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2015 American Heart Association

Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary

The 2010 Guidelines were most notable for the reorientation
of the universal sequence from A-B-C (Airway, Breathing,
Compressions) to C-A-B (Compressions, Airway, Breathing)
to minimize time to initiation of chest compressions.
Since 2010, the importance of high-quality chest
compressions has been,reemphasized, and targets for
compression rate and depth have been further refined by
relevant evidence. For the untrained lay rescuer, dispatchers
play a key role in the recognition of abnormal breathing or
agonal gasps as signs of cardiac arrest, with
recommendations for chest compressiononly CPR.
More data are available indicating that high-quality
CPR improves survival from cardiac arrest.
Components of high-quality CPR include
Ensuring chest compressions of adequate rate
Ensuring chest compressions of adequate depth
Allowing full chest recoil between compressions
Minimizing interruptions in chest compressions
Avoiding excessive ventilation

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