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Simposium Besar TIMA 2017, July 16th 2017

Anxiety & Somatization

Identification & Treatment in General Practice

Anastasia R.B
Rewarding Punishing
stimulus stimulus

Stimulus Anxiety
Punishing Emotion


Is anxiety = fear?

No, its different

How ?
Fear Anxiety
Identifiable overtly Signals that predict
dangerous stimuli impending danger

Acute, immediate reaction Sustained, insidious

response to danger

Manifesting in abrupt Manifesting to fear-

encounter in highly salient conditioning experiment
A normal and adaptive response

Prepares the organism threatened by danger

Presence of impairments
Disruption in functioning
Presence of clinically significant distress
Core Key:
Excessive anxiety

Cognitive distortion

Autonomic arousals

Behavioral disturbances (mostly avoidance)

Lasting for a period of time ( 6 months or more)

Problems in functioning
Its NOT OKAY to complain of
psychological distress or own up to
mental disorder

More acceptable
to complain of physical symptoms
Unconscious coping

Complaints of physical symptoms that remain

medically unexplained

Exposure to risk of:

Increased medical visit, unnecessary medical tests
and procedures (iatrogenic complications)
Financial and time loss
A mechanism to experience, conceptualize
and/ or communicate psychological distress or
deep-seated neurosis as corporel sensations,
functional changes, or somatic metaphors

Physical symptoms that mask emotional distress

Core key: Its not about the physical

symptoms itself, but the way they were
presented and interpreted
Recurring, multiple, The complaints are colorful,
clinically significant exaggerated, but lacking
somatic complaints specific factual information

Significant impairment in History of "doctor shopping

social, occupational, or
other important areas of Prominent anxiety
functioning symptoms or depressed
The complaints can not be
fully explained by any Absence of objective
known general medical findings (objective signs or
condition or direct effects specific laboratory findings)
of substance
Dont say, Its all in your head
To them, the physical symptoms are real

Good identification = more accurate treatment & better


Differentiate between physical illness & somatization

Treat for any underlying anxiety disorder

Know the competency: when to treat and when to refer





Cognitive behavioral therapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Lidbeck, 1997; Speckens et al, 1995

Patients with mild levels of somatization (at least one

psychosomatic symptom)

6 to 16 sessions of individually administered CBT

Result: significantly greater improvement in

psychosomatic complaints

Improvements maintained for 6 months after the

Escobar et al., 2007

Patients presenting with more severe somatization (at

least four somatization symptoms

Involving patients spouse or other family member

Result: greater reduction in somatic complaints than

standard medical care, reduction number of physician
visits (Sumathipala et al, 2000)

Identifying dysfunctional cognitions

Restructuring dysfunctional cognitions

Re-engaging patients in avoided activities

Problem-solving training

Relaxation training

Schedule appointments every 4 to 6 weeks, instead of as

needed setting boundary

Conduct a physical examination relevant to presenting


Avoid diagnostic procedures & surgeries unless clearly

indicated by underlying somatic pathology

Avoid making disparaging statements, such as your

symptoms are all in your head
Patients with somatization typically have less capacity for
symbolic thought

Patients with somatization are less inclined to enter

psychotherapy, less likely to have meaningful

May benefit subjectively from a sympathetic listeners

Consideration: patients capacity & willingness to engage

in treatment

Offer reassurance that the physical experiences is real

& understandably distressing (even though theres no
organic explanation)

Make clear that the goal of treatment is helping patient to

understand and cope, not removal of the symptoms

Identify complications determine the feasibility of

working with the patient
Anxiety is negative emotion triggered by punishing

Anxiety is normal, unless there's presence of

impairments, disruption in functioning, or presence of
'clinically significant' distress

Somatization is a more acceptable way to cope with

psychological distress
Principles of treatment: good identification, differentiate
between physical illness & somatization, treat underlying
anxiety disorder, know when to refer

Treatment: multi modalities

Psychopharmacology anti-anxiety or anti-
Non-psychopharmacology CBT (first choice) or brief
psychodynamic psychotherapy

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