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Springs in Mechatronics

A "spring" is used for various structures. Each spring has its purpose,
but it plays more of a supporting role than a lead. In spite of this image,
springs are one of the most important LCA components in ongoing
technological advancements because they are closely related to :
making the product more compact and lightweight,
improving products' reliability,
high-speed performance, and operability.
Functions of springs Operating conditions Intended use Types of springs

1. Elastic energy will be stored in a Load Springs for scales

spring based on the deflection caused by the
spring force. specification/adju and safety valves
2. The elastic energy accumulated in stment [1] Washers
Step 1 will be released outwardly as the
external force diminishes. Static conditions Main springs for
3. When a spindle hanging from the measuring gauges and
spring is oscillated, the spindle continues to Utilization of
oscillate in accordance with the spring constant. accumulated energy [2]
Tensile springs for
automation devices
Oscillatory relaxation Vibration isolation
[3] springs
Dynamic conditions
Absorption of shock damper
energy [1] [2] Buffer springs for
elevator equipment
Types of
Overview Drawing No.
(Classified by

Most popular and common springs.

Easy to produce, effective, inexpensive.

a) Coil springs
Provide various functions, including
compression, tensile strength, and

Spiral shaped springs designed to add

b) Spiral springs torque from the spring's elastic

A disk containing a hole in the middle is

processed into a conical shape, which is

Types and c) Disc springs used for areas requiring constant load
reaction at low volume.

Characteristics Springs in various shapes used for

of Springs d) Fastener

The examples include spring washers, E-

type retaining rings, and spring pins.

e) Laminated Frequently used for suspension of heavy

leaf springs objects (such as vehicles).

A flat plate is processed into a shape that

will deliver the intended spring functions.

f) Flat springs The examples include points of contact,

clamps, and tightening parts of piping

A twist of the bar is applied for spring


Used as a stabilizer for automobiles.

g) Torsion bars
The functions of helical compression springs with non-linear characteristics are achieved when the line or lines and the
seating surface contact each other as the load increases. This occurs because the coil spring position causes a change in
at least one of the following design parameters: [1] coil diameter, [2] pitch, or [3] wire diameter
Type of spring with non-linear
Advantages Disadvantages

-Contact with
surrounding -For the equal wire
objects can be diameter type, the energy
avoided when the absorption rate becomes
Conical springs spring deforms. smaller as the coil
Advantages -The seating surface diameter decreases.
disadvantages contact type has -The line contact type has
of typical the lower solid the higher solid height.
springs with height.
characteristics -Higher solid height.
Variable pitch springs -Inexpensive
-Large in mass.
-Lower solid height.
-Smaller in mass
Coil springs with tapered material compared to -Expensive
variable pitch
Load-Deflection Relationship for Helical Extension
Initial tension, which is a force holding
the coils against each other, can be put
into helical extension springs even under
a no-load condition.
The initial tension is created by twisting
the wire in the direction of the coils in
contact with one another during the
spring winding process.
Cold-formed and solid-coiled springs are
wound with some tension. In general,
springs that are purposely designed to
have initial tension are referred to as
springs with initial tension.
The load and deflection characteristics of
springs with and without the initial
tension are shown in [Fig.1].
Natural Frequency of Springs
Surging Phenomenon of Springs
Surging refers to oscillation specific to a coil spring. When an external force having
a frequency component close to the spring's natural frequency acts upon the
spring, an oscillation phenomenon called surging occurs owing to the mass of the
spring. When high-speed compression or tensile forces are applied to a coil spring
by a cam, surging occurs by the spring itself resonating with the high-frequency
components of the cam's head-discharge curve.
(1)What is surging
- When a coil spring absorbs shock, the coil wire undergoes torsion,
which is transmitted as a shock wave. This shockwave is called a surge wave.
Special Springs
Wave Springs
Wave springs are precise flat wire compression
springs that fit into assemblies where space is at
a premium. Since the overall lengths and
operating heights of wave springs are lower than
those of conventional round wire springs, they
will often reduce the size of the spring cavity by
as much as 50%.
Nested Spring Linear Springs

Nested Wave Springs are pre- Linear springs are a continuous wave
stacked in parallel from one formed (marcelled) wire length produce
continuous filament of flat wire. from spring tempered materials. They act
Nested springs result in a spring rate as a load bearing device having
that increases proportionally to the approximately the same load/deflection
number of turns. characteristics as a wave spring.
They can exert tremendous forces,
yet maintain the precision of a
circular-grain wave spring.
Wave spring Advantage
Wave Spring Applications
Linear Spring Advantage
Linear Spring applications

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