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Training And Placement

What is Hadoop?
Hadoop is an open source, Java-based
programming framework that supports the
processing and storage of extremely large data sets
in a distributed computing environment. It is part of
the Apache project sponsored by the Apache
Software Foundation.
Why Hadoop Training?
We live today in a world of DATA. What-so-ever you do in the Internet, it
becomes a source of business information. Therefore, industries are looking for
ways to handle data and get business.
Here is Hadoop jail-break for the IT firms in order to store and retrieve large
amount of data. Here are some reasons to choose

A combination of online running applications on a huge-scale built of

commodity hardware.
Big companies are seeking for Hadoop professionals capable of handling
Stores and processes large data-sets in a cost-effective manner.
Hadoop Modules And
As a software framework, Hadoop is composed of numerous
functional modules. At a minimum, Hadoop uses Hadoop Common as
Kernel to provide the framework's essential libraries.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) which is capable of storing data
across thousands of commodity servers to achieve high bandwidth between
Hadoop Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN) which provides
resource management and scheduling for user applications
Hadoop MapReduce which provides the programming model used to
tackle large distributed data processing -- mapping data and reducing it to a
Hadoop Training Topics Covered
Module : 1 Course Introduction Module : 14 Hive
Module : 2 Introduction to Big Data Module : 15 Flume
Module : 3 Hadoop Architecture Module : 16 Sqoop
Module : 4 Hadoop Configuration Module : 17 Hue
Module : 5 Hadoop Cluster Configuration Module : 18 Oozie
Module : 6 Hadoop Deployment Module : 19 ZooKeeper
Module : 7 Introduction to MapReduce Module : 20 Impala
Module : 8 Deep dive in MapReduce & Yarn Module : 21 Ecosystem
Module : 9 Advanced HDFS and MapReduce Module : 22 Commercial Distribution
Module : 10 MapReduce Framework Module : 23 Hadoop Monitoring
Module : 11 Hadoop Administration Module : 24 Java Essentials
Module : 12 Pig
Module : 13 Hbase
Who should do this course?
Hadoop has become a cornerstone of every IT sector today. It has now
become a must-know technology for the following professionals.

All IT professionals looking forward to become Data scientist in future

Project managers looking to learning new techniques of managing and
maintaining large data
Fresher, graduates, or working professionals
Hadoop developers looking for learning new verticals like Hadoop Analytics,
Hadoop Administration, and Hadoop Testing
Mainframe professionals
Software developers and architects
BI/DW/ETL professionals
Anyone with interest in Big Data analytics.
Hadoop has become a cornerstone of every IT sector today. It has
now become a must-know technology for the following professionals.

No Apache Hadoop knowledge is required

Fresher from non-IT background can also excel
Prior experience on any programming language might help
Basic knowledge of Core Java, UNIX, and SQL
Java essentials for Hadoop course for brushing up ones skills
Good analytical skills to grasp and apply the Hadoop concepts
Is Java Necessary Prerequisite to
undertake Java Course ?

You can master in Hadoop, even if you are not from IT background. But
any programming language, such as Java, C#, PHP, Python, C, C++,
.NET, PERL, etc., if you know could be a great help. Even if you have no
knowledge regarding Java, do not worry, because we have Java
Essentials for Hadoop course to brush up your skills and that too
absolutely free.
Why Enroll For Hadoop Training
And Placement ?
One-on-one and weekend classes
Live faculty-led training
Live webinars
24/7 support from our experts
Experience certificate in Hadoop
Money back guarantee
High-quality e-learning
Top Companies Hiring Hadoop
Big Data Developers

Call :7037455380

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