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Development Activities
By means of supreme decree n 042_2003 the
Peruvians as a requirement for the
development of mining activities. Through this
document, it was established that the mining
owners, on a voluntary bases, will carry out
their activities of sustainable development in
the villages of their surroundings local and
regional the mining owners defined items
based on the investment modality as part of
their social responsibility activities.
1.- Education
Mining owners developed activities aimed at
improving the objectives established by mine at this
point seek to provide the universe of the student
population surrounding the mining operations,

For their part, the mining owners established by

Strengthening of culture and education.
Update of teachers of all educational levels.
Train teachers.
Promote access to educational technology services.
The objectives set by the MINEM are aimed
at improving the quality of care To patients
and these are described below:
Improve health infrastructure.
Increase coverage of health services.
Capacity building of sector officials.
Ensure inputs and equipment.
Promote healthy lifestyles.
3.- Nutrition
The main objectives of MINEM for the
nutrition Detailed below:
Increase the availability of food to pregnant
children and mothers.
Evaluate the nutritional status of the
Reduction of the percentage of children
under 36 months and pregnant women With
inadequate feeding and nutrition practices.
In addition to these objectives, the mining
owners carried out their own Initiatives in the
field of nutrition, carrying out actions such as:

Promote adequate feeding practices for

children in the School stage
Support for the implementation of mothers'
Reduce child malnutrition in high Andean
Reduce child malnutrition in school-age
Improve food security.
Educate workers and wives about proper
eating habits.
4.-Environmental management

The activities of Sustainable Development in

this area have as objective the Environmental
protection, as well as citizen participation in
environmental protection Of the natural
Educate about the impacts of local economic
activity on water resources
Generate capacities in the population to
identify and monitor possible health risks
5.- Employment work
Generacin de Empleo : The generation of
jobs in the mining sector has had a positive
evolution in the last 7 years
Importancia de la mineria en el empleo: Few
productive sectors develop their activities to
more than 3 500 m.s.n.m. Not only personnel
but also machinery and equipment are
transferred, as well as Goods and services to
provide adequate comfort to Work in the
mining units.
Empleo directo : The stratum of the Great
and Medium Metallic Mining is the one that
congregates the greater Number of workers
in the sector. For the year 2008, 95.42
percent of the, Contractors worked in metal
mining Gold, silver, copper, among others.
Empleo indirecto :
Many of the communities close to a mining
project have economies Linked to the
market. Some incumbents integrate their
supplier lists into Local organizations of
production and offer of services, since they
recognize the importance and benefit of
contracting the local population
Are oriented in four points :

Broaden the coverage of electric power.

Provide access to the water and sanitation
Build access roads or rural roads.
Maintenance of access roads.
Improve communication channels.
Promote the construction of basic infrastructure.
Give temporary work opportunities to people living
in extreme situations poverty
Investment in public works.
Provide better conditions of life to the community.
Equipment for paving of sidewalks with plans and
programs of water drainage and electricity.
Support to the construction of communal
The activities of Sustainable development in
the Local economy seek to enhance the
productive capacities of the populations
involved, promoting the creation of small
and medium-sized enterprises in other
branches economic activities not linked to
the mining sector, in addition to the
acquisition of local goods and services.
The objectives established by MINEM and
which will direct the activities in benefit of the
localities, are the following:

Provide or improve productive infrastructure.

Encourage the development of alternative
Strengthen Business Leadership skills.
Identify opportunities for development of the area
Improve the productivity of agricultural land.
Improve livestock productivity.
Promote the formalization of local suppliers.
Promote the articulation with external markets.
Promote the articulation with internal markets.
Promote the construction of productive infrastructures.
Encourage the production of vegetables.
To generate added value to the production of alpaca
fiber and sheep, improving skills.
Technical production of trout, to satisfy the demand of
the product in themarket.
Production of alpaca breeders of better genetic quality.
Promote the generation of family income.
Develop skills for alpaca management.
Improve the implementation for road handling.
Better quality of life for the people living in the
8.-Comprehensive Social
Programs of Long Term
The Long-term Comprehensive Social Programs are
those that seek, through A set of articulated projects,
to promote Social Responsibility in The areas where
mining activity is carried out.
Articular activities must be implemented to achieve
a pre-established goal
Has temporality also pre-established: contains a
calendar of Execution of activities.
It uses indicators (quantitative and qualitative) that
allow the Evaluation of the impact of the projects.
Integral Programs have long-term impact, unlike
projects that have shorter execution times.
9.-Development and Strengthening of Management
Capacity Local Institutions
The purpose of this section is to strengthen the
local leadership and public administration
capacities of local and regional authorities for
the training of Human and social capital.
Strengthen the management capacity of
Sustainable Development projects.
Foster the participation of the population in
the design of budgets.
Strengthen local governments with trained

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