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Cmo estudias ingls?

Eres consciente de cunto tiempo dedicas al ingls fuera del aula?

Usas ingls en clase al preguntar a tu profesor(a)?
Refuerzas lo aprendido practicando luego de cada clase?
Cuando el profesor(a) te devuelve tu writing revisas tus errores?
Estudias usando un ambiente iluminado, tranquilo y agradable en
Tienes otro motivo para aprender ingls aparte de pasar el curso?
Le dices a tu profesor(a) tus dudas, inquietudes, observaciones
y/o sugerencias?
Si respondiste no a alguna de estas preguntas, entonces
es necesario que analices tu mtodo de estudio y
compromiso con el curso de ingls. El 80% del aprendizaje y
de obtener los resultados que deseas dependen solamente
de ti. Es necesario que como persona adulta, te
responsabilices de tu propio aprendizaje.

Ahora veremos algunas estrategias para mejorar

nuestro aprendizaje.
Learning doesnt only happen in the
To get the results you need, you will have to practice English
outside the classroom
Do the exercises from your workbook
Take responsibility for your own learning.
Dedicate at least 1 hour to review what
you have learned after each class
Make the most of your class!
Use a dictionary (make sure it has the phonetic symbols)
Talk and ask questions in English. During class could be the
only moment you have to practice
Dont be afraid to ask questions. Teachers cant read minds.
Ask questions about grammar or an exercise you couldnt
Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Its a part of the learning
Improve your grammar
Write down sentences that contain the gramar structure you
want to learn.
Write your own sentences. Affirmative, negative sentences
and questions.
Practice many exercises. Go to:
https://elt.oup.com/student/americanenglishfile/1/ (English 1
and 2)
https://elt.oup.com/student/americanenglishfile/2/ (English 3
and 4)
https://elt.oup.com/student/americanenglishfile/3/ (English 5
and 6)
Improve your listening

You dont need to understand every word. Use the context to find
out the meaning of those words.
Intonation of the speakers will help you to understand the context.
In the first listening, try to get the general idea. In the second
listening, go for the details.
Practice. Go to:
http://www.esl-lab.com/ (listening exercises by levels)
Improve your vocabulary

Use the new words you learn so you dont forget them. Use
them in your speaking exercises and when you write
Learn a new English word everyday
Many words in English function as a verb and a noun. Analyse
the context to know the meaning of the word.
Improve your reading skills

Find articles/blogs in English of topics that you love

Make sure you understand the instructions before you start
doing your writing
Underline the important information (key words) in your text
And most importantly find a motivation to
improve your English. Thanks for paying
attention. Now, lets have fun with the class!

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