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Speech to

Group 4
Eva Octaviani
Ghina Nuha Mufidah
Libelry Karidavia Putri
Rizqi Abdurrahman
Redina Rizky Utami
Siti Dwi Rukmana Annur
Definition of speech to persuade
A persuasive speech is a specific
type of speech in which the speaker
has a goal of convincing the
audience to accept his or her point of
view. The speech is arranged in such
a way as to hopefully cause the
audience to accept all or part of the
expressed view.
The ways to persuade audience
The goal of argumentative writing and
speaking is to persuade your audience
that your ideas are valid, or more valid
than someone else's.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle
divided the means of persuasion,
appeals, into three categories.
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
Ethos (Credibility), or ethical appeal,
means convincing by the character of
the author. We tend to believe people
whom we respect. One of the central
problems of argumentation is to
project an impression to the reader
that you are someone worth listening
to, in other words making yourself as
author into an authority on the subject
of the paper, as well as someone who
is likable and worthy of respect.
Pathos (Emotional) means persuading by
appealing to the reader's emotions. We can look
at texts ranging from classic essays to
contemporary advertisements to see how
pathos, emotional appeals, are used to
persuade. Language choice affects the
audience's emotional response, and emotional
appeal can effectively be used to enhance an

Logos (Logical) means persuading by the use

of reasoning. the logic used to support a claim
(induction and deduction); can also be the facts
and statistics used to help support the
3 Types of Issue in Persuasion

1. Issues of fact
When you deliver a persuasive speech dealing
with an issue of policy you will try to persuade
your listeners that someone or some group
SHOULD (or must or ought to) do something
specific in order to solve an important problem.
Note that important word: "should". It will right
there in your Specific Purpose Statement.

example : To persuade my audience that this

college should build an addition parking
2. Issues of value
When you deliver a persuasive
speech dealing with an issue of
fact, you will be attempting to get
your audience to agree with you
that something is a fact, or is true
(or is not a fact not true).

Example : To persuade my audience

that brown sugar causes cancer.
3. Issues of policy.
When you deal with an issue of
value youll try to persuade you
audience that something is moral or
immoral, ethical or unethical, fair or
unfair, just or unjust, etc
Example : To persuade my audience
that political campaign using public
figure is justice.
How speech can be delivered?
Depends on factors beyond the
words of the speech.
The willingness of the audience to
accept a new view
The body language of the speaker
The environment in which the speech
is given
Example of Speech to
Advantages of using traditional medicine
1. The herb more effective for long-
standing health complaints. The side
affects also few and it means more
suitable to our health.
2. The cost is minimal. Some of herb can
be plant in our house.
3. Herbal medicine is very effective in
reduce excess weight. It can decrease
the risk to get obesity.
4. It is easy to find in any pharmacy or
health store. No need to bought with a
Disadvantages of using modern medicine

1. Modern medicine aims at symptoms of an

illness -like the pain, or the skin, or the cold etc.
2. Modern medicine treats only one or some parts
of the body at a time. This means illnesses like
cancer can appear elsewhere after a while.
3. Modern Medicine gives quick results in most
cases but has to be kept going on and on or the
effects will stop.
4. Modern Medicine have a quite dangerous side
5. If we mistaken the usage of the dosage it would
be a fatal reaction.

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