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SGD B6 2012
Faculty of Medicine

HUMOR Methode

Laugh : is a mental or emotional and physio-logical expression
through facial expressions and can devided into two, a set of
motion and sound products (Mohammed, 2011).
"regulated" by the emotional center of the brain structure called
the limbic system
The limbic system plays a role in regulating human emotion
either positive or negative emotions (Aswin, 2005; & Pasiak,
Laughing can reduce the circulation of the two hormones in the
body, ie epinephrine and cortisol released during stress by
IF the hormone is released it can impede the healing process. So
in a state of happiness or laughter, it will release the hormone
endorpine hypothalamus, which serves to reduce the pain and
increased immunity
Muhammad, A. (2011). Tertawalah biar Sehat. Jakarta: Diva Press.
Pasiak, T. 2004. Membangunkan raksasa tidur optimalkan kemampuan otak anda dengan metode alissa. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Aswin, S. (2006). Diktat kuliah psikologi faal. Yogyakarta: UGM.

Modern laughter therapy began in 1930, Some hospitals

invite a clown to entertain children with polio.
In 1964, Norman Cousins published Anatomy of an Illness
which documented real case of a positive effect of humor to
the disease. (Laughter Therapy 2010; & Mohammed, 2011)
At that time, Norman Cousins Cousins was diagnosed with
ankylosing spondylitis, that causes the disintegration of the
spinal tissue.
Cousins decided to do therapy humor to entertain himself. In
practice, Cousins found that 15 minutes of laugh out loud can
produce sleep without pain for 2 hours. Blood samples also
showed that the rate of spread of the disease has decreased
Muhammad, A. (2011). Tertawalah biar Sehat. Jakarta: Diva Press.
Terapi Tawa. (2010). Terapi Tawa. Diunduh dari http://www.holistic-online. com/ Humor_Therapy/humor_therapy_introduction.htm.
BASIC THEORY (Prasetyo, Nurtjahjanti. 2012)
1. Breathing (Breathing)
Referred to as pranayama breathing.
Pranayama breathing techniques are late with the plan and
rhythmic arm movements that helped create re-laksasi
physical and mental (Kataria, 2004: 28).
Pranayama has somewhat mind-impact and provide more oxygen
to the body tissues, and increase vital capacity of the lungs
thereby increasing the capacity to laugh.
2. Physical Relaxation
Movement of rhythmic applause and laughter yoga techniques.
This exercise can provide additional refreshment and physical
stamina. In laughter yoga techniques which use Physical
Relaxation as part of the alignment of the body and mind is the
movement of laughter in step 3-15.
Prasetyo, Nurtjahjanti. 2012. Pengaruh Penerapan Terapi Tawa terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Stres Kerja pada Pegawai Kereta Api. Jurnal
Psikologi Undip, 11(1), 59-73
BASIC THEORY (Prasetyo, Nurtjahjanti. 2012)
3. Developing Communication Skills
Laughter brings people and improve interpersonal relationships.
4. Finding Social Support
Social support is one of the techniques of coping to stress, which whole
movement laughter involves the interaction of others.
Social Movement Support appeared in several steps : greeting laughter,
laughter awards, silent soundless laughter, laughter humming with
mouth closed, swinging laughter, lion laughter, laughter phones,
laughter forgive and familiarity.
5. Mental Relaxation
Mental relaxation are at the end of the closing session of laughter, using 2
slogans and quiet time with both hands raised up and closed his eyes
in a few minutes.
Movement on this closure technique based on the basic principle that
mental relaxation Hasya Yoga done to align the body, mind and spirit
so as to reduce anxiety or stress.
Prasetyo, Nurtjahjanti. 2012. Pengaruh Penerapan Terapi Tawa terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Stres Kerja pada Pegawai Kereta Api. Jurnal
Psikologi Undip, 11(1), 59-73

Humor has been shown to increase lung capacity, strengthen

abdominal muscles, and increase immunoglobulin.
Humor causes reductions in cortisol, growth hormones, and
epinephrine , natural killer cell activity, immunoglobulin G and
immunoglobulin M levels increase for as long as 12 hours and
theseevaluations bring about beneficial health outcomes.
(Wanzer & Booth, 2005)
The use of humor consistently results in improvements in pain
thresholds [29].
Humor also leads to the release of endorphins in the brain,
which help to control pain
Pain management together with humor was found to be more
effective than painmanagement alone. (Mahony et.al.,2001)

Wanzer, M., Booth, B.M., & Booth, B.S. 2005. If we didnt use humor, wed cry: humorous coping
communication in health care settings. Journal of Health Communication, 10(2), 105125.
Mahony, D.L., Burroughs, W.J., & Hieatt, A.C. 2001. The effects of laughter on discomfort thresholds: does
expectation become reality?. Journal of General Psychology, 128 (2), 217226.

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