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Topic 6: Lines and Angles


Angles: geometric figure made up of two rays that share the same origin

Vertex: where the two rays intersect (also known as the origin)

Sides: the two rays form sides of the angle

Arc: the opening of the angle

Naming Angles

Angles are typically named by their vertex

Three letters are used to name the angle but numbers can also be used
The middle letter represents the vertex of the angle

The following angle can be identified as

where means angle and m means angle measure
Meausring Angles

Angles are measured in degrees and are measured using a protractor

Types of Angles

There are seven different types of angles:

Acute: between 0 and 90

Right: exactly 90

Obtuse: between 90 and 180

Angles in the Room

Where can we find angles in this room?

Can you create each of the angles using your body?

Angles in the World

What angles do you see?

Angles in the World

What angles do you see?

Angles in the World

What angles do you see?

Angles in the World

What angles do you see?

Angles in the World

What angles do you see?

Angles in the World

What angles do you see?

Angles in the World

What angles did you find in the world?




Using a Protractor
Measure the Angles
Draw the Angles

Draw 50 Draw 170

Draw 230 Draw 300

Angle Activity

Each student will receive two pieces of paper asking you to do one of the following:
Draw the angle
Connect and measure the angle
Measure the angle
Once you have completed the task, you must place the paper with the angle on it
into the basket that corresponds to its type!
Types of Lines

Lines: straight (no curves) that extends in both directions without end

Line Segments: part of a line that connects two points

Rays: a line with a start point but no end point

Naming Lines, Line Segments, and Rays
What Do You Notice About These Lines?
Parallel Lines

Parallel Lines: lines that are always the same distance apart and never
Parallel Lines

Parallel Lines: lines that are always the same distance apart and never
Drawing Parallel Lines
Perpendicular Lines

Perpendicular Lines: lines that meet at a right angle (90)

Drawing Perpendicular Lines

Midpoint: halfway between the two end points of a line segment

To calculate the midpoint we..

find the length of the line segment and divide by 2
Find Examples of Both Types of Lines
Lines Activity

You must now create your own city that contains the following
Three sets of streets that are parallel
Two avenues that are perpendicular to two of the streets
Be sure that you
Name your streets and avenues
Colour the streets a different colour than the avenues
Perpendicular Bisector

Perpendicular bisector of a segment: is a line that is perpendicular to the

segment at its midpoint
It is also an axis of symmetry of the segment

The measure of segment is written as m

The line segment is the perpendicular bisector of
We therefore know that m = m
Angle Bisector

Angle bisector: is the line or ray that divides an angle into two congruent
It is also an axis of symmetry of the angle

The ray is the angle bisector of CAD

We therefore know that CAB = BAD

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