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RD Assessment

Natalie, Lois, Cindy, Chris

& Yours truly
03/08- Day 2

<BMI/age (19) I
>70 yo (84) II
Ventilator III
Braden & Intake I
Level 1: High Nutrition
Risk (VII)
03/08- Day 2

Diet & Weight History

Pt: vented, sedated, Alzheimer's
H&P: Poor intake
Braden: 12
BMI: 19 Penn State for Vented Pt.
Wt. Hx: Energy: 1250
UBW: 69.7kg (2013) Protein: 68-78
Current: 56.7kg (2017) Fluids: 1250
Wt. loss: 13kg or 18.6%
Per H&P, previous encounters, nurses assessment
03/08- Day 2

Assessment: RD Screen
BM: yes, PTA diarrhea w/ Hx constipation per H&P
N/V: no per ER notes
Chewing/Swallow: vented
Appetite: poor per H&P BG: 185
Wt. loss yes per PMH Lytes: Na+ 134, K+ 4.1
Diet Recall TBD BM: 3/7- diarrhea
HD stable, pH WNL

Per H&P, Surgical Cx via Horizon

Assessment: NFPA 2,9,18

SubQ fat Muscle Wasting Edema

Nutrition Dx: Malnutrition
Chronic, severe, protein-calorie malnutrition related to
inadequate intake as evidenced by
moderate to severe orbital sub-cutaneous fat loss
moderate to severe muscles wasting of the temporalis, clavicle, deltoid, and scapula muscles
mild edema of the extremities.
MNT Recommendations & Intervention
Malnutrition protocol ASPEN
New ileostomy s/p subtotal colectomy AND NCM
Initiating nutrition support ASPEN (Nutrition Support Core Curriculum)
Fluid & electrolyte status ASPEN but umm Pharmacy please

Clinical judgement + Lierature = Initate PN

Nutrition Goals Throughout Stay
Meet nutrition needs
maintain/gain weight, transition/ increase PO intake
Appropriate ileostomy output
Fluid/ lyte balance
BG control
Heal wounds
Monitoring/ Evaluating

Fluid Status & Labs Intake & Nutrition Needs

I/O: Free water, ileostomy output TPN rate
Electrolytes: Na+, K+, Cl-, Mg+ EN rate
Phosphate & glucose PO rate
Calorie count
Supplements & meals ordered
TPN: Day 1

Day 3

Monitor/ Evaluate
Na+ 131, Mg 1.4, K+ WNL, Cl- WNL
BG 167
TPN labs
nutrition needs
TPN: 1 Liter Clinimex 4.25/ 10 @ 40mL/hr
Lipids MWF (today) +kcals from Propofol
TPN: Day 2
EN: Day 1

Day 4
Na+ Mg+ K+ Cl- all WNL!
BG: 128, WBC: high
Advanced TPN: 1 Liter Clinimex 5/ 15 @ goal (60mL/hr) Meets needs
Intervention Monitor & Evaluate
No need for bolus electrolytes Lytes: check BNP, Mg, Phos
Initiate trickle TF EN tolerance
Promote 1.0 via OGT @ 10mL/22hr (220mL) Nutrient needs via EN & TPN
TPN: Day 3-5
EN: Day 2-4

Day 5- 7

TPN & EN Interventions

3/11: TPN @ goal, EN @ trickle. Needs met!
3/12: TF on hold adjust TPN rate to 75mL. Needs met!
3/13: Continue TPN @ goal, resume EN @ trickle. Needs Met!
BG running high 120-160 insulin
Phos, Mg, dropping bolus Kphos, Mg So4
TPN: Day 6
EN: Day 5
Day 8-9

Assessment Intervention
BG+, Na+, Cl- high Weaning off TPN

Phos still low Added AF 25mL

Work with Pharm- bolus
Bowel sounds present, HD stable,
pH WNL, no residuals Rec. EN Promote 50/22hr. Start at 30mL
adv 20mL q6 to goal. Via Corpak
1275 kcal
69g pro
EN: Day 7

Day 10

Assessing Intervention
Labs: BG, Na, Cl- high Phos low Diet Advanced
Mg- WNL Ensure compact w/ meals
EN: TF @ goal w/ AF @ 25mL. Regular wait what?
I/O Ileostomy >1.5L from watery green Low residue + oatmeal (tolerated),
to liquid brown mechanical soft
Wt: 66kg (up 10 kg hmm) Start calorie count
EN: Day 8

Day 11

Assessment Intervention
Labs: Labs:
BG & Na+ increase Increased AF to 40mL for hypernatremia
K & Phos dropped even more providing K+ IV and PO
I/O: high output >1L
TF: Change
Intake: meeting needs
Vital AF* meets 66% needs
EN: 1.1L Promote @ goal
PO: Kcal: 50% Pro: 25% PO: decrease TF to 55mL/14 hr noc feeding - per
EN: Day 9

Day 12

Assessment Intervention
Labs: Pharm: managing w/ bolus and PO
BG & Na+ still high but decreasing supplements
K & Phos still low
Intake: add ground meats, changed
I/O: high output >1.5L (brown green)
supplements to Ensure Enlive
Intake : meeting needs
EN: 700mL Vital AF @ goal 50mL/14hr,
AF 40
PO: attempt 3 meals. Kcal: 55% Pro: 43%
EN: Day 10- 13

Pt pulls of Corpac
Day 13
Day 16
Assessment Intervention
Labs: Labs:
BG & Na+ , Cl- still high but decreasing Continue K+, added Ca+ & Phos PO
K & Phos still low I/O
I/O: high output 2.1-2.5 L (yellow liquid) Reduce AF to 20mL/ 10 hr per MD
Intake : meeting needs New ileostomy nutr. ed 1/ son
EN: at goal Check C-diff
PO: attempt 3 meals + supplements. Kcal: 95% Pro: 60% Recommend loperamide
Braden: high risk (12) PO: encourage
Wounds on sacrum
PO: Mechanical
Soft, low fiber

Day 17

Evaluate Medical Course

Labs: BG, Na, Mg, K = WNL C-Diff neg
Phos still low Moves to surgical unit
I/O: Output 1.6L Develops wound right leg
PO: low (15% kcal, 9% pro) s/p TF
pull out Changes code: DNR, DNI
Wt: 60.9kg (+4.2kg since admin)
PO: Mechanical
Soft, low fiber

Day 18- 22

Evaluate Medical Course

Labs: BG back up, Mg back down Wound heal delay, wound vac
I/O: ileostomy 2x >1.5L, 2x<1L Palliative Care Cx s/p Stage 4 CA
PO: meeting needs kind of Pushing loperamide
~2 meals/day (81% kcal, 86% protein)
Supplement changes Ensure compact
Day 23-28 Last Days
Assess Intervention
Needs: MSJ x AF 1.3 ~1400kcal, 60-90g pro D/C cal ct. ?
Labs: WNL Except Ca+, WBC! Changed supplement: Enlive w/ B& D
Braden: Moderate Compact AML, PML
PO: likely not meeting needs Discharge: Ensure or equivalent TID until
I/O: good (<1L) & bad days (>2L) wt is stable
Wt: maintained
Labs: K+ trending down again
Discharge: 4/2 @ 3pm clinical barrier-
wounds PO, Output, Wt, wounds, malnutrition
Impact of patient care?
Maintain weight, Nutrition needs
Goals Met ? (kind of), increase PO, heal wounds
Goals not met ? Malnutrition, high output
Effectiveness as Medical Team / RD? Well enough. But many
Laboratory results/ interpretations
Diagnostic testing results
Discharge plans
1. Charitable Organization. ConcordHospital.org. Updated 2017 http://www.concordhospital.org Accessed: March 20,2017
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