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Present Continuous Tense
POSITIVE (+) S + be(am/is/are) + The ships are
present participle sailing
He is smiling
NEGATIVE (-) S + be(am/is/are) + The ships are not
not + present sailing
participle He is not smiling

INTERROGATIVE (?) be(am/is/are) + S + are the ships

presentparticiple? sailing?
Is he smiling?
She is brushing the bathroom
Present continuous tense
untuk membicarakan suatu aksi
yang sedang terjadi sekarang. Im driving a car to Bandung

Im spending my holiday on Kuta

Present continuous tense beach next month.
untuk membicarakan suatu
rencana atau perpindahan ke
You cant call me this night. Im
suatu tempat/kondisi.
going to my best friends

Why is the wild dog always

barking at me?
Present continuous tense
untuk mengungkapkan
kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi
Im getting sick of you always
berulang kali.
asking the same questions.
1. Who next to your boss?
A. is sitting b. Sits
2. The ship that transports goods at this port of at 5:30
A. is arriving B. are arriving
3. Surprisingly, he very patient and helpful to everyone.
A. Be B. is being
4. My friend for Human Resources jobs in Jakarta.
A. is looking B. Looks
5. Vina and I how to cook French food.
A. Learn B. are learning
6. Is she flower-arranging at the flower show now?
A. Learning B. learn
7. The sun brightly today.
A. is shining B. shines
8. The students in small groups.
A. are working B. is working
9. We are not a trip to Thailand during rainy season.
A. Planning B. plan
Contoh Present
Kalimat Rumus
Perfect Tense

S + aux. I have read the book

verb(have/has) + V-
3/past participle He has left
I have not read the
S + aux.
negatif book
verb(have/has) + not
+ V-3/past participle He hasnt left

aux. verb(have/has) Have I read the book

+ S + V-3/past
participle Has he left
Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

Can you recommend the most delicious

seafood restaurant in this town? Yes, Ive
Present perfect tense untuk visited all of them.
mengungkapkan kejadian di masa lalu
tanpa peduli kapan tepatnya terjadi.
Ive read this book.

Present perfect tense untuk

menunjukkan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi Shehas calledyou three times.
berulang kali dimasa lampau (
adverb of number dapat digunakan).

I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months.

Present perfect tense untuk

mengungkapkan aktivitas atau situasi yang She has studied in French since April.
dimulai pada masa lampau kemudian
dilanjutkan sampai sekarang (belum
selesai). My brother has worked already/lately/ up
to now.

Ive just sent you an email.

Present perfect tense untuk
membicarakan event yang baru saja terjadi
(adverb justdapat digunakan). The rains just stopped.
(Hujan baru saja berhenti.)
Account Receivable Piutang
Actualing Pengawasan
Assets Aktiva
Average Cost Rata-rata harga
Average product Jumlah produk total
Balance sheet Neraca
Bond Obligasi
Break Event Point Titik impas
Budget Anggaran
Capital Modal
Vocabularies of family
Grandparents = Kakek-nenek Uncle = Paman
Grandfather = Kakek Aunt = Bibi
Grandmother = Nenek Niece = Keponakan pr
Husband = Suami Nephew = Keponakan lk
Wife = Istri Cousin = Sepupu
Parent = Orang tua Parent-in-law = Mertua
Father = Ayah Son-in-law = Menantu lk
Mother = Ibu Daughter-in-law = Menantu
Daughter = Anak perempuan pr
Son = Anak laki-laki Step child = Anak tiri
Sister = Saudara pr Stepson = Anak tiri lk
Brother = Saudara lk Stepdaughter = Anak tiri pr
Granddaughter = Cucu pr
Grandson = Cucu lk
Adoption = Adopsi children (jamak dari child) =
adoptive father = Ayah dari anak-anak
adopsi clan = klan (keluarga besar)
adoptive mother = Ibu dari close-knit = hubungan erat
adopsi connection = koneksi,
ancestor = nenek moyang, hubungan
leluhur dad = Ayah
bachelor = perjaka daddy = ayah
birth mother = ibu kandung descendant = keturunan,
blood relative = kerabat anak-cucu
sedarah divorce = perceraian
bride = pengantin pr engaged = bertunangan
bridegroom = pengantin lk engagement = tunangan
brotherhood = estranged = diasingkan
persaudaraan ex- = mantan, bekas
brotherly = (bersifat)
brother-in-law = Saudara
ipar lk
care-giver = orang yang
mengurus anggota keluarga
child = anak
childhood = masa anak-
ex husband = mantan suami granny = nenek
ex wife = mantan istri great-granddaughter = cicit pr
extended family = keluarga (anak dari cucu)
besar great-grandfather = buyut lk
family tree = pohon keluarga great-grandmother = buyut pr
fiance = pasangan tunangan great-grandparent = buyut
flesh and blood = darah great-grandson = cicit lk
daging (anak dari cucu)
folks = sanak saudara great-aunt = bibi dari orang
foster child = anak angkat tua
foster father = ayah angkat great-uncle = paman dari
foster mother = ibu angkat orang tua
foster parent = orang tua groom = mempelai lk
angkat grownup = dewasa
fraternal = persaudaraan half-brother
friend = teman half-sister
fraternal twin = saudara heir = ahli waris
genealogy = silsilah
grandpa = kakek
gramps = kakek (lebih
grandma = nenek
heiress = ahli waris pr. marriage = pernikahan
Helpmate = pembantu (suami mate = kawan, kerabat,
istri) pasangan, dsb.
Hereditary = turun-temurun Maternal = keibuan,
Heritage = warisan berhubungan dengan ibu
History = sejarah Matriarch = ibu sebagai
Home = rumah pemimpin keluarga
Household = rumah tangga Matrimony = ikatan suci
identical twin = kembar pernikahan
identik Minor = orang yang belum
inherit = mewarisi, ahli waris dewasa
inheritance = warisan Miss = nona
infant = bayi baru lahir Mom = Ibu
infancy = masa bayi Mommy = Ibu
juvenile = anak muda, remaja Monogamy = pernikahan
kin = kerabat, sanak famili tunggal (beristri satu)
kindred = keluarga Mother = ibu
kinfolk = kerabat Mr. = Tuan
kinship = kekerabatan Mrs. = Nyonya
kith = kenalan-kenalan, Ms. = Nona
handai taulan, sanak keluarga Natal = Kelahiran
lineage = garis silsilah Newlywed = Pasangan baru
keluarga menikah
love = cinta, kasih sayang nuclear family = keluarga inti
nurture = pengasuhan sisterhood = persaudaraan
offspring = keturunan sisterly = (bersifat)
orphan = yatim-piatu persaudaraan
partner = Rekan stepbrother = saudara tiri lk.
paternal = berhubungan stepdad = Ayah tiri
dengan Ayah stepdaughter = anak tiri pr.
pop = Ayah (panggilan) Stepfather = Ayah tiri
posterity = anak-cucu Stepmom = ibu tiri
progenitor = nenek moyang Stepmother = ibu tiri
progeny = anak-cucu, Stepsister = saudara
keturunan perempuan
quadruplets = kembar empat Stepson = anak tiri lk.
quints = kembar lima surrogate mother = wali pr.
related = berhubunagan erat Tribe = suku
relations = relasi, hubungan Triplets = kembar tiga
relative = sanak kerabat Trust = kepercayaan
second cousin = sepupu Trustworthy = dapat
kedua dipercaya
separation = perceraian twin sister = saudara kembar
sibling = saudara kandung pr.
single =lajang Wedding = pernikahan
Wedlock = ikatan pernikahan
Wife = istri
Youth = kaum muda

In a global economy, increasingly organizations have a

responsibility to facilitate, demonstrate and promote
corporate social responsibility (CSR). Long-term
sustainability demands that organization rethink their
business goals and objectives from solely focusing on
making a profit to corporate citizenship. Today, the
impact of CSR is beginning to be seen in communities
throughout the worldfrom human right and labor
practices to health care and the environment. At home
and abroad, HR plays a critical rolethat of leading and
educating their firms regarding the importance of CSR
while at the same time strategically implementing sound
HR management practices that support the companys
business and CSR goals.
Today, there are many references to corporate social responsibility (CSR),
sometimes referred to as corporate citizenship, in our worplaces, in the media,
in the government, in our communities. While there is no agreed-upon
definition, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines CSR
as the business commitment and contribution to the quality of life of employees,
their families and the local community and society overall to support
sustainable economic development. Simply put, the business case for CSR
establishing a positive company reputation and brand in the public eye through
good work that yield a competitive edge while at the same time contributing to
othersdemand that organizations shift from solely focusing on making a profit
to including financial, environmental and social responsibility in their core
business strategies. Despite what that phrase corporate social responsibility
suggest, the concept is not restricted to corporations but rather is intended for
most types of organizations, such as associations, labor unions, organization
that serve the community for scientific, educational, artistic, public health or
charitable purposes, and governmental agencies.
In the late 1990s, CSR began to gain momentum
as pressure from consumers, the media,
activists and various public organizations
demanded that companies contribute to society.
In large part, the increasing focus on CSR has
been fueled by a number of events in recent
years, such as the highly publicized financial
scandals of Enron and WorldCom, alleged
sweatshop labor by retail clothing and sports
shoe manufactures and the alleged under-the-
table deals that companies such as Halliburton
have received. Now, reputation, brand, integrity
and trust are increasingly considered important
measures of corporate social responsibility
HR and Community Relations
One of the most visible CSR initiatives is community
relations. Strong community relations can have a positive
impact on company reputation and brand. Through
community programs that highlight the company doing good
work, HR can link critical issuesdecreasing turnover,
savings on cost per hire and attracting talented individuals
to CSR and the bottom line. There are many other possibilities
that HR leaders could explore to match both company and
community needs (e.g., cultural facilities for the community,
recreational facilities for employees and their families, an
education project to help prepare tomorrows workforce). For
example, employees high-tech companies could work with
students on science projects that require technical skills.
Reputation and brand enhancement

Company reputation and brand are greatly influenced by public perception.

For example, in the largest global survey of the publics expectations, the
millennium poll on corporate social responsibility documented that over 25,000
individuals across 23 countries on six continents revealed they form their
impressions of companies by focusing on corporate citizenship and two out of
three people want companies to go beyond making money and contribute to
broader society goals. Increasingly, there are success stories that show
companies are listening to the public. A recent example is that of Ecolab of St.
Paul, Minnesota, that quickly developed new products to address unexpected
hazards with an antimicrobial disinfectant product in response to food and
mouth disease in livestock and another new product to combat SARS at the
Toronto airport.
Today, companies are also seeking avenues of public acknowledgment of their employer
brand. For example, Business Ethics Corporate social Responsibility Report
publishes a list of the 100 best corporate citizens. Companies are ranked by
social scores regarding environment, community and customer relations,
employee relationships, and diversity. One of the 2004 winners was Proctor &
Gamble, which donated funds to help disadvantaged youth in Vietnam, combat
childhood malnutrition in India and provide earthquake relief in Turkey
Another critical aspect of reputation and brand, as a CSR success
factor, is the impact on a companys sustainabilitythat is, the
conditions or characteristics that support an organization to
continue its business, including environmental, social and economic
aspects of the company. Ultimately, the environmental, social and
economic health of a company transfers into dollars that either
directly or indirectly affect reputation and brand, and thus bottom
line. For example, a company whose product contributes to the
safety of the environment will likely be favorably viewed by the
public. Or, a company that supports community events may generate
public approval.
Risk management
Managing investor confidence is another factor supporting the business case
for CSR. Today, the financial community is examining organizations CSR
report cards and their risk profile. The rapid rise of socially responsible
investment illustrates that corporate citizenship is becoming a key measure
that in investor consider when aligning ethical concern with publicly held
Ex. 4. Choose the words with similar meaning
from two columns and arrange them in pairs.

1) costs (n) a) supply, equip, outfit
2) monitor (v) b) b) expenses, outlay
3) flair (n) c) control, manage
4) entrepreneur (n) d) skill, talent, inclination
5) forecast (n) e) employer
6) provide (v) f) responsible
7) job-setting (n) g) place of work
8) liable (a) h) prediction, prophecy
Ex. 5. Complete the sentences using the words given below.
1. means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2. An is a person who sets up business and business deals.
3. A is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.
4. The industry will have to pass its increased on to the consumer.
5. The management will accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.
6. He has always been for his children.
7. The of the job include a car and free health insurance.
8. He wont as an economist until next year.
9. An individual hoping to start up a new company needs to have entrepre- neurial or
10. Unfortunately of higher profits did not come true.
11. Economists are concerned with the production, and .

Words for reference: self-employed, forecasts, benefits or fringe benefits, qualify, flair,
entrepreneurial, costs, provide, liable; tycoon, distribution, consumption.

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