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Volume/ Intensity/ Rest

Speed- Maximum Velocity for a movement (fast as possible)
Power- High Force and High Speed (Force X Velocity)
Strength- Most Force production (1 Repetition Maximum)
Hypertrophy- Increase Muscle size (Larger Muscle)
Endurance- Increase ability for the body to handle training
(general fitness)
What is Volume?
How to manipulate Volume
What rep/ set schemes cause what adaptations
What is Intensity?
How to Manipulate Intensity
What Intensities, when paired with rep/ set schemes, cause what adaptations
What Is Rest?
How to manipulate Rest
What rest intervals are necessary to allow for specific adaptations
What is Volume?
Volume- the number of sets multiplied by the number of reps for a
specific exercise (set X rep = volume)
Daily volume is the (set X rep) + number of exercises
This is how to track the total number of lifts performed
Tonnage- The volume and weight (set X (Rep X Weight))
This is how to track total work done in one session
What is Intensity?
Intensity- % of one repetition Maximum for a movement
0-30% = speed
30-50% = Power
75-90% = Power (Olympic Lifts)
85-100% = Strength
65-85% = Hypertrophy
< 50% = Endurance
More rest allows for greater efforts within the next set
5-10min = Full recovery
2-5min = Recovery between Strength and Power sets
30s- 90s = Recovery between Hypertrophy sets
=/< 30s = Recovery between Endurance sets
Manipulating Volume/ Intensity/ Rest
Endurance= >12 reps/ 3-5 sets/ >50% 1RM/ >30s rest
Hypertrophy= 6-12 reps/ 3-5 sets/ 65-85% 1RM/ 30-90s rest
Strength= 1-5 reps/ 3-5 sets/ 85-100% 1RM/ 2-5min rest
Power = 1-5 reps/ 3-5 sets/ 30-50% 1RM/ 2-5min rest
Power (Olympic Lifts)= 1-4 reps/ 3-10 sets/ 75-90% 1RM/ 2-5min rest
Speed= 1-5 reps/ 3-10 sets/ 100% velocity/ 1-10min rest

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