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Shakespeares most famous works


Romeo and Juliet

Julius Ceasar
King Lear

1. Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is about the love of two stupid young adults
that love unsurprisingly went terribly wrong. This story has been
remade many times to relate to more modern time as in the
amazing Broadway show West Side Story. The two fall in love
but are easily blinded by it ending in their own destruction. This
love story is often taught to 9th grade students to show them that
young love is over rated and unrealistic.

2. Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar is a very determined political leader who wants to
become the dictator of Rome. Caesar is warned that he must
"beware the Ides of March" . After the prediction of Julius being
assassinated comes true because to the plotting of Marcus
Brutus and Cassius, Julius Caesars friend, Mark Antony,
provides the funeral speech Friends, Romans, and
countrymen Brutus and Cassius eventually meet their defeat
which brings the country into a civil war.

3. Macbeth
Macbeth finds some witches who tell him that he will be king.
Not stopping to think about how stupid it is to take advice from
witches, he decides to make it happen and kills the current king.
Driven to becoming King, Macbeth will continue to kill all and
any that get in his way. Macbeth's wife is active in Macbeth's
desire, cheering him on even after he fears hes gone to far.
After all of this, he has completely emotionally fallen into a pit of
darkness and ends up being killed anyways when he crosses
the line and completely massacres a guy's whole family. So, in
the end Macbeth kind of got what he deserved.

Prince Hamlet is depressed due to the reent death of his father.
He has returned home in Denmark from his boarding school in
Germany, only to discover that his mother, Gertrude, has
already remarried. surprised by the recent marriage of his
mother and Uncle Claudias, Hamlet researches and soon finds
that it was the kings brother, yes Uncle Claudias, who
murdered his uncle. This story was later adapted into The Lion

King Lear
The story of King Lear, an elderly king decides to divide his
kingdom amongst his three daughters. Goneril and Regan
who are the selfish daughters of King Lear pretend to love
him but are later cruel to him and treat him teriably.
Cordelia, the good one, is a loyal and unselfish daughter.
King Lear rejects Cordelia after confusing her honesty with
disrespect. The end of the play ends in death by numerous
methods including, but not limited to, poison and suicide.
Cordelia dies and King Lear, now emotionaly shattered,
also dies.

Shakespeare's Most
notable quotes

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As you like it

To be, or not to be: that is the


All the worlds a stage, and all the

men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their
entrances; And one man in his
time plays many parts

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Romeo and Juliet

Richard III

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art

thou Romeo?

Now is the winter of our


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Twelfth Night

Is this dagger which I see before

me, the handle toward my hand?

Be not afraid of greatness. Some

are born great, some achieve
greatness, and some have
greatness thrust upon em.

7 and 8
The Merchant of Venice

A Midsummer Nights Dream

If you prick us, do we not bleed? if

you tickle us, do we not laugh? if
you poison us, do we not die? and
if you wrong us, shall we not

The course of true love never did

run smooth.

9 and 10
Twelfth Night

If music be the food of love, play


Sonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a

summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more

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