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Ivan Pavlov believed in classical conditioning. He

thought that someone can be taught by being trained
to act a certain way. This can be achieved by repeating
actions and giving incentives to do so. He felt that this
is how children could learn effectively. By being taught
material and given rewards for positive behaviors.


Maria Montessori believed that children have the

ability to teach themselves. This is why she set up a
school for children to learn what was surrounding
them. Children can learn what comes naturally to
them by doing it on their own. In these schools, the
children are free to explore the way they feel. They
are observed by teachers though.


John B. Watsons theories highlighted the idea that the

external actions of a child indicate what is going on
internally. He also strongly believed in classical
conditioning. Classical conditioning is when you train a
child to have a reaction to a certain thing. Also, he felt it
was important was treating children like adults so that
they could learn independently.


Jean Piaget established a theory that focused on cognitive

development of a child. Children learn and grow in steps
according to their age. These steps will build on each other as
time goes on. His thoughts were that children were born with a
very basic mental capacity. When they get older, they will acquire
more knowledge.


Lev Vygotsky had the belief that when children socialize, they learn. His
theory was named: Zone of Proximal Development. This highlights what a
child does not know and what I child does know. With a teacher encourages
a child and shows them the way to learn, they will be successful. So what
they do not know, will turn into what they do know and they will be able to
complete more difficult tasks. This is very important to me in running my
classroom. I want my students to be so excited and able to research things
on their own with my help. Every time my students come to class, I want it
to be a new adventure. This is why I will incorporate different projects
students can choose from, when we are doing a class project.


This couple's theory states that: classroom management is super important. Teachers should
establish their classroom and expectations right away. If teachers do not establish
expectations; students will try to see what they can get away with. Students should always
have work to do so they are never just sitting at their desk; distracted. A talented teacher will
fail if they do not manage their classroom.

am always going to put something on the board for students to do to get them warmed up.
Also, I feel that establishing my expectations right away is very important. When you are
consistent about what you expect in your classroom, you will great great behavior and results
from your students.


Erik Erikson had the belief that children should be allowed

to explore and learn on their own, but they should have an
adult to guide them. He thought guidance was important
so that a child would not continue to fail and have their
esteem tested. The purpose of his beliefs was to build a
childs ego up so they will continue to thrive.



B.F. Skinner had the belief that when students continue

to do an activity repeatedly, they will learn from what is
being taught. To learn, students must be taught from a
teacher and not on their own. He also felt that a childs
environment affects the way a child learns. Also, if you
reward good behavior, children will be more likely to
learn better.


Abraham Maslow was known for his theory about what a person
needs so they are able to live a functional life. This idea is named:
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Within the pyramid you see that
people require the basic necessities: food, water, and shelter.
Children want to feel safe, and have significant relationships and
need to have a sense of pride in themselves. When all of these
needs are fulfilled, the person will be healthy and happy.


Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory centered around the idea that a childs environment
affects how a child grow and learns. These events happen in four steps. The first is
called the microsystem which is where the child spends most of their time at home.
The second step is the mesosystem which is how the child is raised by their
caregivers. The exosystem highlights childrens relationships with people who they
interact with. The last is the macrosystem which is a large group that affects a
childs life, like the government. All of these steps have a profound affect on

After learning about how these psychologists believe children

learn, I have come to my own conclusions about how it happens.
I feel that children need a safe environment to learn and they
have to know they are cared for. I also believe that children
need the material they learn to be repeated so it can sink in. It
is important that the children are interested in the material that
they are learning so it will be easier for them to learn.

The theory that I believe highlights how I feel children learn is by

conditioning them. Rewards are a way for children to stay
interested. Also, repeating material is something that I always
find works very well. However, you have to be careful about how
you teach. It is one thing to remember information that is being
taught and another to get your students interested in what they
are learning. Thats why I believe that not only in conditioning,
but Maria Montessoris theory is also important. Children should
be free to learn at their own pace.


"Harris, Ian. The Mind of John Locke: A Study of Political Theory in Its
Intellectual Setting. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. Print.

"Big Picture." Big Picture. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2016 (Phineas Gage)

"Social Learning Theory Bandura Social Learning Theory." Learning

Theories. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Sept. 2016

"Psychology Home Page." Psychology Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept.
2016. (Clark Hull and Lev Vygotsky)

"Urie Bronfenbrenner And Child Development." Mental Help Urie

Bronfenbrenner and Child Development Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 11
Sept. 2016.

Remora, A. (2016). Harry and Rosemary Wong: Following Up on First Days.

Retrieved December 08, 2016, from


"Maria Montessori." Maria Montessori. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Sept.

Mcleod, Saul. "Simply Psychology." Simply Psychology. N.p.,
2014. Web. 11 Sept. 2016.
Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2016.
*all pictures were from this source.
"What Is DBT?" Home. Behavioral Tech, LLC, n.d. Web. 11
Sept. 2016.
"Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

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