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Chapter 1

Pengantar Penelitian

Apa, Mengapa, dan Bagaimana

Penelitian Bisnis
Tahapan Penelitian
Why Study Business Research?

research provides
information to
guide business
Research Should Help
Respond to Change

Enterprises have long recognized the need

to better sense and respond to business change.

Whats different today to access information and

real-time communications have fostered an
always on business culture where decision
making has become a just-in-time process.
Business Performance Management Forum
Penelitian adalah : investigasi yang sistematis, terkontrol,
empiris, dan kritis terhadap fenomena-fenomena (sosial,
ekonomi, dan bisnis) yang berkembang di dalam dunia nyata.

Penelitian adalah investigasi yang dilakukan menggunakan

metode ilmiah.

Metode ilmiah memiliki ciri-ciri :

Kritis dan Analitis
Konseptual dan Teoretis
Business Research Defined

A process of determining, acquiring,

analyzing, synthesizing, and disseminating
relevant business data, information, and
insights to decision makers in ways that
mobilize the organization to take
appropriate business actions that,
in turn, maximize business performance
Business Research Defined

Business research is defined as the systematic

and objective process of generating
information for aid in making business
decisions. (Zikmund, 2008)
Business Planning Drives
Business Research

Organizational Business
Mission Goals

Business Business
Strategies Tactics
Two Categories of Research

Applied Basic (Pure)

Research Based on the Purpose
1. Basic Research
Attempt to expand the limits of knowledge
Not directly involved in the solution to a practical problem
Example: research about customer satisfaction

2. Applied Research
Conducted when a decision must be made about a
specific real-life problem
Example: research to measure customer satisfaction
index of McDonalds Surabaya
Sumber: Zikmund, 2002

Basic Research Example

Is executive success correlated with high

need for achievement?
Are members of highly cohesive work
groups more satisfied than members of
less cohesive work groups?
Applied Research Examples
Should McDonalds add Italian pasta dinners
to its menu?
Business research told McDonalds it should
Should Procter & Gamble add a high-priced
home teeth bleaching kit to its product line?
Research showed Crest Whitestrips would
sell well at a retail price of $44
Types of Research based on the Approaches Taken
Types of Research based on the Approaches Taken
Quantitative Research
By the numbers
Analysis of data using statistical tools
Data is based on samples and populations
Subject/object of research is relatively large
(called respondent)

Di dalam rancangan penelitian kuantitatif secara
detail berisi:

Tetapkan informasi yang diperlukan

Jenis penelitian (eksperimentasi atau observasional, dan
eksploraif, diskriptif atau eksplanatif)
Pilih prosedur pengukuran (skala) yang digunakan
Konstruksi & uji coba instrumen penelitian (kuisioner)
Tetapkan Metode Pengumpulan Data
Pilih teknik sampling dan tentukan besar sampel
Kembangkan rencana metode analisis data
Types of Research based on the Approaches Taken

Qualitative Research
By the words, numbers are not primary
Analysis and interpretation based on
Case based
Subject/object of research is relatively
small (called informant)

Di dalam rancangan penelitian kualitatif secara
detail peneliti harus mengungkapkan:
Pertanyaan penelitian (research question), sehingga
peneliti dapat menemukan fokus yang harus diteliti.
Menyusun kajian pustaka dalam rangka menyususn
theoritical framework atau paradigma yang menjadi
landasan teorinya.
Dapat memberikan arah yang jelas tentang tujuan
Menjelaskan tentang ruang lingkup dan seting penelitian.
Cara pengumpulan dan pengklasifikasian data
Melihat keabsahan data
Cara menganalisis data.
Sources of Business Intelligence


Demographic Business
Intelligence Economic

Cultural &

Sumber: Cooper Schindler, 2006

Who Conducts Business

Internal External
Research Research
Department Suppliers

Business Communication Consultants Trade

Research Firms Agencies (cth: MARK Plus, Associations
(cth: MARS, Frontier, (cth: MATARI) Enciety) (cth: ASITA,
AC Nielsen) APRINDO, LP3I)
Who Conducts Business Research?

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