4-19 Describe these movements of the truck. Use the words from the manual.
Example: A. The fork tilts down.

Page 71

). At
). The

Part 4 Answer Key

Exercise 4-1: b) 2 / c) 7 / d) 3 / e) 6 / f) 11 g) 8 / h) 4 i) 12 j) 1 / k) 13 / l) 5 / m) 10
Exercise 4-2: Answer may vary
There is a fire exit in the workshop.
Theres some food on the benches.
There are no fire extinguishers in the workshop.
There are some cones on the floor
Theres some liquid on the floor
Theres some drink on the benches.
There are no guards on the machines.
There are some bricks in the workshop.
There are some boxes on the stairs.
There are some tools on the benches.
A cable is coiled.
Two windows are broken
The fire exit is locked
Some cables are damaged.
Exercise 4-3: see exercise 51.
Exercise 4-4: Answer may vary
Always keep the fire exit unblocked.
Never use a broken cable.
Staff must not eat in the workshop.
Exercise 4-5: rear; forward; to the right; below
Exercise 4-6: Answers may vary: The spanner is
on the tableetc.
e) 2
a) 4
Exercise 4-7:: 1 middle / 2 buttons/ 3 top, left / 4
lever / 5 middle,b)right1/ 6 counter
c) 1
g) 3
Exercise 4-8 d) 4
h) 3
Exercise 4-9:

Here is one way to set up your items in the workshop. Put the starter
motor in the centre. Then put the gallon in the centre on the left, and put
the air filter in the centre on the right. Put the rim at the top on the left (on
the right), and put the vise at the top on the right (left). Then put the
exhaust pipe at the top (bottom) in the middle (on the right) and put the
toolbox at the bottom (top) on the left in the middle. Finally, put the
piston at the bottom in the centre, and put the alternator at the bottom on

Exercise 4-10: 1T ; 2 T; 3 T; 4 F; 5 F; 6T
Exercise 4-11: 1 at, in.
to, of

2. In, on
to, of

Exercise 4-12: Answers may vary, you can mention more than two prepositions
1 next to the piston, below the air filter
2 at the bottom, to the right of the piston
3 at the top, next to the toolbox, above the air filter 4
in the centre, between the gallon and the air filter
5 in the middle to the left of the starter motor,
below the vise.
Exercise 4-13:

Page 72

B 12
C 16

G 13

J 11
L 10

N 14
O 15

Exercise 4-14: Answers may vary: The spanners are between the screwdrivers and the cutting knife;
The hammer is below the screwdrivers next to the files.
The saw is above the pliers.
The scissors are to the right of the pliers.
The lanterns are at the bottom of the tool board.
Exercise 4-15: 1 into; 2 out of; 3 to; 4 from; 5 through; 6 around
Exercise 4-16: 2 above; 3 below; 4 above; 5 between ; 6 between
Exercise 4-17: Answers may vary: 1 two pedals; 2 four levers; 3. the steering
wheel is on the left
1G / 2A / may
3B / vary.
4C / 5D / 6 F
7E. fork tilts up
Exercise 4-18:
4-19: Answers
B./ The
C. The truck moves forwards
D. The fork moves down
E. The truck reverses
F. The fork moves up

End of Section 4

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