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The Conclusion

What conclusion will you reach
in your essay?
Write it down in one sentence.
Be prepared to share.
The conclusion paragraph in an essay of
literary analysis functions as follows:
It finishes off the essay and tells the
reader where the writer has brought
It restates the thesis and contains echoes
of the introduction and body paragraphs
without listing the points covered in the
It creates a broader implication of the
ideas discussed and answers the
questions: so what? Or why do we care?
Anatomy of the Conclusion:
The conclusion begins with a restatement of the
thesis, not a repetition, and gradually widens
toward a final , broad statement of implication.
Borrows from the body paragraphs, without being
flatly repetitive or listing points already covered.
Creates echoes of the introduction and body
paragraphs to reinforce analysis/ ideas.
Moves outward with a statement that relates the
thesis to a broader implication so the reader can
see the analytical focus in a larger perspective or
Strategies for Composing Conclusions:
Strike a note of hope or despair.
Give a symbolic or powerful detail/fact.
Create an analogy that relates your topic
to a larger implication.
Give an especially compelling example.
Use a meaningful quotation. (If you used
a meaningful quotation in your
introduction, refer back to this quote and
tie it in with your overall analysis.)
Recommend a course of action without
being preachy.
Echo the language and approach of the
Reference and make meaning of the title
of the work you are analyzing.
Consider the following checklist when
writing a conclusion:
Avoid first-person point of view,
abstract/vague language, poor diction,
and slang.
Avoid simply repeating the thesis and/or
listing the main points.
Dont conclude more than you reasonably
can from the evidence you have
Echo the language and ideas from your
introduction and body paragraphs.
Expand on the implications of your analysis: So
what? Why do we care about these ideas? Whats
so important about what youve developed in
your paper? Are there any other applications for
your ideas?
Avoid any attempts at humor, cuteness, or
The conclusion need not be longer than four to
six sentences, as with the introduction, but must
be adequately developed.
Include the title(s) and author(s) once more.
Sample Conclusions:
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of
the sample conclusions to follow.
Identify possible references to the thesis
statements, introduction, and body
Identify broader implications.
Identify and evaluate other strategies
Sample 1:
Both great works of epic literature from
historical India and Japan certainly provide
fascinating insights into the study of the
idealization of women and wives. We can see how
the different social conventions of each time and
place have a defined impact on womens roles
within the institution of marriage. In reflecting on
the societal expectations of a wife as represented
in classical world literature we can gain new
insights into womens roles within marriage in a
contemporary world. Future generations will look
to our contemporary literature as a depiction of
our societys expectations and values of women
not only as wives, but as single and independent
women, as well.
Sample 2:
Ednas character transforms from sleeping
through life by meeting expectations to a great
awakening, in which her thoughts and actions are
consistent with each other. Ednas struggle
between her inner desires and her outward
conformity is one in which her best solution was
to satisfy no roles and expectations, including her
own. Her character is so memorable because the
reader can empathize with Ednas internal conflict
to both conform and defy. She is unforgettable
because she does what each of us has wanted to
do; her character resonates with the universal
human condition of defying and abandoning
societal expectations and impositions.
Sample 3:
The culmination of Stephen Dedalus linguistic and
artistic development in James Joyces A Portrait of the Artist
as a Young Man in indicated at the end of the novel when
his story is no longer dependent on a narrator, but is told
by Stephen himself through his journal. The journal entries
are projected forth in the unfiltered language of the artist.
He completes his linguistic journey, coming full circle from
a child who merely perceives others language to the artist,
who creates his own. The language implicit in Stephens
journal represents the realization of his identity; his
language displays the confidence and independence of one
who is autonomous. At the end of the novel, Stephens
physical, intellectual, and emotional transformations have
been chronicled through the intricacies of language.
Sample 4:
Throughout Morrisons Beloved memory has a
power distinguished from other motifs in the
novel. Memory is so pervasive that it functions as
a separate character within the plot. It interacts
with, and has a unique relationship with, each
character; it brings up painful past experiences,
and preys upon those resonances. Indeed,
memory functions as an additional antagonist,
dredging up the past, teasing and torturing
without remorse the characters who attempt to
forget. Ultimately, however, memory is defeated
with Morrisons dictate: this is not a story to
pass on.
Sample 5:
The values of leadership portrayed by
Tamburlaines character are still honored
in society today. We desire a leader who is
passionate and eloquent, but who is a
leader of action, as well. We also value a
leader who is proud and confident in his or
her abilities and experience. Todays
leaders would do well to consult
Marlowes example of leadership in
Side by Side
Broken Chain by Broken Chain is full
Gary Soto is a story that of conflicts. The first conflict
many young people can relate is external: Alfonso and his
to. It tells the story of brother Ernie do not get
insecure Alfonso, who is trying along. The second conflict is
to find a bike for his potential internal: Alfonso is very
girlfriend, Sandra, to ride. unhappy with the way he
When describing the types of looks. At the end of the
conflict of Broken Chain story, both conflicts are
readers see there are external solved. Ernie lends Alfonso
and internal conflicts. First, his bike, allowing him to ride
there is an external conflict bikes with Sandra. Because
between Alfonso and his Sandra clearly is romantically
brother, and second, there is interested in Alfonso, his self-
an internal conflict Alfonso has esteem has increased,
with himself. leaving him happy.
Side by Side
Thomas Hardy was one Tess is a complex
of the most influential writers character. She goes through
of the late 1800s. His novel many tragic experiences in the
Tess of the DUrbervilles is novel, which only make her
one of his most famous stronger. Though she starts the
novels. It tells the story of a novel as a very nave, trusting
young girl, Tess, who has an girl, she learns very harsh
extremely hard life. lessons about life. Even though
Throughout the novel she she preserves through the
endures many hardships. novel, life is still too hard for
Tess is a complex character. her. Hardys uses Tess to tell
Her experiences, naivet, and readers that sometimes a
perseverance make her one of persons circumstance works
literatures great characters. against them and they will have
a terrible, unhappy life.
Side by Side
Love can be a revolution of Realistic love is not so easy as
thinking; an overcoming of barriers. It the love read about in poems. Poetic love
can be confusing, and at times, love may send one floating through the clouds
defies all reason. Love inspires such and inspire fabulous love letters, but
passion that people endure great realistic love takes time, and work, and
tragedy and conquer in overwhelming patience. Updikes piece helps to
circumstances. Love provokes understand that marriage isnt simple and
emotions that can cause a person to that some days are not going to seem to
accomplish the impossible. For good be happily ever after. There will be times
reason, love has been put on the of frustration and jealousy. When we are
highest pedestal; however, love is not young, we dream of a passionate love
flawless or effortless. It may at times like that of Burns poem, but Burn helps
require work, and patience, and then us to realize that passion is just one
even more patience! The short story, component of love. By comparing and
Wife Wooing by John Updike and contrasting Updikes and Burns pieces, it
Robert Burns poem, A Red, Red Rose is clear that both realistic and idealistic
share similar overall messages and portrayals of love are important, but in
literary motifs about love, yet depict my world, I prefer the real to the ideal. I
distinctly different versions of love in think the soft toothpaste kiss far
their themes and characterization. outweighs promises of love till the seas
go dry..

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