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1. Working principle of steam power plant.
2. Purpose of draught.
3. Types of draught.
4. Economizer.
5. Advantage of economizer.
6. Air pre-heater.
7. Types of air pre-heater.
8. Super Heater.
9. Type of Super Heater.
10. Advantages of Super-heater.
11. Feed water Treatment.
12. PH value of water.
13. Stem condenser.
14.Feed water Heaters.
15.Types of steam condenser.
16.Advantages disadvantages of a source condenser.
17.Types of cooling Tower.
18.Factors of cooling Tower. 1

Working principle of steam power plant:

A steam power plant using steam as working substation
works basically cycle. Coal received in coal storage yard of
power station is transferred in the furnace by coal handling
unit. Heat produced due to burning of coal is utilized in
converting water contained in boiler drum into steam at
suitable pressure and temperature . The steam generated is
passed through the super heater. Superheated steam then
flows through the turbine. After doing work in the turbine
the pressure of the steam is reduced. Steam leaving the
turbine passes through the condenser which maintain the
low pressure of steam at the exhaust of turbine. Steam
pressure in the condenser depends upon flow rate and
temperature of the cooling water and on effectiveness of air
removal equipment water circulating through the condenser
may be taken from the various sources, such as- river, take
or sea. 2
If sufficient quantity of
water is not available the
hot water coming out of
the condenser may be
cooled in cooling towers
and circulated again
through the condenser.
Air taken from the
atmosphere is first passed
through the air
preheated, where it is
heated by flue gases. The
hot air then passes over
boiler and super heater
tubes, flow through the
dust collector and then 3
Purpose of Draught:
1. The purpose of draught is as follows- To supply
require amount of
air to the furnace for the combustion of fuel.
2. To remove the gaseous of combustion.

Types of draught:
1. Natural draught.
2. Mechanical draught.
3. Steam- jet draught.


1. Natural draught:
If only a chimney is used to create the necessary
draught, the system is called natural draught
system. It is used in boiler of smaller capacities.
Natural draught is created by the difference in
weight of a column of cold eternal air and that of
similar column of hot gases in the chimney. This
system is dependent upon the height of chimney
and average temperature of the gases in the
2. Mechanical draught:
If in addition to chimney a forced draught (F.D) fan
or an induced draught (I.D) fan or both are used.
The system is called mechanical draught system .In
boiler of larger capacities, fans are employed 5to

Types of Mechanical
1) Induced draught.
2) Forced draught.
3) Balance draught.
1) Induced draught:
Induced draught system shown in fig
is created by chimney and for
located in the gas passage on the
chimney side of the boiler. In this
system gas movement is achieved as
result of a vacuum. The far sucks in
gas from the boiler side and
discharge it to the chimney. (Fig:- Induced draught.)

2) Forced draught:
In forced draught system as
shown in fig the fan installed
near the boiler base supplies the
air at a pressure above that of
atmosphere and delivers it
through air duct to the furnace.
Most height combustion
equipment employs forced
draught fans for supplying air to
the furnace.
Fig: Forced Draught

3) Balanced draught
Balanced draught system
(shown in fig) is a combination
of induced and forced draught
system. The forced draught
fan forces the air through the
fuel bed on to the top of grate
and the induced draught fan
sucks in gases from the boiler
side and discharge then then
to the chimney.
Fig: Balanced draught
3. Stem-jet draught:
Stem jet draught may be induced or forced draught,
depending upon the location of steam jet producing the
draught. Induced draught is used in locomotive boilers.
Economizer is a device indented for heating the feed water by
mean of flue gases from boiler. It consists of series of steel
tubes through which the feed water flow. The combustion gases
pass over the tubes and transfer some of their hat to the feed
water. The boiler efficiency rises by 1% for each 10 F rise in
feed water temperature.

Fig: An Economizer.
There are two type of Economizer:
1. Parallel flow: When the gas and water flow are in
the same direction, then it is called
parallel flow.
2. Counter flow: When the gas and water flow are in
opposite direction, then it is called counter flow.

Advantages of Economizer:
The advantage of an economizer are as follows,
1. It is reduce the losses of heat with the flue gases.
2. It reduces the consumption of fuel.
3. It improves the efficiency of the boiler installation.


The heat carried with the flue gases coming out of the economizer are
further utilized for preheating the air before supplying to the
combustion chamber. It has been found that an increase of 20c in the
air temperature increases the boiler efficiency by 1%.In air preheated
air passes through the tubes and flue gases pass over the tubes and
transfer the heat to the air.

Types of air preheater :

There are two types of air preheater Such as,
1. Tubelar type air preheater.
2. Plate type air preheater.

1. Tubelar type air
preheater: PLANT
Typical arrangement of
tubelar air pre-heater is
shown in fig . The flue
gases flow through the
tubes and air is passed
over the outer surface
of the tubes. The
horizontal baffles are
pro-vided to increase
time of contact which
will help for higher heat
transfer. The steel tubes
3m to 10m. In height
and 6 cm to 8 cm in Fig: Tubelar type air preheater.

diameter are commonly 12

2. Plate type STEAM air POWER
A plate type heater is
shown in fig. It consists of
rectangular flat plates
spaced from 1.5 to 2.5 cm
a part leaving alternative
air and gas passages. In
plate type air preheater
the air absorbs heat from
the hot gases being swept
through the heater at high
velocity on the opposite
side of a plate. This type of
air pre heater is not used
in modern installations as Fig: Plate type air preheater.
it is more expensive both
as to first cost and 13
Super-heater: PLANT
The steam produced in the boiler is nearly saturated this steam as such should
not be used in the turbine because the dryness fraction of the steam having
boiler will be low. This result in the presence of moisture which causes
corrosion of turbine blades etc. To raise the temperature of steam super-heater
is used. It consists of several tube circuits in parallel with one or more return
bends connected between headers. Superheated tube range from 1to 2 inch of
diameter. The use of superheated steam increases turbine efficiency.

Fig: Inner deck Super-heater. 14

Types of Super heater:

1. Convective super heater.

2. Radiant Super heater.
3. Combination of the two.

Advantages of Super-heated steam:

1. Super-heated steam has an increased capacity to work due to a
higher heat contact.
2. Super-heating raises the over all efficiency of the plant.
3. Super-heating of steam avoids the erosion of turbine blades.

Feed water Treatment:
Natural water supplies are contain solid , liquid and gaseous
impurities and this water can not be used for the generation of
steam in the boilers .The various impurities present in the natural
may be in the following forms-

1. Dissolved salts; such as:- carbonate, sulphates, chlorides of

calcium, sodium and magnesium.
2. Sometimes some iron, aluminum or silica salts are also present.
3. Dissolved gases; such as:- CO2 , O2 and SO2 Mineral acids.
4. Suspended matter; such as:- alumina and silica may be present as
mud and salt.

These impurities may cause the following troubles:
1. Scale formation.
2. Corrosion.
3. Foaming & Priming.
4. Embrittlement.

Scale Formation:
Impurities present in the water may cause scale formation in the
boiler drums of header tubes and feed water piping system. This will
reduce the heat transfer rate and will cause over-heating of tubes
which may result in blistering and rupturing. Scale is due mainly to
salt of calcium and magnesium, when scale has formed the tubes
should be cleaned with water or electric powered rotary brushes and
cutters. Which are pushed through the tubes during boiler overhauls.
Corrosion: PLANT
Corrosion may occur in the boiler shell, tubes plates due to acidity present
in water. This reduces the life of construction materials. Corrosion takes
place due to the presence of oxygen carbon-die-oxide or chlorides
dissolved in water. Corrosion due to oxygen produces small pits.

Foaming & priming:

A layer of foam is caused in the boiler sand insoluble salts and other
organic impurities, oil and other impurities, which may be present in
boiler water may cause forming. To prevent foaming and priming the
following precautions should be observed.
1. Oil soap and other suspended impurities should not be present in
the boiler water.
2. Various valve should not be opened suddenly to maximum.
3. Water in the boiler should be at its minimum possible level.
Embrittlement: PLANT
Presence of certain concentration of sodium hydro-oxide cause
embrittlement. Due to this the boiler metal becomes brittle and inner cracks
appear along the seams below the water level.

Methods of Feed water Treatment:

It is desirable that the water to be in the boiler should be free from
various impurities. The different treatments adopted to remove the
various impurities are as follows-

1. Mechanical Treatment.
2. Thermal Treatment.
3. Chemical Treatment.
4. Demineralization.
5. Blow-down.

Blow- down: PLANT
If Water entering the boiler may contain some dissolved solids.
The concentration, of these solids goes increasing as the water is
vaporized. Beyond a certain limit of these solids may cause
foaming and priming. The concentration of these solids can be
reduced by drawing off some of the quantity of the boiler water
from the bottom of boiler drum. Draining off some of the boiling
water carrying excessive concentration solids and replacing it
with fresh water keeps the solid. Concentration with in safe
limits. This process is know as bowling down and discharged
water is called blow down. The blow down mainly curtains the
undesirable impurities which concentrate at the bottom of drum.
As a result of blow down concentration of these impurities inside
the boiler drum can be temporarily reduced. Therefore a boiler
may have periodical blow down so that of impurities can be kept
within permissible limits.
PH value of water: PLANT
It is the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration in
water. I.e. = log 1/H
In water either (OH-) or H predominates causing either an alkaline
or acidic condition. Acidity or al kali-nifty is measured in value
ranging from 1to 14. value.1 is strongly acidic; and value 14 is
strongly basic . value 7 indicates a neutral solution.
Feed water Heaters:
Feed water are used to heat the feed water before it is supplied to the
boiler. Heating of boiler feed water serves the following purposes-
1. It causes scale forming dissolved salts to precipitate outside that
2. It removes dissolved gases; such as- O2 and co2 which corroded
boiler metal.
3. By using preheated feedPLANT
water the steaming capacity of boiler is
4. It avoid the thermal stresses which can be induced in the boiler
surface by cold water entering a hot drum.
Steam condenser:
A steam condenser is meant to receive the exhaust steam from the turbine or
engine, condense it and maintain a pressure at the exhaust lower than atoms-
phonic .Air inside the condenser should be pumped out continuously in
order to maintain the vacuum. Steam pressure in condenser depends mainly
on the flow rate and temperature of the cooling water and on the
effectiveness of air removal equipment.
Types of steam condenser:
1. Surface condenser.
2. Jet condenser.
Surface condenser:
In surface condenser there is no direct contact between the steam and
cooling water and the condenser can be re-used in the boiler. In such
condenser even impure water can be used for cooling purpose. Although
the capital cost and space needed is more in surface condenser but it is
justified byte saving in running cost and increase in efficiency of plant.

Jet condenser :
In jet condenser the exhaust steam and cooling water come in
direct contact with each other. The temperature of cooling
water and condensate is same when leaving the condensers.

Advantages of a surface condenser:
The various advantages of a surface condenser are as follows-
1. The condensate can be used as boiler feed water.
2. Cooling water of even poor quality can be used because the
cooling water does not come in direct contact with steam.
3. High vacuum can be obtained in the surface condenser. This
increases the thermal efficiency of the plant.

Disadvantages of a surface condenser:

The various disadvantages of the surface condenser are as follows-
1. The capital cost is more.
2. The maintenance cost and running cost of the condenser is high.
3. It is bulky and require more space.

Cooling Tower: The different type of cooling tower are as follows-
1. Atmospheric cooling tower.
2. Natural draught cooling tower
3. Forced or induced draught cooling tower.
Atmospheric cooling
In the cooling tower hot
water is allowed to fall over
louvers. The air flowing
across in transverse-
direction cools the falling
water. These towers are used
for small capacity power
plant such as- diesel power Fig: Atmospheric cooling tower.

plant. 26
Natural draught cooling tower:
In natural draught cooling tower, the hot water from the
condenser is pumped to the trough and nozzles situated
near bottom .Troughs spray the water which falls in the
form of droplets into a pond situated at bottom of the
tower. The air enters the- cooling tower from air opening
provided near the Thebase circuit
rises upward and take up heat of
ting water.
water is delivered to the
upper part of the watering
unit where it flows down and
gives its heat to the
surrounding air. The cooled
water flow into the tank and
is circulated through the Fig: Natural draught cooling tower.
Tower made up of the concrete are preferred because
they are stable against larger air pressure their
maintenance cost is low and they have larger capacity. 27
Forced or induced draught cooling tower:
In this tower draught fan is installed at the bottom of tower. The hot
water from the condenser enter the nozzles. The water is sprayed over
the tower filling stats and the rising air cools the water.

Fig: Forced or induced draught cooling tower.

Factors of the cooling tower: The various factors that affect
cooling water in a cooling tower are as follows-
1. Size and height of cooling tower
2. Velocity of air entering the tower.
3. Temperature of hot water coming out of
condenser .
4. Temperature of air .
5. Humidityofof cooling
Maintenance air. tower: In order to achieve the desired
cooling and to reduce the depreciation costs the regular maintenance
of cooling tower is essential. The fans motor housing etc. should be
inspected from time to time. Motor bearing should be greased and gear
blues oiled. Any unusual noise or vibrations in then should be
checked for structural weakness. The circulating water should be
tested for hardness- and should kept from impurities to avoid scale
formations and avoid corrosive action of water. The water spraying
nozzles should be inspected regularly for cooling. 29
Boiler is a closed vessel in which water is converted into steam by the
application of heat produced by the combustion of fuel (solid, liquid,
Classification of Boiler:
According to the contents in the tube:
1. Fire tube boiler
2. Water tube boiler
According to the position of the furnace:
3. Internally fire boiler
4. Externally boiler
According to the axis of the shell:
5. Vertical boiler
6. Horizontal boiler
According to the number of tube:
7. Single tube boiler
8. Multi tube boiler
According to application:
1. Stationary boiler
2. Mobile boiler
According to the method of circulation of water & steam:
3. Natural circulation boiler
4. Forced circulation boiler

Water Tube Boiler: In water tube boiler, water circulation through

the tubes and hot products of combustion flow over the tube.
Example of water tube boilers are Babcock and Wilcox , Stirling
boiler, Benson boiler etc.

Fire Tube Boiler: In fire tube boiler the hot products of combustion
pass through the tubes which are surrounding by water. Examples of
fire tube boilers are Cornish boiler, Locomotive Boiler and Cochran
boiler etc.
Working Principal of a Water Tube Boiler: The
fig. Shows a Babcock and Wilcox boiler. It is a
water tube boiler it consists of a dram, super
heater, header tubes etc. The headers are
inter-connected by means of tubes which
form the real heating element of the boiler.
Water circulated from drum into the down
take header and then through the tube to the
uptake header and to the drum. The fuel is
burnt on the grate and hot gases of
combustion pass over the tubes and heat the
water circulation through the tubes. The
1. Drum 2&3. Uptake & Down take Header 4. baffles provide a zigzag path for the flue
gases. The hot water and steam rise up
5. Tube 6.Mud Box 8. Water Level Indicator
through the up take header into the boiler
9. Pressure gauge 10. Super Heater 13. Dry Pipe
shell where the steam generated above the
11. Superheated Steam Box 12. Saturated Steam Box
water level flow in the dry pipe and pass
14. Outlet Pipe 15. Stop Valve 17. Dampers
18. Caps 19. Safety Valve 20. Feed Valve
through the super heater. The cold water flow
21. Hopper 22. Chain 7. Grate
down into the tubes through the down take
header. Thus steam separates from water
and collects in the steam space. Super heater
is used to superheated the steam. The
Comparison between Water Tube and Fire Tube Boiler:
Water tube Boiler Fire Tube Boiler
1.The water circulates inside the tubes which are 1. The hot gases from the furance pass through
surrounded by hot gases from the furnace. the tubes which are surround by water.
2. It generates steam at a higher pressure up to 165 bar
2.It can generate steam only up to 24.5 bar
3.The rate of generation of steam is high, i.e. up to 450 3.The rate of generation of steam is low i.e.
tones per hour unto 9 tonnes per hour.

4.Overall efficiency with economizer is up to 90% 4.Its overall efficiency is only 75%
5.It can be transported and erected easily as its various
parts can be separated. 5.The transportation and erection is difficult.

6.The operating cost is high 6.The operating cost is less

7.The bursting chances are more 7.The bursting chances are less
8.The bursting does not produce any destruction to the 8The bursting produces greater risk to the
whole boiler damage of the property .
9.It is used for large power plants. . 9. It is not suitable for large plants.
Boiler Mountings:
These are the fittings, which are mounted on the boiler for its proper
and safe functioning. Though there are many types of boiler
mountings, yet the following are important from the subject point of

Feed check valve: The function of a feed check valve is to prevent

the return of water from the boiler.
Steam stop valve: The function of a steam stop valve is to regulate
the flow of steam from the boiler.
Safety valve: The function of a safety valve is to prevent the boiler
from pressures higher than the desired valve.
Blow of valve: The function of a blow off valve is to empty the
boiler when needed and to discharge the mud and sediments that
collect in the boiler
Water level indicator: The function of a water level indicator is
to show the water level inside the boiler.
Pressure gauge: The function of a pressure gauge is to indicate
the pressure of steam in the boiler
Fusible plugs: its function is to putt off the fire in the furnace of
the boiler when the level of water in the boiler falls to an unsafe
Boiler Accessories:
These are the devices which are used as integral parts of a boiler
and help in running efficiency. Though there are many types of
boiler accessories, yet the following are important from the subject
point of view.

1. Feed pump: The function of a feed pump is to supply water in

the boiler.
2. Economizer: The function of a economizer is to heat the feed
water before enters the boiler.
3. Air pre-Heater: The function of a Air pre-heater is to heat the
air before it enter the furnace.
4. Super Heater: The function of a super heater is to heat the
steam above saturation temperature.
5. Draft: The function of a draft is to supply air to the furnace.
Boiler Maintenance:
The various factors which should be carefully observed for the proper
maintenance of the boiler are as follows:
The combustion equipment should be so adjusted that the
temperature in the furnace does not exceed the designed value.
The water level in the boiler should not be allowed to fall beyond
the minimum level. The temperature should change slowly and
uniformly in the various part of the boiler, Rapid changes in
temperature cause unequal expansion.
The water used for steam generation should be freeform scale
forming impurities.
Soot and ash deposited in tubes on gas side should be removed
Bearings of pumps, stokers, pulverizes and farms etc. lubricated
At least once in a year the internal inspection of boiler is necessary.
The boiler should be inspected for corrosion , cracks, leads and
other irregularities
Piping system joints and valve should be checked for leakage.
Problem: 1
A boiler evaporates 3.6 kg of water per Kg of coal into dry saturated steam of
bar. The temperature of feed water is 32c, Find the equivalent evaporation
from me (h h )
and at 100 0c as well as the factor of evaporation. f1
Solution: (1) Equivalent evaporation from f 1 and at 100 C
(2) Factor of evaporation :

Given, me = 3.6 Kg/ Kg of coal, P= 10 bar, t 1 = 32C

From steam tables, corresponding to a feed water temperature of 32C, we find

that, hfl = 134 KJ/KG
and corresponding to a steam pressure of 10 bar, we find that (Just for Dry
e (h h f 1KJ/Kg
h = hg =m2776.2 ) 3.6(2776.2 134)
E that equivalent 4.2Kj
we know 2257 evaporation from and at 100 C( h = hf +xhfg )

/kg of coal
Again, fwe 2776.2 that
1 know 134 factor of evaporation
2257 2257
Problem: 2
The following observations are made in a boiler trial:
Coal used 250 kg of calorific value 29800 KJ/ Kg, water evaporated
2000 kg. Steam pressure 11.5 bar, dryness fraction of steam 0.95
and feed water temperature 34 C . Calculate the equivalent
evaporation from and at 100C
me (h hper) Kg of coal and the efficiency
ms of
the boiler. E
f1 me
Soln: Equivalent evaporation, 2257 mf
me (h h ) 2000kg

f1 8
and boiler efficiency C 250kg

Given , mf = 250 Kg ;C = 29800 KJ/Kg; ms = 2000 Kg

P = 11.5 bar; x = 0.95; t1 = 34C
From Steam Tables, corresponding to a feed water temperature of
34C ,
we find that hfl = 142.4 KJ/Kg
and corresponding to a steam pressure of 11.5 bar, we find that
h f = 790 KJ/kg
h fg = 1991.4 KJ/KG
We know that enthalpy or total heat of steam
h = hf +xhfg =790+0.951991.4 = 2681.8m (h h KJ/
) Kg of Coal
e f1 8( 2681.8 142.4)
E 0.682kj / kg of coal
Equivalent evaporation from and at 100C,
2257 2257
me ( h h f 1 ) 8(2681.8 142.4)
0.682or 68.2%
and efficiency of the boiler C 29800

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