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Shoulder Pathologies

Shoulder Pain

The four most common causes of shoulder pain and disability in primary care are rotator cuff
disorders, glenohumeral disorders, acromioclavicular joint disease and referred neck pain.
Most intrinsic shoulder problems fall into four major categories:
Tendon inflammation (bursitis or tendinitis) or tendon tear
Fracture (broken bone)
Referred pain: neck pain, myocardial ischaemia, referred diaphragmatic pain (eg, gallbladder
disease, subphrenic abscess).
Polymyalgia rheumatica.
Malignancy: apical lung cancers, metastases.
Rotator cuff disorders

The term sub-acromial pain (synonyms: subacromial impingement; impingement

syndrome; rotator cuff syndrome; supraspinatus tendonitis; rotator cuff
tendinopathy; painful arc syndrome) refers to all rotator cuff lesions, including all
stages of tendon disease from early degeneration through to complete tears.
Most often present in patients aged 35-75 years.
Subacromial impingement is the most common source of shoulder pain:
There may be a history of heavy lifting or repetitive movements, especially above
shoulder level. However, it often occurs in the non-dominant arm and in non-manual
On examination there may be muscle wasting with pain on movements and a partial
restriction of active movements (passive movements are full but painful).
A painful arc (between 70-120 of active abduction) is not specific or sensitive but
increases the likelihood of a rotator cuff disorder.
Rotator cuff disorders

A rotator cuff tear:

Usually follows trauma in young people. It is usually atraumatic in elderly people
and caused by attrition from bony spurs on the undersurface of the acromion or
intrinsic degeneration of the cuff, possibly.
Partial tears may be difficult to differentiate from rotator cuff tendinopathy on
The drop arm test (see 'Examination', below) may be used to detect a massive tear.
Rotator cuff disorders

Calcific tendonitis:[4]Crystalline calcium phosphate is deposited in the rotator

cuff tendon.
The cause is not known. It is more common in women (70% of cases) and
affects people aged 30-60.
It is a self-limiting condition as the calcium will eventually resorb but may
take many years.
Common Shoulder pathologies

Clavicular Fractures
Proximal Humeral Fractures
Scapular Fractures
Glenohumeral Dislocation
Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain and Separation
Sternoclavicular Joint Sprain and Separation
Rotator Cuff Tear
Impingement Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Biceps Tendonitis
Labral Injury
Glenohumeral Arthritis
Osteolysis of the Distal Clavicle
Rotator Cuff Tear

Tears of the rotator cuff are most common in persons older than 40 years.15 In younger patients, these injuries typically result
from trauma. In middle-aged or older patients, a more common presentation is chronic impingement syndrome, often resulting
in rupture of the cuff. When a rotator cuff ruptures, the resulting muscular atrophy often limits the patient's ability to perform
the necessary diagnostic manoeuvres. In these patients, a rotator cuff tear can be difficult to diagnose clinically.
1. Injury, especially while trying to lift or catch a heavy object
2. Overuse, especially after a period of inactivity
3. Poor blood supply to an area of the cuff (which occurs with increasing age)
4. A fall on an outstretched arm
5. A gradual weakening of the tendons of the shoulder, often associated with impingement
A rotator cuff tear is best disgnosed with a scan. The type of scan depends on the local resources and skills.
Ultrasound Scan - in some cases this can be done immediately in the clinic and is accurate, dynamic and cost effective.
MRI Scan - This is more costly and less accessible, but can provide information on the quality of the muscles and other
underlying structures of the shoulder.

Treatment consists of surgical repair in younger and selected older patients or rehabilitation in patients who are not good
candidates for surgery. Early identification of a rotator cuff tear is important so that consultation for possible surgical repair
can be considered. Repair within three weeks of injury is recommended to avoid tendon retraction, reinjury, tendon
degeneration and muscle atrophy
Rotator Cuff Tears

Incidence Of Cuff Tears

Increased incidence of RC disease with age:
Rare < 30 yrs (even with trauma as cuff elastic)
8% < 60 yrs
30% > 60 yrs (Lehman et al, 1995)
Full thickness tear
night pain &/or resting pain, weak
abd & LR, loss of motion. Dull, toothache-like pain
worse at night.
Partial tear outcome varies with surgical repair, may
do well with PT rehab.
Painful arc may be present
Impingement Syndrome

The rotator cuff occupies the space between the coracoacromial arch and the
humerus. With abduction of the arm, the tendons of the rotator cuff can be
impinged between the bony structures of the arch and the humerus. The
impingement syndrome was described by Neer17,18 as a series of pathologic
changes in the supraspinatus tendon: stage I causes hemorrhage and edema; stage
II, tendonitis and fibrosis; and stage III, tendon degeneration of the rotator cuff
and biceps, bony changes and tendon rupture.
Pain related to impingement usually occurs over the anterolateral aspect of the
shoulder, often with some radiation to, but not usually beyond, the elbow.
Typically, the pain is aggravated by overhead activity and is worse at night.
Patients often report a clicking or popping sensation in the affected shoulder. In
young throwing athletes with these symptoms, however, the examiner should be
concerned about the possibility of a labral disorder. Biceps tendonitis frequently
occurs in the later stages of impingement, and rehabilitation can help correct this
Impingement Syndrome

Symptoms in older patients usually reflect chronic overuse and degeneration of

the supraspinatus tendon. This process is referred to as primary impingement. For
instance, a 65-year-old patient with anterior shoulder pain probably has primary
outlet impingement. In contrast, a 17-year-old baseball pitcher is more likely to
have secondary impingement, with an underlying problem of instability. This
patient will often complain of arm heaviness and numbness (dead arm
syndrome) rather than shoulder pain.20
Therefore, the primary diagnosis in younger throwing athletes is typically subtle
glenohumeral instability with secondary impingement and sub acromial bursitis
noted on examination. Weakness in the scapular stabilizers can play an important
role in the development of shoulder problems, particularly in athletes.21 Repeated
stresses from overhead motions like throwing can lead to fatigue of the muscles
that stabilize the humeral head and prevent anterior subluxation. Secondary
impingement, therefore, can occur when the fatigue and dysfunction of the
rotator cuff cause the humeral head to migrate superiorly within the glenohumeral
joint, impinging the rotator cuff tendon under the coracoacromial arch.
Impingement Syndrome

Other causes of impingement include

1. a curved or hooked acromion,
2. AC spurring
3. thickened coracoacromial ligament.22
Radiographs should be considered if a patient shows no improvement after two to
three months of conservative therapy for presumed impingement syndrome (Table
Degenerative changes at the AC joint, sclerosis, osteophyte formation at the
inferior aspect of the acromion and sclerosis or cyst formation at the site of
supraspinatus tendon insertion into the greater tuberosity should increase the
clinician's suspicion of impingement and chronic rotator cuff tears. In some cases,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or other imaging studies (Table 3) may be
necessary. T2-weighted MRI has a reported accuracy of 84 to 100 percent in the
diagnosis of rotator cuff tears.15,16
Impingement Syndrome

Initial treatment of most patients with impingement syndrome (primary and secondary) is
conservative, especially in the acute phase of pain: rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), icing and avoiding aggravating activities. It may be necessary to modify the
patient's work activities, particularly overhead lifting. After most of the pain has resolved, a
rotator cuff strengthening program should be instituted. In some patients, particularly
athletes with secondary impingement, scapular rotator cuff strengthening also should be
incorporated into the physical therapy program. Athletes with secondary impingement and
underlying instability who fail to show improvement with conservative therapy should be
referred for consideration of a stabilization procedure. In contrast, an older patient with
primary impingement would probably undergo open or arthroscopic sub acromial
A corticosteroid injection can be therapeutic and diagnostic in patients with impingement
syndrome. If the diagnosis of impingement is uncertain, lidocaine (Xylocaine) and/or
bupivacaine (Marcaine) can be injected into the sub acromial space. After the drug has
dispersed for several minutes, impingement tests can be repeated. A decrease in pain
increases the certainty that impingement is the primary process. Corticosteroids are often
combined with anaesthetics in this procedure. A recent randomized, double-blind
study24 noted significant short-term relief of sub acromial impingement symptoms with
corticosteroid injections.
Common shoulder pathologies

Fractures of the humerus, scapula and clavicle usually result from a direct
blow or a fall onto an outstretched hand. Most can be treated by
Dislocation of the humerus, strain or sprain of the acromioclavicular and
sternoclavicular joints, and rotator cuff injury often can be managed
conservatively. Recurrence is a problem with humerus dislocation, and surgical
management may be indicated if conservative treatment fails.
Rotator cuff tears are often hard to diagnose because of muscle atrophy that
impairs the patient's ability to perform diagnostic manoeuvres.
Chronic shoulder problems usually fall into one of several categories, which
include impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder and biceps tendonitis. Other
causes of chronic shoulder pain are labral injury, osteoarthritis of the
glenohumeral or acromioclavicular joint and, rarely, osteolysis of the distal

Clavicular fractures are common, accounting for one of every 20 fractures.2 Most occur in the middle one
third of the clavicle. Patients with fracture of the proximal or medial clavicle often have concomitant
posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint. Clavicular fractures usually occur during a fall onto an
outstretched hand, although some result from a blow to the shoulder examination of the upper extremities
should be performed to identify any associated brachial plexus or vascular injuries.
Proximal Humeral Fractures: Humeral fractures are most commonly caused by a direct blow or a fall onto
an outstretched hand. Physical examination frequently reveals crepitus at the fracture site. Ecchymosis
often occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the injury. The treatment of stable proximal humeral fractures (those
displaced less than 1 cm) consists of a shoulder immobilizer to prevent external rotation and abduction.
Scapular fractures, which are uncommon,5 result from a direct blow to the scapular area or from extremely
high-force impact elsewhere to the thorax. The patient usually has tenderness at the fracture site, and arm
abduction is painful. The neck and scapular body are most commonly involved. Treatment usually consists of
a sling for comfort. Range-of-motion exercises are begun as soon as acute pain resolves, usually within two
weeks. Early mobilization is important to avoid loss of range of motion, possibly leading to frozen shoulder.
Orthopedic referral is indicated for patients with fractures that are unstable or that involve the articular
Refer to shoulder doc for more in depth perspective of each fracture and its management.
Refer to fracture pack for healing process
Gleno-humeral Dislocation

The humeral head can dislocate anteriorly, posteriorly or inferiorly in relation to

the glenoid fossa. Most shoulder dislocations are anterior. Patients usually hold the
affected arm in external rotation and abduction. The humeral head usually is
palpable anteriorly, and the diagnosis is often confirmed by locating a dimple in
the skin beneath the acromion.
Posterior dislocation is uncommon, and diagnosis is often delayed. Typically, the
patient presents with the arm held close to the body in abduction and internal
rotation. Usually, external rotation (active and passive) and forward elevation are
extremely limited.
Shoulder dislocation is treated with relocation of the humerus (using the method
with which the clinician is most familiar) and immobilization, to permit capsular
healing. Mobilization of the shoulder and the elbow can usually be resumed within
seven to 10 days following injury. Early range-of-motion exercises are important,
particularly in older patients, to prevent complications such as frozen shoulder.
Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain and
A common injury among athletes and active patients is acromioclavicular (AC)
sprain, also referred to as shoulder separation. The current classification
system recognizes six grades of AC ligamentous injuries (Table 2). A direct
blow to the superior aspect of the shoulder or a lateral blow to the deltoid
area often produces this injury. Occasionally, an AC sprain results from falling
onto an outstretched hand.
View/Print Table
Classification of Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint

Acromioclavicular Sprained Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted

Acromioclavicular Intact Disrupted or slight Disrupted Disrupted Separated Ruptured

joint vertical separation

Coracoclavicular Intact Sprained Disrupted or slight Disrupted Disrupted

ligaments vertical separation
Joint capsule and ligaments
Sternoclavicular Joint Sprain and
Anterior sternoclavicular (SC) joint separation occurs when the medial end of
the clavicle is displaced anteriorly or anterosuperiorly with respect to the
anterior border of the sternum. This injury is most commonly the result of a
motor vehicle crash.14 The patient with an SC joint injury will complain of
pain, particularly with shoulder adduction. Localized tenderness and
deformity are often noted. The head may be tilted toward the side of the
dislocation. When the patient is supine, the discomfort is often exacerbated,
and the patient cannot place the affected shoulder flat on the examining
table. A posterior dislocation can be life-threatening because of compression
of the trachea and great vessels of the neck.
Mild SC sprains are usually treated conservatively with a sling or figure-of-
eight appliance and progressive range-of-motion exercise. Acute SC
dislocations can be managed with closed reduction by experienced physicians,
but surgical reduction for definitive management is often required.
Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder, results from thickening and contraction of the capsule
around the glenohumeral joint and causes loss of motion and pain. Frozen shoulder classically
consists of shoulder pain that is slow in onset and presents without any radiographic
abnormalities. Usually, the discomfort is localized near the deltoid insertion, the patient is
unable to sleep on the affected side and glenohumeral elevation and external rotation are
Frozen shoulder most often occurs as a result of immobility following a shoulder injury. An
autoimmune cause of frozen shoulder has been proposed.25,26 The diagnosis is usually made
clinically, and physicians should always be concerned about a possible underlying rotator cuff
tear. Radiographs often appear normal, although osteopenia of the humeral head may be
noted as a result of disuse. Arthrography demonstrates generalized constriction of the joint
capsule, with loss of the normal axillary and subscapularis spaces (Table 3). The capsule can
be dilated during arthrography, converting the procedure from a diagnostic to a therapeutic
A carefully designed treatment plan for patients with frozen shoulder may include physical
therapy, pain medication such as NSAIDs and, occasionally, intra-articular corticosteroid
injection. Surgical referral may be indicated after conservative treatment has failed,
although the exact timing of surgery should be decided on an individual basis.
Biceps Tendonitis

Biceps tendonitis results from inflammation of the sheath around the long
head of the biceps and is usually manifested by discrete pain and tenderness
in the area of the bicipital groove, often occurring concomitantly with
impingement syndrome or rotator cuff tear. Management is usually
conservative; rest, icing, NSAIDs and corticosteroid injections may all be
helpful. When conservative management fails, surgical transfer of the tendon
may be necessary.
Labral Injury

The SLAP lesion (superior labrum anterior and posterior) and other glenoid
labral tears are common in throwing athletes who present with a painful
shoulder that clicks or pops with motion. Patients often have a positive
clunk test,27 especially in the overhead position. They may have
tenderness to deep palpation over the anterior glenohumeral joint and signs
of laxity or instability. Plain films are often normal, and MRI arthrography may
be needed to view the torn labrum (Table 3). For patients who do not respond
to rest, NSAIDs and physical therapy, arthroscopic or open surgical repair may
be indicated.
Glenohumeral Arthritis

Arthritis of the glenohumeral joint generally causes pain with activity, loss of
passive motion and stiffness. Some patients may complain of nighttime pain.
Causes of arthritis include previous trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, rotator cuff
tear and Lyme disease. Multiple joint involvement is suggestive of rheumatoid
An AP view of the glenohumeral joint will usually reveal degenerative changes
and loss of joint space(Table 2). Treatment is initially conservative, using heat
and ice, NSAIDs, range-of-motion exercises and corticosteroid injections.
Patients for whom conservative therapy fails can be referred for further
evaluation and treatment.
Osteolysis of the Distal Clavicle

Atraumatic osteolysis of the distal clavicle is an unusual injury that occurs

most often in weight lifters.28 Although its cause remains obscure, the
problem most likely begins as a stress fracture. Subsequent bone resorption
causes cystic and erosive changes, and bone remodeling cannot occur because
of the continual stress imposed on the joint. Patients typically have dull pain
over the AC joint, which is often worst at the beginning of an exercise period.
Any movement requiring abduction of the arm more than 90 degrees is
Plain films of the AC joint and clavicle usually confirm the diagnosis. Key
findings include osteopenia and lucency in the distal clavicle (Figure 5).
Treatment consists of discontinuing load-bearing activity. Conservative
management should be used for as long as the patient will comply.
Consideration for resection of the distal clavicle should be individualized
according to each patient's functional demands and symptoms.
Scapula Disorders

Winging Scapula
Snapping Scapula
Interscapular Pain
Sprengel Shoulder / Undescended Scapula
T4 Syndrome
Winging Scapula

The scapula (shoulder blade) is the largest bone of the shoulder complex and
has the greatest number ofmuscles attached to it. These muscles both
stabilise the arm to the body and move the arm around in space. All these
muscles act at the same time sometimes and oppose each other at other
times, but work together like a well trained team to allow the arm to move in
space. If any of these muscles are not working in the right way at the right
time this leads to a break in the rhythmic motion of the scapula. This is
known as a scapula 'dysrhythmia '. This leads to apparent 'winging' of the
Winging Scapula

Winging of the scapula is a surprisingly common physical sign, but because it is often asymptomatic
it receives little attention. However, symptoms of pain, weakness, or cosmetic deformity may
demand attention. Winging is also a useful sign to suggest underlying problems with the shoulder.
Winging may be caused by injury or dysfunction of the muscles themselves or the nerves that supply
the muscles.
Loss of serratus anterior muscle function
Loss of trapezius muscle function
Weakness of all the scapula stabilisers
Loss of the scapular suspensory mechanism
Winging secondary to instability
Winging secondary to pain
Brachial Plexus injury
Refer to links and shoulder doc for more details
Interscapular pain

Interscapular pain is pain felt between the shoulder blades. The causes may be secondary
(most common) or primary (rare).
Many neck, thoracic spine and shoulder problems can give rise to secondary pain in the
interscapular area. In these cases the primary problem is often felt in the affected area, with
radiation to the interscapular region.
1. Neck
Pain from a cervical disc disease can radiate to the interscapular area, as well as down the
arm. An MRI scan of the neck should confirm the diagnosis.
2. Shoulder:
Longstanding shoulder problems lead to scapula dysfunction and periscapular pain. A
thorough shoulder examination and imaging of the shoulder is essential. The common causes
are shoulder instability, rotator cuff tears and AC joint dislocations.
3. Thoracic spine:
Disorders affecting the thoracic spine cause pain radiation to the interscapular area. Stiffness
of thoracic rotation is indicative, along with MRI scans.
Interscapular pain

Once all the common secondary causes have been excluded, primary problems in the interscapular area
should be considered.
1. Snapping scapula:
This causes both pain and very loud popping noises when moving the scapula. This may be due to a bony
lump and/or bursitis. Read more here.
2. Levator Scapulae syndrome:
Pain felt from the top of the scapula to the neck in the line of the levator scapula muscle {1}. Often
associated with scapulothoracic bursitis. Treatment involves physiotherapy aimed at the lavatory scapula
3. Cervico-thoraco-scapula Syndrome / T4 Syndrome {2}/ Scapulocostal Syndrome {3}{4}:
This is a diagnosis of exclusion, for which the cause is not known. It is not a diagnosis recognised by the
traditional medical and surgical community, as there is no clear and easy way to diagnose it. However, it is
a broad range of symptoms affecting the interscapular area. The three syndrome may be separate entities,
but the symptoms overlap and the management is similar. They are mainly found in adults in the 20-40 year
old age group. Pain can be constant and severe. It often is mainly localised in the interscapular area, but
can radiate to the neck, down the arms and lower back. It is often bilateral. Numbness and pins and needles
are sometimes a feature. It is important to exclude a neck or thoracic cause for the pain. Treatment
involves physiotherapy aimed at the thoracic spine and scapulae. Trigger point treatment is often useful and
injections sometimes useful if the painful area is well-localised. Surgical release of the
serratus posterior superior has been described by Fourie {5}, but this is not established practice.
Sprengel Shoulder / Undescended Scapula

Sprengel deformity is a high shoulder blade (scapula), due to failure in early

foetal development where the shoulder fails to descent properly from the
neck to its final position. Normally this disorder is asymmetric with the left
scapula most commonly affected, so it will sit higher on the back than the
right. The condition maybe sometimes be bilateral, in which case, although it
is cosmetically much more acceptable, functionally, it is more disabling.
About 75% of all observed cases are girls.
T4 syndrome

T4 syndrome, or more accurately upper thoracic syndrome, is a rare and perhaps under-
recognized clinical entity that warrants attention. Upper thoracic syndrome is based on the premise
that dysfunction of the joints in the thoracic spine (including the intervertebral/zygaphophseal,
costovertebral and costotransvere joints) can refer pain and paraesthesia to the upper limbs and the
hands. As sympathetic outflow to the upper limb is supplied by levels T2-5, the sympathetic nervous
system could provide a pathway for referral from the thoracic spine to the upper limb. This
syndrome is 3 times more common in women than men.
Although this syndrome is poorly defined in the literature, the cluster of symptoms reported in
T4/Upper thoracic syndrome include:

Subjective reports of parasthesia, altered and extreme temperature perception and puffiness in
the glove distribution of both hands
A history, or current complaint of intermittent posterior thoracic pain or pain around the scapula
Symptoms worse last thing at night or with activities involving thoracic flexion/slumping (e.g
sitting at a computer/desk for long periods, laying with pillows under your head)
Position of most comfort tends to be laying completely flat (supine
Nerve dysfunctions

Fascioscapulohumeral Dystrophy
Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
Trapezius Muscle Palsy
Quadrilateral Space Syndrome
Suprascapular Nerve Palsy
Access links for further information
Important links

http://www.aafp.org/afp/2000/0601/p3291.html#sec-4 (journal for most

common injuries)
https://www.shoulderdoc.co.uk/section/568 (fractures)
https://www.shoulderdoc.co.uk/section/3 (main shoulder links)

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