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Tezar Samekto Darungan, MMedEd

Medical Education Unit
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Adult Learning
Assumptions of adult learning :
1. Adults are independent and self directing
2. They have accumulated a great deal of experience,
which is a rich resource for learning
3. They value larning that integrates with the demands
of their everyday life
4. They are more interested in immediate, problem
centered approaches than in subject centred ones
5. They are more motivated to learn by internal drives
than by external ones
Adult Learning
Adult learning differs from child
Knowles (2005) introduces the
term andragogy the art and
science of helping adults learn
Main difference : adults differently
motivated to learn
Knowles principles of adult
1. Establish an effective learning climate, where learners feel safe
and comfortable expressing themselves
2. Involve learners in mutual planning of relevant methods and
curricular content
3. Involve learners in diagnosing their own needs that will trigger
inner motivation
4. Encourage learners to formulate their own learning objectoves
gives learner control of their learning
5. Encourage learners to identify resources and devise strategies
for using the resources to achieve their objectives
6. Support learners in carrying out their learning plans
7. Involve learners in evaluating their own learning develop
skills of crtitical thinking
How adults learn (Taylor and
Hamdy, 2013)
5 phase of learning :
1. Dissonance phase
2. Refinement phase
3. Organization phase
4. Feedback phase
5. Consolidation phase
How Adults Learn Dissonance
Learning existing knowledge is being challenged
Learner identified prior knowledge
Learner recognise what is unknown
Factors influencing this phase : nature of task,
learning style, motivation, availabe resources, learners
stage of development
Learners reflecting and define learning outcomes,
learning needs
How Adults Learn Refinement
Learners seek out possible explanation or solution to
the problem (elaboration)
Learners completing task, research, reflection into a
concept (actively) new in a form of hypothesis
How Adults Learn Organization
Learners develop or restructure the ideas :
1. Reflection in action (test and re-test hypothesis)
2. Making a schemata make sense
How Adults Learn Feedback
Most crucial phase
Learners articulate their newly-knowledge and tests it
against peer and teacher
feedback will reinforce the schema or oblige the
learner to consider it.
How Adults Learn Consolidation
Learners reflect upon the process they have
undergone, looking back over the learning cycle,
identyfing what they have learned.
New knowledge and the learning process
Reflection in action and reflection on action

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