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Using CANVA to

Create Cool
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Design is thinking
made visible.
-Saul Bass

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What is CANVA ?

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Canva makes
graphic design
amazingly simple
for everyone,
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it is the easiest to

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design program in
the world,

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design program in
the world,

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it enables anyone
to become a
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Canva gives you
everything you
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to easily turn
ideas into
stunning designs.
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Create designs for
Web or print: blog
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Facebook covers,
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invitations and so
much more.
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Lets Get Started !

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Open and click your favorite
browser :

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Go to https://www.canva.com

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Connect with your Facebook
Account or,

topanalyticalvirtualassistant 17
Sign in with your Google Account

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Type your email address here

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create your password

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then click : Sign up

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You will be directed to this page :

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You can create a design for a
Photo Collage,

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Presentation , Social media ,
Poster , Facebook Cover

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and Facebook Post or ,

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you can click More :

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You can choose a design for your
Social Media Posts ,

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Documents ,

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Marketing Materials ,

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Social Media and Email Headers ,

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Blogging and eBooks ,

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Events ,

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and Ads

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or you can just simply click : Use
custom dimensions

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type your desired width ,

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height ,

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unit ,

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the click Design

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You will be directed to this page :

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Lets Start with the Beginners
Challenge !

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Click on the circle to change

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it to your favorite color

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Click this this icon :

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Pick and select your favorite color

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The color is now change to your favorite

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Search for a hat and put in this

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Type hat in the search box and click

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Select the hat you desire and click

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Select the hat you desire and click

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Hold and drag the hat

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to the desired place in the picture

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This is what your finished product looks

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Add a Background to this page

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Click this icon :

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Select the background you want by

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clicking or dragging it to your page:

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Its now your background image

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Search for your favorite food

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and drag it to the frame

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Type your favorite food here

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Type your favorite food here

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Select the image you like ,

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then click or drag it to the page

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It is now your background

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Choose a Layout then click Uploads and
use your photos

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Click this icon to select your layout:

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Click or drag the layout you want

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Click this icon to upload your own

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Or this icon to upload images from your
Facebook account

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Select the image you want

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and click open

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Your image are now uploaded

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Hold and drag the image to the layout

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Your images are now in your layout :

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Essential Canva Tools

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On dark backgrounds , make your text

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On light backgrounds , make your text

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Change the text color by clicking the

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Click this icon to change the text color :

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Click the color you want to choose :

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The text color is now change

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Always use grids for your images

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Place the image of the dessert

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in the grid by dragging it

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The image, now fits in the grid

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When placing text over an image,

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consider using a Text Holder

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Click this icon to add a text holder

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Click the text holder you want to select

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Click the text holder you want to select

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Type the text inside the text holder

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It is now added in your image :

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To adjust the image in a frame

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, double click on it

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Drag the photo to adjust it to its desired

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Grids are a great way to layout your

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Click this icon to add a grid to follow :

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Click the grid you want to follow

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Your grid is now ready for

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your pictures that you uploaded

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Its your time now to start
your own design !

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Whoever renders service to
many puts himself in line for
greatness -- great wealth, great
return, great satisfaction, great
reputation, and great joy.
- Jim Rohn
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