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1. Puji Rahayu Ningsih
2. Puput Putriyani
3. Rachel Ratya Wardani
4. Reviyana
5. Rizqi Amalia
Definition of Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a bowel movement (defecation)
by the number of stools more than normal
(normal 100-200 cc / hr feces). With the
stool is liquid / solid half, may be
accompanied by an increased frequency.
According to WHO (1980), diarrhea is
watery bowel movements more than 3 times
a day. Diarrhea is divided into two based on
the onset and duration, namely acute and
chronic diarrhea (Mansjoer, A.1999, 501).
Etiology of Diarrhea
Infection factor: bacteria (Shigella,
Shalmonella,Vibrio cholera), virus
(enterovirus), parasites (worms), Candida
(Candida Albicans).
Parenteral factors: infections of other parts
of the body (OMA often occurs in children).
Malabsorption factors: Carbohydrates, fats,
Dietary factors: Food stale, poisonous, too
much fat, cooked vegetables underdone.
Psychological factors: Fear, anxiety
Signs and symptoms associated with
diarrhea may include:
Frequent loose, watery stools
Abdominal cramps
Abdominal pain
Lightheadedness or dizziness from
Avoid caffeine, dairy products, and greasy, high fibre, or
sugary foods
Placing a hot water bottle or wheat pack on your stomach,
or taking paracetamol (e.g. Panadol), may provide some relief
from abdominal cramps
Apply zinc and castor oil ointment or a barrier cream to
affected areas if you, or your child, develops a rash (like
nappy rash) from the diarrhoea
Avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or diclofenac, for pain
relief as these medications can cause diarrhoea
Anti-diarrhoeal medications that slow diarrhoea (e.g.
Imodium) should be avoided as these drugs prevent your
body from getting rid of the bacteria or virus that may have
caused the diarrhea.
Prevent of Diarrhea
Hand washing is one of the most effective
ways of preventing the spread of viruses and
bacteria that can cause diarrhea.You should
always wash your hands thoroughly after
using the toilet, changing nappies, and before
The following rules when preparing food can also
help prevent diarrhea:
Always put foods that could spoil in the fridge.
Ensure that meat is cooked thoroughly.
Avoid eating raw meats, fish, and shellfish unless
you are sure that they have been freshly prepared
and are from a reliable source.
Never place cooked meet on surfaces or plates
that have held raw meat.
Disinfect bench tops, stove tops, and chopping
boards with a diluted bleach solution.
Thank you

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