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By : Group VII

Group VII
Personal Health, Hygiene,
Have physical and dental checks up early in
the year and take care of any medical or dental
problems now.
Keep your prescription handy and ask your
doctor to make a duplicate prescription so you
can have extra medications stored.
Get hard copies of your medical file, X rays,
and other records.
Check with the manufacturer or your doctor if
your medical device are Y2K compliant.
Take advantage of the free classes offered by
Red Cross in basic first aid, CPR, etc.
Emergency services.
Stock up now your personal hygiene products
like shampoo, soap, allergy medicines.
Sanitation and refuse have enough sturdy, lidded
containers to hold refuse produced over two-
week period.
For personal waste, pouring a bucket of water
straight from the tap into the toilet will force
flush it.

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