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Chest Pain

LSU Medical Student Clerkship,

New Orleans, LA
Chest Pain

Review the pathophysiology, diagnosis and
treatment of life threatening causes of chest pain.
Chest Pain


5% of all ED visits
Approximately 5 million visits per year
Chest Pain

Visceral Pain

Visceral fibers enter the spinal cord at several levels leading

to poorly localized, poorly characterized pain. (discomfort,
heaviness, dull, aching)
Heart, blood vessels, esophagus and visceral pleura are
innervated by visceral fibers
Because of dorsal fibers can overlap three levels above or
below, disease of thoracic origin can produce pain anywhere
from the jaw to the epigastrum
Chest Pain

Parietal Pain

Parietalpain, in contrast to visceral pain, is

described as sharp and can be localized to the
dermatome superficial to the site of the painful
The dermis and parietal pleura are innervated
by parietal fibers.
Chest Pain

Initial Approach
ABCs first, always (look for conditions requiring
immediate intervention)
Aspirin for potential ACS


Cardiac and vital sign monitoring

Pain relief

Because of the wide differential, H+P will guide the

diagnostic workup
Chest Pain

O- onset
P-provocation /palliation

Q- quality/quantity

R- region/radiation

S- severity/scale

T- timing/time of onset
Chest Pain

Change in pain pattern

Associated symptoms: DOE, SOB,
diaphoresis, vomiting, heart burn, food

Social history

Chest Pain

Physical Exam
General Appearance and Vitals (sick vs not sick)
Chest exam
-Inspection (scars, heaves, tachypnea, work of
-Auscultation (murmurs, rubs, gallops, breath sounds)
-Percussion (dullness)
-Palpation (tenderness, PMI)
Chest Pain
Physical Exam

Neck: JVD, crepitence, bruits


Extremities: swelling, pulses, tenderness,

Chest Pain

Differential Diagnoses
Acute myocardial infarction, Acute coronary ischemia, Aortic dissection, Cardiac
Cardiovascular tamponade, Unstable angina, Coronary spasm, Prinzmetal's angina, Cocaine
induced, Pericarditis, Myocarditis, Valvular heart disease, Aortic stenosis, Mitral
valve prolapse, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Pulmonary embolus, Tension pneumothorax, Pneumothorax, Mediastinitis,

Pulmonary Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Tumor, Pneumomediastinum

Esophageal rupture (Boerhaave), Esophageal tear (Mallory-

Gastrointestinal Weiss), Cholecystitis, Pancreatitis, Esophageal spasm, Esophageal
reflux, Peptic ulcer, Biliary colic
Muscle strain, Rib fracture, Arthritis, Tumor, Costochondritis, Nonspecific chest
Musculoskeletal wall pain

Spinal root compression, Thoracic outlet, Herpes zoster, Postherpetic neuralgia

Psychologic, Hyperventilation
Chest Pain

Life Threatening Causes of Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes

Pulmonary Embolus

Tension Pneumothorax

Aortic Dissection

Esophageal Rupture

Pericarditis with Tamponade

Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes - Epidemiology

In a typical ED population of adults over the age
of 30 presenting with visceral-type chest pain,
about 15 percent will have AMI and 25 to 30
percent will have UA
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes - History

Typical Chest Pain Story (Pressure-like,
squeezing, crushing pain, worse with exertion,
SOB, diaphoresis, radiates to arm or jaw) The
majority of patients with ACS DO NOT present
with these symptoms!
Cardiac Risk Factors (Age, DM, HTN, FH,
smoking, hypercholesterolemia, cocaine abuse)
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes EKG Findings

STEMI - ST segment elevation (>1 mm) in
contiguous leads; new LBBB
T wave inversion or ST segment depression in
contiguous leads suggests subendocardial
5% of patients with AMI have completely normal
Chest Pain
Chest Pain
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes Cardiac Markers

Marker Initial Peak Return to Benefits

Rise normal
Troponin 2-4 hr 10 -24 hr 5 -10 days Sensitive and specific

CK-MB 3-4 hr 10-24 hr 2 4 days Unaffected by renal failure

LDH 10 hr 24 -72 hr 14 days

Myoglobin 1-2 hr 4 -8 hr 24 hours Very sensitive, powerful

negative predictive value
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes Cardiac Markers

Chest Pain

Wall abnormalities occur within minutes

Will detect abnormalities in 80% of AMI

Normal resting echo in setting of chest pain

gives low probability
Early screen for AMI complications:
aneurysms, valve abnormalities, other
structural destruction
Chest Pain
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes - Treatment

Chest Pain

Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
Chest Pain
Stress echocardiograms

Sensitivity 60-90%
Specificity 75% ?

Should be employed with moderate to high

risk stratification
Limitations of reader, image quality, and
previous functional impairment
Negative test has time limited value
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes - Treatment

STEMI (ASA, B-blocker, NTG, anti-platelet,
anticoagulation, thrombolysis, PCI)

NSTEMI (ASA, B-blocker, NTG, anti-platelet,

anticoagulation, PCI)

UnstableAngina (ASA, B-blocker, NTG,

anticoagulation, risk stratification)
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes - Disposition

Mortalityis twice as high for missed MI
Missed MI is the most successfully litigated
claim against EP's. EPs miss 3-5% OF AMI,
this accounts for 25% of malpractice costs
against EPs
Chest Pain

Acute Coronary Syndromes - Disposition

A single set of cardiac enzymes is rarely of use
Risk Stratification: goal is to predict the
likelihood of an adverse cardiovascular event
Combination of H+P, EKG, Biomarkers
No single globally accepted algorithm
Mathematical models such as TIMI, GRACE,
PURSUIT, and HEART can be helpful but are no
substitute for clinical judgment
Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism - Pathophysiology

Thrombosis of a pulmonary artery
>90% arise from DVT

Clot from a DVT travels through the venous

system and lodges in the pulmonary vasculature
creating a ventilation/perfusion mismatch
Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism History

Dyspnea is the most common symptom, present
in 90% of patients diagnosed with PE
Sharp pleuritic chest pain, syncope,

Prolonged immobilization, neoplasm, known

hypercoagulable disorder
Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism Physical Exam

Tachycardia,tachypnea, diaphoresis,
hypotension, hypoxia, low grade fever, anxiety,
cardiovascular collapse, right ventricular heave
Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism Diagnostic Testing

Sinus Tachycardia is the most frequent EKG
Classic S1,Q3,T3 finding is seen in less than
ABG plays no role in ruling out PE

D-Dimer in a low risk patient can be used to rule

out PE
Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism Wells Criteria

Clinical Signs and Symptoms of DVT? Yes +3
PE is #1 Diagnosis, or Equally Likely? Yes +3
Heart Rate > 100? Yes +1.5
Immobilization at least 3 days, or Surgery in the Previous 4
weeks? Yes +1.5
Previous, objectively diagnosed PE or DVT? Yes +1.5
Hemoptysis? Yes +1
Malignancy w/ Treatment within 6 mo, or palliative? Yes +1

<2 = Low risk, 2.5-6 = moderate risk, >6 = high risk

Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism Diagnostic Imaging Algorithm

Chest Pain

Pulmonary Embolism Treatment/Disposition

Unfractionated heparin vs low molecular weight

heparin (some studies suggest superiority of
Thrombolysis (for cardiovascular collapse)

Floor vs ICU
Chest Pain
Chest Pain
Chest Pain
Chest Pain
Chest Pain
Chest Pain
Chest Pain

Aortic Dissection - Pathophysiology

Intimal tear of the aorta leads to dissection of the

layers of the aorta creating a false lumen
Chest Pain

Aortic Dissection - Diagnosis

Tearing chest pain radiating to the back

Risk Factors: HTN, connective tissue disease

Exam: HTN, pulse differentials, neuro deficits

Radiology: Wide mediastinum on CXR, CT angio

chest, echo
Chest Pain
Chest Pain

Aortic Dissection - Classification

De Bakey system: Type I dissection involves both the

ascending and descending thoracic aorta. Type II
dissection is confined to the ascending aorta. Type III
dissection is confined to the descending aorta.
The Daily system classifies dissections that involve the
ascending aorta as type A, regardless of the site of the
primary intimal tear, and all other dissections as type B.
Chest Pain
Chest Pain

Aortic Dissection - Treatment

Patients with uncomplicated aortic dissections confined to the
descending thoracic aorta (Daily type B or De Bakey type III) are
best treated with medical therapy.
Medical Therapy: Goal to decrease the blood pressure and the
velocity of left ventricular contraction, both of which will decrease
aortic shear stress and minimize the tendency to further dissection.
Acute ascending aortic dissections (Daily type A or De Bakey type I
or type II) should be treated surgically whenever possible since these
patients are a high risk for a life-threatening complication such as
aortic regurgitation, cardiac tamponade, or myocardial infarction.
Chest Pain

Tension Pneumothorax - Pathophysiology

Collection of air in the pleural space causes

collapse of the ipsilateral lung and then
cardiovascular collapse as intrathoracic
pressures increase.
Chest Pain

Tension Pneumothorax - Diagnosis

Risk factors: COPD; connective tissue disease,

trauma, recent instrumentation, positive
pressure ventilation
Absent breath sounds unilaterally, hypotension,
distended neck veins, tracheal deviation
Chest Pain
Chest Pain

Tension Pneumothorax - Treatment

Needle decompression
Tube thoracostomy
Chest Pain

Esophageal Rupture - Pathophysiology

Tear in the esophagus leads to leaking of

gastrointestinal contents into the mediastinum
Inflammation followed by infection cause rapid
deterioration, sepsis and death
Chest Pain

Esophageal Rupture - Diagnosis

Rare but devastating

Risk Factors: Iatrogenic, heavy retching,
trauma, foreign bodies, toxic ingestion
Radiology: Mediastinal air on plain films or CT
Chest Pain

Subtle Not so subtle

Chest Pain

Chest Pain

Esophageal Rupture - Treatment


Supportive Care
Small tears with minimal extraesophageal
involvement can be managed conservatively
Surgical consult for all regardless of size
Chest Pain

Take Home Points

ABCs first
History is key

Have a low threshold for missed MI

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