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Tgl 21/10/2016
Strategi Korporasi (Tingkat Perusahaan)
Diversifikasi Strategi Korporasi
Membangun Nilai Pemangku Kepentingan
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru
Strategi Diversifikasi Korporasi dalam Bisnis yang Terkait
Strategi Diversifikasi Korporasi dalam Bisnis yang Tidak Terkait
Strategi Diversifikasi Korporasi Kombinasi antara Bisnis yang Terkait dan
Bisnis yang Tidak Terkait
Evaluasi Strategi Diversifikasi Korporasi
Hirarki strategi



Dalam Perjalanan strategi kadang kadang perlu

Dalam Perjalanan strategi kadang kadang perlu
Even President Obama
is making fun of the
Galaxy Note 7

Poor Samsung. Even the leader of

the free world wont spare
them from ridicule. In a speech
today, President Obama
compared Obamacare to a
smartphone, noting that when a
smartphone (or a law) has a few
bugs, you fix it or upgrade it. You
dont just throw it away.

Dalam Perjalanan strategi kadang kadang perlu

Dalam Perjalanan strategi kadang kadang perlu
Tipe Strategi
Vertical integration
Diversification - dibahas di pertemuan ini
Status quo
Investment reduction
Strategic alliances/joint ventures
Cost leadership

April 11, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 9

Strategi Korporasi (Tingkat Korporat)
Definition of Corporate Strategy
Address the question: What is the appropriate scale
and scope of the enterprise?
Influences how large and how diversified firms will be.
Successful corporate strategies are not only the product
of successful definition
Also the result of organizational capabilities or competencies that
allow firms to exploit potential economies/synergies that large
size or diversity can offer.
relating to a large company or group.
a corporate company or group
Strategi Tingkat Perusahaan

Tindakan yang dilakukan untuk

mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif melalui
pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan bauran bisnis
yang bersaing di beberapa industri atau
pasar-pasar produk.
Strategi Tingkat Perusahaan
Pendekatan utama terhadap strategi ini adalah
diversifikasi untuk merangkai strategi multi
Diversifikasi berkaitan dengan menciptakan
nilai dengan berbagai aktivitas atau
menstransfer kompetensi inti.
Contoh Korporasi
Contoh Korporasi
Contoh Korporasi
Contoh Korporasi

APP (Asia Pulp & Paper)

PT SMART Tbk, mengelola sekitar 5%

perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia

Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk (SMMA)

menyediakan beragam jasa keuangan, seperti
asuransi jiwa dan non-jiwa, sekuritas, layanan
PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk. perbankan dan pasar modal. Dua divisi
terbesarnya adalah Sinar Mas MSIG Life
Sinar Mas Land adalah salah satu pengembang
properti terbesar di Indonesia
Strategi Korporasi (Tingkat Korporat)

Korporasi ataupun perusahaan harus menyusun strategi

guna memastikan bahwa ke depan perusahaan masih
tetap dapat bertahan dan berkembang.
Strategi menjadi bagian yang harus disiapkan sedini
mungkin dan dilaksanakan sedemikian rupa hingga
dapat menjamin keberlanjutan korporasi ataupun
Strategi disusun untuk dapat memberikan jaminan
bahwa organisasi dapat berjalan dalam satu rancangan
yang sudah diprediksikan.
Corporate Level Strategy
Corporate-level strategy concerns the selection and
management of a mix of businesses competing in several
industries or product markets.

It is the way a company creates value through the configuration

and coordination of multi-market activities:

To add economic value, a corporate strategy should enable a

company, or one of its business units, to perform one or more of
the value creation functions at a lower cost, or in a way
which supports a differentiation advantage.
Menyusun strategi korporasi :
Use industry scenarios. Menggunakan skenario
industri dimana korporasi berada. Hal ini diperlukan
untuk menentukan posisi dan tantangan korporasi di
tengah-tengah industri, sehingga dapat menggambarkan
keadaan lingkungan internal dan eksternal.
Develop common-size financial statements.
Mengembangkan besaran analisis keuangan yang
berlaku. Artinya, setiap alternatif yang diambil akan
dapat menggambarkan dampak keuangan yang akan
terjadi terhadap korporasi dan unit yang berada di
dalam korporasi.
Construct detailed pro forma financial statements for
each alternative. Membuat analisis rinci atas neraca.
Memberikan gambaran rinci terhadap dampak yang
akan dihadapi bilamana strategi akan diterapkan
khususnya terhadap neraca.
Membangun Nilai Pemangku
CSR, stakeholder theory and ethical
Now widely agreed that business have obligations beyond their legal and
economic obligations towards society
Moving beyond compliance with laws to establish new standards

Ethical Capitalism* (AKA stakeholder approach)

A business approach which seeks to integrate CSR as central to the purpose and
activity of an organization
Business benefits include
Enhanced reputation with consumers
Improve human rights, workforce welfare and ecological sustainability
Improved relationships with governments
positive contribution to national economic and social development

*King & Lawley (2013) in Readings

Doing Well by doing Good

Edward Freeman 1984

stakeholder values

Milton Friedman1970
shareholder values

Evaluating corporate responsibility using Carrolls

(1991) pyramid [illustrates levels of CSR]
The Organization and its Competitive
Traditionally, CEOs and strategy writers see only forces of competition in
operational environment, however

Competitive / operating environment includes numerous stakeholders

(Stakeholder Theory, Freeman 1984)

Stakeholders can be become allies (affect & affected by firm)

They can provide information about changes in the broad environment

(social attitudes / trends)

They can co-operate in finding new ways forwardand achieve competitive

Challenge for firms is to define stakeholders and
decide how much to privilege them
Profitability versus Responsibility
How can CEOs Change Company Values?
Be committed at top management level
Develop a written code of ethics to communicate values to
Involve middle managers - establish ethics committees to
settle disputes
Ask line managers to train employees
Fire people who violate the code
Protect whistle-blowers
Withdraw from countries or industries where you cannot act
with integrity
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru
Mergers and Acquisitions
A merger is a strategy through which two firms agree to integrate
their operations on a relatively co-equal basis because they have
resources and capabilities that together may create a stronger
competitive advantage.

An acquisition is a strategy through which one firm buys a controlling

or 100 percent interest in another firm with the intent of using a core
competence more effectively by making the acquired firm a
subsidiary business within its portfolio.

A takeover is a type of an acquisition strategy wherein

the target firm did not solicit the acquiring firms

Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru

Reasons for Problems in
Acquisitions Memasuki Achieving Success
Bisnis Baru
Increased Integration
market power difficulties

Overcome Inadequate
entry barriers evaluation of target

Cost of new Large or

product development extraordinary debt

Increased speed Inability to

to market Acquisitions achieve synergy

Lower risk Too much

compared to developing diversification
new products

Increased Managers overly

diversification focused on acquisitions

Avoid excessive
competition Too large
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru

1. Market Penetration.

The least risky growth

strategy for any business is
to simply SELL MORE !! of its
current product to its
current customersa
strategy perfected by large
consumer goods companies,
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru

2. Market Development.

Offering your product or service to customers in

another city or other island.
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru
3. Alternative Channels.
This growth strategy involves pursuing
customers in a different way such as, for
example, selling your products online or direct
selling or through MLM
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru
5. New Products for New Customers.
Sometimes, market conditions dictate that you must create new
products for new customers,

Apple pulled off this strategy when it introduced the iPod. What
made the iPod such a breakthrough product was that it could be
sold alone, independent of an Apple computer, but, at the same
time, it also helped expose more new customers to the
computers Apple offered.
iPhone has had a similar impact; once customers began to enjoy
the look and feel of the product's interface, they opened
themselves up to buying other Apple products.
Strategi Memasuki Bisnis Baru
4. Product Development.
A classic strategy, it involves developing new
products to sell to your existing customers as
well as to new ones.
Detergent cair, kemasan sekali pakai
Susu kental manis dengan pembuka
Strategi Pertumbuhan
Dirancang untuk meningkatkan penjualan,
pertumbuhan aset, keuntungan, atau
Pada umumnya ada dua persyaratan untuk
pemanfaatan strategi ini:
perusahaan mengalami permintaan besar pasar.
Perusahaan yang memiliki kesempatan maju,
promosi dan pekerjaan yang menarik cenderung
meningkatkan investasi ataupun pertumbuhan.
Dua strategi pertumbuhan secara
operasional ;

Konsentrasi Strategi ini dilakukan perusahaan

dengan fokus kepada lini produk yang
memberikan hasil atau penerimaan yang besar.
Diversifikasi Perusahaan yang telah melakukan
konsentrasi dan mencapai kematangan pada
akhirnya harus memikirkan strategi lain guna
dapat berkembang lagi. Perusahaan seperti ini
tidak mempunyai pilihan kecuali melakukan
diversifikasi terhadap jenis produk lain.
Diversifikasi -
Concentric (related) Diversifications Perusahaan berada
pada kondisi daya saing yang kuat, akan tetapi ketertarikan
pasar terhadap produknya rendah - diversifikasi terhadap
barang dan jasa yang responsif pasar dengan mengandalkan
pengalamannya berupa pengetahuan produksi, kemampuan
manufaktur, dan strategi pemasaran.
Conglomerate (Unrelated) Diversifications Perusahaan
menyadari bahwa industri yang dijalaninya tidak menarik lagi
sementara kemampuan manufakturnya dapat ditransfer ke
produk lain, sehingga industri demikian melakukan
diversifikasi ke produk lain.
Motivations For Diversification
Value Enhancing Motives:

Increase market power

Multi-point competition
R&D and new product development
Developing New Competencies (Stretching)
Transferring Core Competencies (Leveraging)
Utilizing excess capacity (e.g., in distribution)
Economies of Scope
Leveraging Brand-Name (e.g., Haagen-Dazs to
chocolate candy)
Other Motivations For Diversification

Motivations that are Value neutral:

Diversification motivated by poor economic performance in current


Motivations that Devaluate:

Agency problem
Managerial capitalism (empire building)
Maximize management compensation
Sales Growth maximization
Professor William Baumol
Issue #1: When there is a reduction in managerial
(employment) risk, then there is upside and downside effects
for stockholders:

On the upside, managers will be more willing to learn firm-

specific skills that will improve the productivity and long-run
success of the company (to the benefit of stockholders).

On the downside, top-level managers may have the

economic incentive to diversify to a point that is
detrimental to stockholders.
Issue #2: There may be no economic value to stockholders in
diversification moves since stockholders are free to diversify by
holding a portfolio of stocks. No one has shown that investors pay a
premium for diversified firms -- in fact, discounts are common.

A classic example is Kaiser Industries that was dissolved as a holding

company because its diversification apparently subtracted from its
economic value.

Kaiser Industries main assets: (1) Kaiser Steel; (2) Kaiser Aluminum; and (3)
Kaiser Cement were independent companies and the stock of each
were publicly traded. Kaiser Industries was selling at a discount which
vanished when Kaiser Industries revealed its plan to sell its holdings.
Bahas Bakrie & Brothers dari segi strategi
Bahas Sinarmas dari segi strategi

APP (Asia Pulp & Paper)

PT SMART Tbk, mengelola sekitar 5%

perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia

Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk (SMMA)

menyediakan beragam jasa keuangan, seperti
asuransi jiwa dan non-jiwa, sekuritas, layanan
PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk. perbankan dan pasar modal. Dua divisi
terbesarnya adalah Sinar Mas MSIG Life
Sinar Mas Land adalah salah satu pengembang
properti terbesar di Indonesia
Alasan Utama Meningkatkan Diversifikasi

Penciptaan nilai melalui jangkauan ekonomi

Penghematan ekonomi
Kekuatan pasar
Sebagian tindakan dilakukan karena kebijakan
Masalah kinerja
Ketidakpastian akan arus kas masa depan
Motivasi manajerial (meningkatkan kompensasi)
Strategi Diversifikasi Korporasi dalam
Bisnis yang Terkait (Berhubungan)
Strategi Diversifikasi Korporasi dalam
Bisnis yang Terkait (Berhubungan)
Strategi Korporasi
Business-level Strategy
An integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions the
firm uses to gain competitive advantage by exploiting core
competencies in specific product markets
Corporate-level Strategy
Specifies actions a firm takes to gain a competitive advantage by
selecting and managing a group of different businesses competing
in different product markets
Expected to help firm earn above-average returns
Value ultimately determined by degree to which the businesses in the
portfolio are worth more under the management of the company then
they would be under any other ownership

Strategi Korporasi
Corporate-level strategy concerns:
The scope of the markets and industries the firm competes in
How the firm manages their portfolio of businesses
Mode of entry into new businesses
Internal development, acquisitions/merger, joint venture/strategic
Level and type of diversification
Capturing synergies between business units
Allocating corporate resources

Diversifikasi tidak berkaitan atau berkaitan??

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