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Candis Vinson
CE497: Child Development Capstone Course
Kristina Bodamer
December 4, 2016

The children at Lincoln Elementary School fall into Two

Periods of development. The first is early childhood starting
age two and lasting to age six. The second period of
development is middle childhood. Starting age six and
lasting to age eleven. Lincoln Elementary School has a
population of 765 students from PreK to the sixth grade. The
focal period of development chosen is middle childhood.

Period of Development

Middle Childhood
Children at this age become
active in the world around them.
Joining in school or community
Music choir

Mastering skills, concepts, and


Child Developmental
Professional Purpose
My roles as a Child Development
professional would to ensue a child
received needed interventional services
for any delays or established conditions.
This could be done though many
different ways.

Connecting children and families to

community services

Money managing

Career goals


Early intervention

Parent support groups

Healthy and safe home environment

Ecological System:
The Mesosystem is the relationship
between the microsystem and a
childs life. It is experiences within the
family, friends, school, community or
neighborhood, and religious
institutions. It is the impact positive or
negative that develops a child.

Epsteins Types of
Epsteins Types of Involvement
is an ideology of partnering
community, families,
ethnicities, and the school
system by using productive
and informative methods.

How this type of involvement

influences a childs learning and

Helps structure the home environment.

Parenting styles help has a major

influence on the childs development.

One idea the school or community

could implement right away that
aligns with the cultures represented
at the school.

Providing positive parenting workshop

information to all students and also
adding information in the newsletter
with different parenting styles.

Fostering an open discussion on

challenges, fears, and experiences.


How this type of involvement
influences a childs learning and
Communication is important for parents
and teachers during the year.
Parents are informed about progress,
expectations, and achievement of goals.

One idea the school or community

could implement right away that
aligns with the cultures represented
at the school.

Meetings with parents


News letters

Communication logs

How this type of involvement influences
a childs learning and development.

Parent volunteering helps the class, student,

teacher, and the parent.

Provides support and organization.

One idea the school or community could

implement right away that aligns with
the cultures represented at the school.

Helps parents become more active in the school


Parents can volunteer in many different

functions in the school.

Learning at Home
How this type of involvement influences a childs
learning and development.
Helps parents by providing basic resources to help children
with homework.
Helps parents foster problem solving skills with students.
One idea the school or community could implement
right away that aligns with the cultures represented at
the school.
A newsletter or form of communication for parents to help
children with tough homework solutions.
Teachers using a website that will have links and tutorials
that will help parents learn or refresh a topic that is being
discussed in the class.
Sending homework packets to parents on Monday that
explains the work for the week. All parents will not have
access to the internet.

Decision Making
How this type of involvement influences a childs
learning and development.
Decision making includes parents into school functions.

By creating an opportunity for parent involvement

leaders are created. Helping bridge the gap to parents
that may not typically voice concerns or opinions.

Decreasing language barriers for Hispanic community at

the school that is at 93 %.

Having representatives for all grades and nationalities.

Creating a stronger community and parent based board

to understand parents struggles and student needs.

One idea the school or community could implement

right away that aligns with the cultures represented
at the school.
Starting a Parent Teacher association in the school is a
step in the right direction.
Getting members from different ethnicities to attend
meetings needs of their communities, families, and

How this type of involvement influences a childs learning and development.

Collaborating with the community as a resource will help strengthen parents and students through
programs, practices, and student learning development.
After school programs
Tutoring programs
Health fairs and awareness

with Community


How Collaborating with the community helps Families?

Parents are knowledgeable of resources .
Skills and talents are increased due to exposure of extra curricular activities.
Meeting families in the community.
Meeting students from school.
Referrals to community sources

One idea the school or community could implement right away that aligns with the
cultures represented at the school.
Lincoln Elementary consist of Hispanic, American Indian, and white students. Having a ethnic
festival to showcase and bring awareness to different cultures in the school. Community
involvement will allow parents and students to work together and learn about different cultures.

Epstein, J. (n.d.). Epstein's framework of six types of involvement.Retrieved from
Jankie695Corolla. (2014, March 12). Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory [Video file].
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5htRhvm4iyI

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