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A study on why things
But I Know Every Rock and Tree
and Creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name.
Oxidation of Food: What a
Fruits and Vegetables oxidised when left
in open air
Solution: Seal in plastic wrap
More radical: Add lemon juice to the cut fruit
Oxidation of People!
Oxidation of nutrients causes increased
activity of cells, leading to aging skin
Solution: Beauty products?
What will I learn?
What is a redox reaction?
What is oxidation and reduction? (and how to
identify them)
What are oxidising and reducing agents?
What is oxidation state?
What is oxidation and reduction in terms of oxidation
How to assign the oxidation state of an atom?
How to use oxidation state to determine which
species is oxidised / reduced
What is a redox reaction?
Redox reduction + oxidation
Both processes occur simultaneously
Hence, one species is oxidised, another is
So, what is oxidation, and what is
3 different versions of the definition:

Oxidation Reduction

gain in oxygen loss of oxygen

loss of hydrogen gain in hydrogen

loss of electrons gain of electrons

Oxidation and Reduction
In terms of Oxygen:
Oxidation: Gain of oxygen in a species
E.g. Mg is oxidized to MgO

Reduction: Loss of oxygen in a species

E.g. H2O is reduced to H2

Note: Its the gain or loss of O, not O2-

Oxidation and Reduction
In terms of Hydrogen:
Oxidation: Loss of hydrogen in a species
E.g. H2O is oxidised to O2

Reduction: Gain of hydrogen in a species

E.g. O2 is reduced to H2O2

Note: Its the gain or loss of H, not H+

Oxidation and Reduction
In terms of Electrons (OIL RIG: Oxidation
Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain):
Oxidation: Loss of electrons in a species
E.g. Mg is oxidized to MgO (Mg from 12 electrons
to 10 electrons in Mg2+)

Reduction: Gain of electrons in a species

E.g. O2 is reduced to H2O2 (O from 8 electrons to 9
electrons per O in O22-)
Oxidising and Reducing agent
An oxidising agent is a chemical species
that causes the other reactant in a redox
reaction to be oxidised, and it is always
reduced in the process.
A reducing agent is a chemical species
that causes the other reactant in a redox
reaction to be reduced, and it is always
oxidised in the process.
Oxidising and Reducing Agents
An oxidising agent is itself REDUCED when it
oxidises something
A reducing agent is itself OXIDISED when it
reduces something

2Mg + O2 2MgO
Mg is oxidised, and thus is the reducing agent
O2 is reduced, and thus is the oxidising agent
List of common Oxidising and
Reducing Agents

Realise something?
H2O2 is both an oxidising and a reducing agent!
If a stronger oxidising agent is present, H2O2 is reducing
Oxidation and Reduction in A
In terms of Oxidation States:
Oxidation: Gain in oxidation state in a species
E.g. Mg is oxidized to MgO (Mg from 0 to +2 in Mg2+)

Reduction: Gain of electrons in a species

E.g. O2 is reduced to H2O2 (O from 0 to -1 in O22-)

Note: Oxidation states are always written in +x or x,

never just x or x- (e.g. Oxidation State of Mg in MgO
is +2, not 2 or -2)
Common Oxidation States
Chemical species Oxidation state and remarks

Any element eg Fe, O2 , S8 zero

Oxygen in any compound -2 except in peroxides example H2O2 or Na2O2 then oxygen atom has
oxidation state of -1 or in F2O , then oxygen atom has oxidation state
of +2

Fluorine in any compound -1 being most electronegative

Hydrogen in any compound +1 except in metal hydrides example NaH then hydrogen atom has
oxidation state of -1 as metals have a greater tendency to lose

Chlorine, bromine, iodine -ve oxidation state if bonded to less electronegative element eg

NaCl; then Cl = -1.

+ve oxidation state if bonded to more electronegative element eg

ClO- , then Cl = +1; ClO3- , then Cl = +5

Determine the oxidation state
1) H in H2O
2) N in NH4+
3) S in S2O32-
4) Cr in Cr2O72-
Determine the oxidation state
* Sum of all oxidation states of all atoms =
Overall Charge of molecule / ion / atom

1) H in H2O
Let the oxidation state of H be x.

Thus, in H2O, 2x + (-2) = 0

Determine the oxidation state
* Sum of all oxidation states of all atoms =
Overall Charge of molecule / ion / atom

2) N in NH4+
Let the oxidation state of N be x.

Thus, in NH4+, x + 4(+1) = +1

x = -3
Determine the oxidation state
* Sum of all oxidation states of all atoms =
Overall Charge of molecule / ion / atom

3) S in S2O32-
Let the oxidation state of S be x.

Thus, in S2O32-, 2x + 3(-2) = -2

x = +2
Determine the oxidation state
* Sum of all oxidation states of all atoms =
Overall Charge of molecule / ion / atom

4) Cr in Cr2O72-
Let the oxidation state of Cr be x.

Thus, in Cr2O72-, 2x + 7(-2) = -2

x = +6
Example 1

MnO4 5 Fe 2 8 H
Mn 2 5 Fe 3 4 H 2O
+7 +2 +2 +3

Let the oxidation state of Mn be x.

Thus, in MnO4-, x + 4(-2) = -1
x = +7
Manganese is reduced from oxidation state of
+7 in MnO4- to +2 in Mn2+, while iron is oxidised
from oxidation state of +2 in Fe2+ to +3 in Fe3+.
A Special Redox:
A disproportionation reaction is a redox reaction in which one species is
simultaneously oxidised and reduced.

Cl 2 2 OH
Chlorine is simultaneously
ClO Cl H O
reduced from oxidation state of 0 in Cl2 2to -1 in Cl-, and
0 oxidation state of 0 in Cl2 to+1
oxidised from +1 in ClO-.-1
Disproportionation Reaction
Is this a disproportionation reaction?
NH 4 NO3
N 2 O 2 H 2 O
-3 +5 +1

This is NOT a disproportionation reaction

Disproportionation requires that the same atom is
both oxidised and reduced simultaneously.
In this case, different atoms (of nitrogen) are
oxidised and reduced.
Non-redox reactions
The oxidation states of the elements
remained unchanged in the following
Neutralisation reactions:
NaCl H 2 O

CuO H 2 SO4
CuSO4 H 2 O
Non-redox reactions
The oxidation states of the elements
remained unchanged in the following
Precipitation reactions:
CuSO4 ( aq ) 2 NaOH ( aq )
Cu (OH ) 2( s ) Na 2 SO4( aq )

2 KI ( aq ) Pb( NO3 ) 2( aq )
PbI 2( s ) 2 KNO3( aq )
Non-redox reactions
The oxidation states of the elements
remained unchanged in the following
Complex formation:

2 2
Cu ( aq ) 4 NH 3( aq ) 3 4 ( aq )

ligand Tetraammine
copper(II) complex
(deep blue solution)
Non-redox reactions
The oxidation states of the elements
remained unchanged in the following
Another reaction:
2 2
Cr2 O7 H 2O
2CrO4 2H
Interlude: More real-life redox!
Balancing redox reactions
To make calculations in redox titrations,
you need a balanced equation
Balancing redox reactions
Try to balance the following reaction by
trial and error.
MnO4 H 2 O2 H
Mn O2 H 2 O

Possible answer:

MnO4 H 2 O 2 2 H Mn 2 2O 2 2 H 2 O

2MnO4 4 H 2O2 4 H 2Mn2 3O2 6 H 2O
Balancing redox reactions
Try to balance the following reaction by trial and error.

MnO4 H 2 O2 H
Mn O2 H 2 O
Actual answer:

2 MnO 5 H O
Note: You4 might not 6 H
2 Mn 5O2 8that
2 2 even be told at the beginning H 2O
H+ is reactant, H2O is product.
The half-equation method
Write down the given reactants and products of the reaction
Identify the atoms in the given species that are undergoing oxidation
/ reduction and construct the unbalanced oxidation / reduction half-
Balance both the half-equations using the following steps:
Balance the odd atoms (odd atoms refer to atoms other than
oxygen and hydrogen)
Balance oxygen atoms by adding H2O molecules
Balance hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions
Balance charges by adding electrons
Multiply the balanced half-equations by appropriate integers such
that the number of electrons in both half-equations are equal
Add the resulting half-equations together, and eliminate any
common species on both sides to obtain the balanced equation.
Oh yeah, the blue bottle
Angry bottle
The blue colour is methylene blue in the oxidised form
Before the bottle was shaken, the methylene blue is in
the reduced state (colourless)
After the bottle was shaken, the oxygen in the air
oxidised the methylene blue to the oxidised state (blue)
After a while, the glucose (reducing sugar) in the solution
reduces the methylene blue back to the reduced state
methyleneblue(reduced )(colourless ) O2 (aq)

methyleneblue(oxidised )(blue)
End of Lecture 1 of Redox

I have never let my schooling interfere with my

education. Mark Twain
The half-equation method
Example: Balance the following reaction:
MnO4 H 2 O2
Mn O2
The half-equation method
Step 1: Write down the given reactants
and products of the reaction
MnO4 H 2 O2
Mn O2
The half-equation method
Step 2: Identify the atoms in the given species that
are undergoing oxidation / reduction and write the
unbalanced oxidation / reduction half-equations
MnO4 H 2 O2
Mn O2
Reduced Oxidised
Reduction half-equation:
Mn 2
Oxidation half-equation:
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance the atoms undergoing oxidation /

Reduction half-equation:

Mn 2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance oxygen atoms by adding H2O

Reduction half-equation:

Mn 2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance oxygen atoms by adding H2O

Reduction half-equation:

Mn 2 4 H 2 O
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions

Reduction half-equation:

Mn 2 4 H 2 O
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8 H
Mn 2 4 H 2 O
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance charges by adding electrons

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8 H
Mn 2 4 H 2 O
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance charges by adding electrons

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance the atoms undergoing oxidation /
Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance oxygen atoms by adding H2O
Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance charges by adding electrons

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 3: Balance both the half-equations using the
following steps:
Balance charges by adding electrons

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H 2e
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 4: Multiply the balanced half-equations by
appropriate integers such that the number of
electrons in both half-equations are equal

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H 2e
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 4: Multiply the balanced half-equations by
appropriate integers such that the number of
electrons in both half-equations are equal

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H 2e
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 4: Multiply the balanced half-equations by
appropriate integers such that the number of
electrons in both half-equations are equal

Reduction half-equation:

MnO4 8H 5e
Mn 2 4 H 2 O x2

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H 2e x 5
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 4: Multiply the balanced half-equations by
appropriate integers such that the number of
electrons in both half-equations are equal

Reduction half-equation:

2MnO4 16 H 10e
2Mn 2 8H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation:
O2 2 H 2e x 5
H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 4: Multiply the balanced half-equations by
appropriate integers such that the number of
electrons in both half-equations are equal

Reduction half-equation: x2

2MnO4 16 H 10e
2Mn 2 8H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation: x5

5O2 10 H 10e
5 H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 5: Add the resulting half-equations together,
and eliminate any common species on both sides
to obtain the balanced equation.

Reduction half-equation: x2

2MnO4 16 H 10e
2Mn 2 8H 2 O

Oxidation half-equation: x5

5O2 10 H 10e
5 H 2 O2
The half-equation method
Step 5: Add the resulting half-equations together,
and eliminate any common species on both sides
to obtain the balanced equation.

16 H+ 10e
2MnO4 +6H 2Mn 2 8H 2 O

5 H 2 O2 5O2 10 H 10e
The half-equation method
Step 5: Add the resulting half-equations together,
and eliminate any common species on both sides
to obtain the balanced equation.

Balanced Equation:

16 H+ 10e
2MnO4 +6H 2Mn 2 8H 2 O

5 H 2 O2 5O2 10 H 10e
The half-equation method
Step 5: Add the resulting half-equations
together, and eliminate any common
species on both sides to obtain the
balanced equation.

Balanced Equation:

2MnO4 5H 2 O2 6 H
2Mn 2 5O2 8H 2 O

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