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Founded on April 1, 1976, by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

they wanted a computer that was user-friendly.

The Apple I kits were computers single-handedly designed and hand-built by Wozniak and
first shown to the public at the Homebrew Computer Club.

During the first five years of operations revenues grew exponentially, doubling about every
four months. Between September 1977 and September 1980 yearly sales grew from
$775,000 to $118m, an average annual growth rate of 533%

In early 1983, Jobs began working on the Macintosh and began to court John Sculley, then
president of Pepsi-Cola, who later became CEO of apple.
On January 22nd, 1984, during the third quarter of the Super Bowl, Apple aired its infamous
60 second commercial introducing the Macintosh. Directed by Ridley Scott, the Orwellian
scene depicted the IBM world being shattered by a new machine. Advertising Age placed it
on the top of its list of 50 greatest commercials.

A still from the commercial.

Initially, the Mac sold very well, but by Christmas of 1984, people were becoming fed up with

its small amount of RAM, and lack of hard drive connectivity. This led to a number of

disputes with john sculley and jobs was thrown out of the company.

Through the rest of the 1980s, Apple was still doing well and in 1990 it posted its highest

profits yet. This was, however, mostly due to the plans that Jobs had already set in motion

before he left, most notably his deal with a tiny company by the name of Adobe, creator of the

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Together the two companies created the

phenomenon known as desktop publishing.

Over the course of a few years, Apple's market share suffered slowly after its peak in 1990

and by 1996, experts believed the company to be doomed. At this stage, Steve Jobs was called

back and made the interim CEO of the company.

The iMac, introduced in 1998, had two characteristics that quickly made it the best-
selling personal computer in America. First, it was a self-contained unit that
required minimal setup and even had a handle that made it easy to pull out of the
box and move around. Second, the iMac was pretty. On the shelves next to the
beige computers that dominated the market back then, the teal iMac, with its cute
circular mouse and translucent body, stood out.

In 2001, the famous iPad was launched. The iPod was in a category all its own. The
$399 portable music player, with its innovative interface, impressive storage
capacity and lightning-quick download capability quickly became one of its top-
selling products. Since its debut, more than 350 million iPods have been sold
around the world. In 2007, with the launch of the iPhone, apple has consolidated its
position as the market leader in consumer electronics.

After ten years of defending its iPhone sales from competitive threats, the iPhone maker fell
behind Alphabet Inc., the owner of the Google search service, by market value. Demand for
smartphones has largely peaked in the West, and in many other emerging markets there are
low end offerings that potentially threaten to disrupt mass market demand for premium

The reason for this is dependence on iphone sales. the iPhone accounts for 63 percent of
Apples total revenues across its products and services.

In 2016, Apple has reported its first decline in annual sales and profit in 15 years. It is the first
time Apples annual sales or profits have declined since 2001, and some analysts are
concerned that the world may have reached peak Apple

Apple corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs and initiatives are led by Lisa Jackson,
Vice President of Environmental Initiatives, reporting directly to CEO Tim Cook.
Supporting Local Communities:- Global Volunteer Program was launched in 2011 to
encourage employees to volunteer in local communities.
Educating and Empowering Workers:- Apple education and development program is
offered free of charge by 18 factories and more than 280,000 workers took various courses in
Labour and Human Rights :- Apple enforces The Supplier Code of Conduct that is claimed
to be the toughest in the electronics industry. Company has achieved an average 95per cent
compliance among suppliers to maximum 60-hour workweek. It investigated cases of abuses
of foreign workers .
Gender Equality and Minorities:- Apple employees are 32 percent female, 9 percent black
and 12 percent Hispanic.
Energy Consumption :- Apple emerges as the only company that has been awarded with a
Clean Energy Index of 100per cent , according to Greenpeaces Clicking Clean Report. Apple
Inc is sourcing or generating enough renewable energy to cover 93 per cent of the electricity
used at its facilities worldwide .

Waste Reduction and Recycling by Apple Inc.:- Offers recycling programs in 99 percent of
the countries it operates and the company has diverted more than 508 million pounds of
electronic waste from landfills since 2008. In 2015, more than 99 per cent of Apple product
packaging was done from recycled paper or papers sourced from sustainably managed forests.

Water Consumption :- The company launched Clean Water Program in 2013 and in 2015, 73
supplier facilities joined the program to increase the efficiency of their water usage. In 2015
the company converted about 120,000 square feet of previously grass lawns to drought-
tolerant landscape, translating to estimated water savings of up to 6 million gallons per year.
Carbon Emissions by Apple :- The companys CO2 emissions per product has been
consistently decreasing during the last four years to reach 114.2 kg per product in 2015.

Changes in Apple CO2 emissions per product (kg)


The May 2016 visit of Tim Cook result in Apple making substantive efforts to delve into the
Indian economy. The first was Apple opening up iOS App Development Centre in Bengaluru.
Apple also announced the opening of a new office in Hyderabad that will focus on
development of its Maps product.

According to Karnataka state officials, the Cupertino, California based tech giant will begin
assembling devices at its Bengaluru facility in the month of June, 2017. According to the
Economic Times, while Apple awaits the central government's decision on tax concessions it
will start trial production.

This news has been verified by Priyank Kharge, who discussed the plans in a Bloomberg
interview late Thursday. Apple executives met with Kharge in January to cement the timeline,
though Apple CEO Tim Cook first met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi last May.

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