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Etika Profesi

Abdul Razak Thaha

Pengertian Kode Etik
Ethics: the discipline which can act as the
performance index or reference for our
control system" (Martin, 1993).
Kode Etika adalah etika yang dirupakan
dalam bentuk aturan (Kode) tertulis yang
secara sistematik sengaja dibuat
berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip moral yang ada;
Jika dibutuhkan dapat difungsikan sebagai
alat untuk menghakimi tindakan-tindakan
yang secara logika-rasional umum (common
sense) dinilai menyimpang dari kode etik
Etika Profesi

Kode etik profesi kode etik yang

diperlukan untuk menjaga martabat
serta kehormatan profesi, dan disisi
lain melindungi masyarakat dari
segala bentuk penyimpangan
maupun penyalah-gunaan keahlian
dan kemahiran (Wignjosoebroto,
Ciri Profesi
Jelas status kewenangannya
Memiliki professional projet => memegang
kontrol eksklusif atas suatu bidang
Mendapat monopoli atas aktivitas tertentu
sehingga mendapat status sosial tertentu
Mendapat legitimasi dari otoritas keilmuan
dan penguasa (akreditasi dan lisensi)
Ciri Profesi (lanjutan)

Memiliki komoditas yang jelas

Memiliki otonomi dalam pre-service
training bagi kandidat profesional
Memiliki klien yang jelas baik perorangan,
kelompok maupun lembaga
Memiliki ikatan profesi untuk menegakkan
etika profesi serta memperjuangkan
kepentingan profesi dan anggotanya.
Kelompok Profesi

Kelompok profesi kelompok yang

berkeahlian dan berkemahiran -- yang
diperoleh melalui proses pendidikan dan
pelatihan yang berkualitas dan berstandar
tinggi -- yang dalam menerapkan semua
keahlian dan kemahirannya yang tinggi itu
hanya dapat dikontrol dan dinilai dari dalam
oleh rekan sejawat, sesama profesi sendiri.
Model Pendidikan Profesi

(Learning: formal, seldirected dan informal)

(Sertifikasi, lisensi, audit praktek)

(Pengembangan standar dan evaluasi)
(resertifikasi, relisensi) 7
What are Nutritional
Professional ethics are concerned with
the ethical dimensions of professionalism
and the moral trust that society bestows on
nutrition professionals to act for the
common welfare.
Professional ethics are role oriented,
helping practitioners to act in virtuous ways
as they undertake their functions
What are Nutrition Ethics?

Applied nutrition ethics are the values

that help to illuminate hard problems in
nutrition policy and practice.
Applied nutrition ethics are concerned
not so much with the character of
professionals as with the ethical dimensions
of the nutrition enterprise itself.
What are Nutrition
Advocacy ethic is the overarching
value of population nutrition and social
Advocacy ethic informed by the
single overriding value of a healthy
community nutrition
Human Rights in
the right of everyone to the highest
attainable standard of physical and mental
health, "including the right to a standard of
living adequate for the health and wellbeing
of himself and his family, including food,
clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services.
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 25).
What is the Role of Human
Rights in Nutrition?
The language of human rights is used
in different, but overlapping, ways in
Human rights may refer to a set of
entitlements under international law,
or may be invoked for aspirational, or
rhetorical, purposes.
What is the Role of Human
Rights in Nutrition?
Considerable disagreement exists as to
whether nutrition is a meaningful,
identifiable, operational, and enforceable
right, or whether it is merely aspirational
or rhetorical.
Although human rights are supported by
international law and express an inspiring
idea about personal dignity, they are
often criticized for imprecision and lack of
How to Evaluate Nutrition
Policy makers should subject nutrition
interventions to systematic evaluation.
Demonstrate risk.
Demonstrate effectiveness.
Assess economic cost.
Assess human rights burdens.
Assess fairness.
How to Evaluate Nutrition
Step One: Demonstrate Risk.
First, what is the nature of the risk?
Second, what is the duration of the risk?
Third, what is the probability that the risk will
actually occur?
Finally, what is the severity of harm should the
risk materialize?
Step Two: Demonstrate the Interventions
How to Evaluate Nutrition
Step Three: Assess the Economic Cost. The
intervention should not only be capable of
reducing the risk, but it should do so at a
reasonable cost
Step Four: Assess the Burdens on Human
Rights. Sometimes even cost-effective
policies should not be undertaken if they
disproportionately burden human rights.
Step Five: Assess the Fairness of the
Intervention. Policies should be formed and
implemented in just ways.
Kode Etik Profesi
Komponen Kode Etik
Honesty Objectivity
Integrity Respectfulness
Transparency Obedience to the
Accountability law
Confidentiality Loyalty
Tugas Mandiri

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Kode Etik Profesi Gizi Indonesia

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