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Course code: EPC 4909

Course name: Teaching

practice 4b
Course teacher: Allan
Mutambo,Cara Weston
Task title : Professional
Development Plan

Student name: Aaesha

ID: H00248080
Implementation area: Zahrat
Almadaen School\grade 3 classes
Target date: classes I teach from
week 2 to week 9
Goal 1:
During my TP in semester 8, I will vary the activities when reviewing the lesson (last 10mins) the guided
practice for assessing the students understand of the lesson.

Objective: reason and justification

I chose this goal to work with , as a formative assessment to check my students understanding to the
lesson and find out the target areas of the lesson that needs improvement. As well it benefits me as a
teacher to see how well I am doing to let my students understand the lesson and succeed .
As I have received from MST feedback to vary the activities for checking the students understanding
instead of just giving them always a work sheet at the end of each class to finish it and if they did not, they
complete it as a homework.
Whenever there are active activities in reviewing rich concepts to be understood, it is much better to use
different types of activities using different skills like writing , drawing, walking around and discussing, it
helps them use all their senses .
One scientist found that when learners use all of their senses it helps the brain create pathways that make it
easier and quicker to retain information. (Janelle cox. 2016)
When differentiate the activities there should be consideration of different students abilities, as there are
high, middle and low, and each level must handle different activity than the other, which fits their
understanding level and facilitate their learning. So different activities with different instructions according to
students abilities allow students to succeed. (Ben Johnson. 2016)
Differentiation is a big job, but at the end its worth , and it works much better when it is based students
interest, because when they love what they do, they get interested and achieve, with knowing their interest
we can design lesson geared toward students needs in learning. (Differentiating Instruction Based on
Student Interest . 2016)

Competency areas: 1. ( Commitment to the Professionalism): Shows evidence of knowledge and

skills essential for effective teaching. It shows the teacher how effective she chose the specific activities for
reviewing the knowledge of the lesson using variety of skills with different activities. 2. (Planning for
learning): Plan how the activities is going to be carried out by explaining its purpose and planning
activities' aims , differentiate activities across a range of abilities to help students reach their potential. 3.
(Implementing and Managing learning): The activities provided clear, succinct explanation when handling
the activity for the students to be aware of what they are doing and the purpose of doing it, with using some
resources effectively if needed, like a book, puzzle . Respond effectively and flexibly to the immediate
needs and interests of students which mean to provide activities thats fit students interests. 4.
(Assessment): Use these activities as short assessments, as appropriate, to diagnose student learning
needs and support the continuous development of all children. 5.(Reflection): Reflects and justifies their
professional development through the activities, to see how better they understand through the results
shown after the activity and improve themselves.

Implementation strategies:
when I deliver my own lessons in TP, for the whole weeks I will vary the activities of revision at
the end of class each time and they will work as a formative assessment .
For example: dictation(see appendix 1), work sheet, drawing followed by discussion about
what they draw, and set all at the back of class and ask orally each student.
Considering the differentiation of the students abilities, to know how to set the revision
questions according to their ability of understanding, and fits their interests.
At the last 10mins of each class, there will be a revision for the class of today as an activity ,
but in a different approach for each time. Started with providing clear instructions to let
students know what is the aim of doing this activity.
At the end, I will check the results of the dictations, and work sheet, and see how well they are
doing to assess their understanding and assess the value of differentiation activities for each
I will let my MST and MCT observe if it works with students and how much it help, and they
will give the results after they observe more than once .

Resources: vocabulary board for reviewing and updating all the new vocabs, white cards,
dictation booklet, different designed corners in class to set on and change the
environment of learning and discussing, MCT and MST help when observing and give
notes using the feed back form, points and gifts for rewarding which made students more
excited positive reinforcement.

Description: graphic organizer, I applied

this activity at the end of the first
lesson in unit three, the map was ready
for them, because in the previous class
I noticed that the students are not
interested in drawing by themselves.
Justification: I chose this activity,
because it was the beginning of a new
unit, the first lesson is showing the
whole unit in a general way. So to catch
the student focus into the main
concepts of the lesson, I chose graphic
organizer to facilitate learning the main
concepts of the lesson in general way
as it show what did the student catch.
The students enjoy doing it as I notice
some students add more clouds to write
in it, because it is a new task for them in

Description: work sheet for revising the lesson, its separated into
three parts , high, middle and low. It was distributed for the whole
class, but the secret behind it was the first box for low ability
students, and second box for middle, and third for high. It is like a
scaffolding for students.
Justification: I used differentiation because firstly it fit each student
ability in understanding , as it scaffold from easy to difficulty
questions. Also when there is a work sheet , it facilitate the
reviewing for the teacher, as I notice some students dont answer
me while I am asking orally, which I keep thinking if they shy, or not
understand, so I choose differentiation work sheet one of reviewing

Description: this is my MCT feed back, she says that I was looking for
Varity to measure my students understanding. Also she proved that I have
been varying the tasks at the end of class .
Justification: always I chose to vary the tasks at the end of each class, to
review the lesson and measure their understanding of the lesson, varying
is the best way for revision to make students get exciting with each
different task and be engaged. whenever I gave students direct feedback
orally they knew what their mistake and re ask me again what is the right,
instead of feeling shy and cant ask if they dont receive the feed back and
check their work. I like always to give feed back for my students, to help
them know their mistakes and do their best to keep them on track with
me. And always I asked my MST to observe how well I am doing that to
advice me if I am doing it fine or not, as she have much more experience
and aware of that more than me.
Goal 2: During my TP in semester 8, I will use VAK approaches in my lessons. visual, auditory, kinesthetic
during teaching to engage students by applying new styles fit their interest and needs

Objective: reason and justification:

I will use the VAK model as a technique to support learning ,and it is a way for me as a tutor to
differentiate my teaching, and to change the routine of following the students book and work
book only in teaching.
As I am teaching grade 3, they are still children, and they have a limited attention, because
when the teacher used one style for the whole class , she will lose the students attention. But
when there is a verity of learning styles , it is easier to catch the student focus and get them
When the teacher apply different learning styles, she has to understand that every students
learned differently , each style fits some students not all, some students will understand by
following verbal instructions, and some by physically manipulate the materials, while the rest
will be much comfort through learning using graphic organizer, images and watching movies.
(learning styles.2016)
When the teacher apply VAK, it caters every learners need, according to each student how they
feel more comfort in understanding using the style they prefer. It also enhance the success in
learning for the individual child, at the same time it enable differentiation in the classroom
through different activities according to the VAK model auditory, kinesthetic, and visual.(Camilla
VAK theory is now a favorite way in teaching because its benefits extend to all types of learning
and development. (free VAK learning styles test.2016)

Competency areas: 1. (Commitment to the Professionalism):Shows evidence of knowledge

and skills essential for effective teaching , as the results will show how effective is this model in
student's progress in learning, and how the use their skills on it to extend their knowledge .2.
(Planning for learning): Planning the activities of the lesson using the VAK model, and plan
effectively how to ensure all learners meet their potential, by writing specifically in the plan how
the VAK model is going to be carried through activities,3.(Implementing and Managing
learning): When implementing the activities that are enhanced with VAK model t, there should
be a management of transition between the activities smoothly, in a way made students not get
confused ,and be aware about each activity and its goal. Also providing clear instructions before
each activity, to show clearly which style is being used here to learn 4.(Assessment):I asses
my students at the beginning to know what are their preferable style. Then I used to asses my
students improvement's after implementing of these styles to see if it work in developing their
progress in learning or not 5.(Reflection): every time I apply new style I used to write a
reflection on how it impact toward my students progress, to see if I can change it or keep it and
develop it.

Implementation strategies:
The first step is to know what are the preferable style for my students, and that will be known
after I applied for them VAK learning style test.
For example the student centered, and each group will include one type of the styles, and I will
keep recording how do my student perform and learn from each style.
Then in each class in my TP, I will do my best to vary the activities of the lesson using VAK
I will use pictures to match with words, videos and graphic organizer for visual learning style.
I will use audio, songs , and reading loudly for the auditory.
Touching , doing activities for the kinesthetic.
After applying these different styles, I will observe my students progress in developing their
learning , to see if they are really interest and can learn more through their preferable style, or
they can mix up multi styles, or there is no effect of these styles at all.
These all will be shown through comparing their performance before and after applying the VAK
I will let my MST and MCT observe if it works with students and how much it help, and they will
give the results after they observe more than once .

Description: these are the activities which I applied in

my classes. At the first picture from right side, it was
multi styles, I used to combine the audio with visual,
they have to listen and circle the picture. Also I used a
video to study about the deserts plants and animals,
while the third one is flash cards to write the answers on
it as group work, instead of using sheets and small
white boards as usual, and the last one I used to show
them the book on the board and answer it with the
whole class.
Justification: when I used different learning styles, the
students were interested and engaged more, for
example : when I used to answer one task on their book,
I show them the books page using the data show and
we solve it together. 98% of students were following
me and succeed. But when I se to say the answers
orally , some students lost, and some others dont know
in what question we are in


Description: these are my MST and MCT feed back after

observing my classes, and they said that I applied the
VAK, with using simple language to let my students
Justification: when varying the learning styles, and it is
clearly obvious for the observer, that mean it really
works, but how I know if my students get it or not, that I
notice it by seeing the results of activities which follows
VAK model, by seeing if the students understanding is
developed, and moving on, or they are in the same level
and not interest in these styles.
Goal 3: During my TP in semester 8, I will apply cooperative social interaction during the learning in the
classroom to extend the students knowledge via social working, and improve their social skills.

Objective: reason and justification

I chose this goal to work with in my TP, because of the many facilities that I noticed in my previous TP, that
students have in their learning.
When there is peer to peer interaction is more facilitative for active learning than teacher to student
interaction, that is because when students interact with each other they extend their knowledge more
through sharing their perspectives and life experience (Nihalani et al., 2010, P. 502).
Also when students engaged with peers , they increased their self efficacy and motivation, because they
work as a team, and share as a team.
So then they do not feel shy if there is any mistakes at the end, because they will accept their wrongs as a
whole team, instead of answer individually and being shy or afraid because of the wrong answer or the
misconception they have (Yalcinkaya, Boz, & Erdur-Baker, 2012).
learning awakens a variety of internal developmental processes that are able to operate only when the
student is interacting with people in his environment and with his peers (Vygotsky,1978 as cited in Nihalani,
Wilson, Thomas, & Robinson, 2010, p.500)

Competency areas: 1. (Commitment to the Professionalism): respectfully sharing experiences

and seeking and giving feedback. This is when the student interact peer to peer to share their
perspectives , ides and life experience , to find out the solutions , and extend their knowledge.
2. (Planning for learning): Plans a variety of interaction patterns, through planning for different
tasks include peer work and group work. 3.(Implementing and Managing learning): Builds rapport
through interaction with students, through communicating with peers in class. 4.(Assessment):
Record their results as they work as group, and give them oral reports about their progress in learning, and
how to develop. 5.(Reflection):Discusses and reflects on their work through meeting with group
to exchange the ideas and how to improve the learning process as group or peer work, and
discuss how the collaborative works are better than individually from their perspectives.

Implementation strategies: First step I have to know my students levels, to know how I
will arrange them as groups.
Should I arrange them as a homogeneous group ,which mean the same levels in the same
Or I arrange them into heterogeneous group, which mean mixed up the abilities in each
Then I have to observe how much they are achieving well in collaborative work.
After that, I will set minimum two tasks for each lesson I teach in TP , to be done as a group
work, or peer work.
I will let my MST and MCT observe if it works with students and how much it help, and they
will give the results after they observe more than once .
One effective approach to be used in collaborative work is to give them a task for group work,
but it should be done by each member of the group
For example if I asked them to pick out the verbs and define it as past or present tense, the
paper of the answer will be divided into gaps equal the group members numbers, to ensure
that each student answer her gap, even with a help or by her self, in this way we ensure that
the task is done within the group work or individual work. (see appendix 2).

Resources: MST and MCT feed back form. MST help in arranging the students according to their abilities.
Nihalani, P. K., Wilson, H. E., Thomas, G., & Rbinson, D. H. (2010). What determines
high-and low-performing groups?. The superstar effect. Journal of Advanced
Academics, 21(3),500-529. Doi: 10.1177/1932202X1002100306
Yalcinkay, E., Boz, Y., & Erdur-Baker, O. (2012). Is case-based instruction effective in
enhancing high school students motivation toward chemistry? Science Education
International, 23(2), 102-116.

Description: the right picture shows the work

individually, which the result is some of them were
answering, and the others were only staring on the
work sheet doing nothing. But the lest picture , they
were working as a group work, one of them holding
the picture, while the other is looking for the correct
word to match, and the rest were checking if the
answers are correct or not.
Justification: when there is more than one cooperative
work to do, it helps the learner to share, and check
together, and extend their knowledge through
exchanging the information, because of the variety of
ideas and brain thinkers.
MCT feed back for me to consider next class (year 4,
semester 7, lesson 2)
Description: here is MCT note, that some times when the
students work as group, there is only one girl is answering
and the rest is watching her, so what is the solution?!
Justification: some times group work has no benefit, which
lead the teacher to ask students then to do it as peer work,
which helps some times and some times not, because maybe
one student will answer while her friend is watching her only.
So I used later, when I provide any group work, the answer
should be divided into group members number. In this case I
will ensure that each student in the group do her part as
group work (see appendix 2).

Description: this my MST note, that proved I have done group

work activities, and individual activities.
Justification: some times we need to mix up the type of
interaction. Applying individual work give the teacher an idea
about how well the student is understanding and doing well
in his learning. While using the group work activity helps a lot
in different ways , like: save time to finish the task, give the
students a chance to discuss and share., but in this case the
teacher will not make sure if every student in the group is
understanding or not.
Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:

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