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PATROL is derived from the French word PATROUILLER
which means to tramp about through the mud of a military camp
or roughly to travel on foot.
Patrol is the backbone of the Police department because of
the following reasons:
1. First of all, it is the only division that cannot be eliminated. All
other divisions of the police department may, if necessary, be
eliminated. Patrol officers can, and have, assumed the duties of
other police elements in times of financial crises requiring
agency cutbacks.
2. Patrol officer is the primary agency representative. The
majority of contacts between the public and police occur
between citizen and patrol. The first and foremost police
element is patrol; all other units exist to augment and support
this function. This is the only police element to be distributed
in a geographic manner calculated to provide rapid service
anywhere in the jurisdiction.
3. Patrol provides the initial response every event requiring police
presence; whether this is a major crime, serious injury, or a cat
up a telephone pole. The patrol officer is the only member of
the law enforcement agency to be involved in practically every
incident calling for police action.

Primary goals and objectives

The primary goals and objectives of police patrol are;
maintaining order and protecting life and property. These are
among the most basic roles of government, and government hires
the police to perform these activities.

Secondary goals and objectives:

1. Preventing crimes the police attempt to prevent crime
by trying to create a sense of omnipresence through routine
patrol; responding to calls by citizens with problems that may
cause crime; and establishing and participating in police-
citizens partnerships designed to prevent crime.
2. Arresting and prosecuting offenders arresting
offenders and assisting prosecutors in bringing charges
against defendants is one of the primary methods used by the
police to maintain order and protect life and property.
3. Recovering stolen and missing property when people
find property on the street, they generally bring it to a police
officer or to a police station. When people lose property,
they generally go to the police station in the hopes that
someone has turned it in. Besides all of their other duties
then, the police serve as societys foremost lost and found
4. Assisting the sick and injured because they are
available seven days a week and 24 hours a day and because
they are highly mobile, the police generally are the closest
government agency to any problem.
5. Enforcing non-criminal regulations when government
offices close, the police become roving representative of the
government who assist people with problems no one else is
available to handle. When lights go off in an apartment
building, the water main breaks, people call the police.
6. Delivering services not available elsewhere in the
community the police respond and take whatever
actions they can to ameliorate problems and deal with
emergencies. They direct traffic, evacuate residents, and
decide whom to call for assistance.

Because of the diverse activities performed by the police

specifically the patrol officers in their daily contact with
the public, their responsibilities are categorized into two,

a. Law Enforcement this embraces crime prevention and

crime control role, including the customary police functions.
b. Order Maintenance peace keeping on community
service role or social services.

A. Factors affecting police performance

1. External factors
a. trust and confidence of the people
b. participation of the public in patrol activities
c. support of the barangay officials

2. Internal factors
a. higher pay
b. endorsement by higher authorities
B. Factors influencing decision making at an operational
level - Operational level decision makers judgments are
governed by the same kinds of influences that affect decisions
of higher level administrators. But, because officers operate
within a much smaller political sphere, they find their
relationships with the more limited community potentially
more intense. The reciprocal impact of both officer and
community becomes clearer. It is easier to bargain within
these more intimate relationships.

1. Community input if citizens do not report crimes to the

police or summon on officer when service is needed, police
will intervene only in those situations that they personally
observe. Witnesses and victims who do not cooperate with
the police limit police discretion.
A common reason why citizen do not report auto
accidents or burglaries to the police is that their insurance might
be cancelled or their rate increased if the report is made.
Conversely, they might report if they believe such report is
necessary in order for them to collect the insurance. The
relationship between the victim and offender and the attitude of
the citizen toward police also have a great influence on the
willingness of the citizen to report. In a sense, the community
members express their expectations to police in their
interactions with them.The clearer the statement, the better
police can structure their discretion to meet the communitys

2. Situational factors several studies have found specific

situational factors to be influential in discretionary decision
making. Major factors include the attitude and appearance of
the offender, political factors such as community attitudes,
pressures, and biases.
Another important factor is, whether the situation is on
view ( one that the officer has been and in which he or she
intervene without invitation) or , is one to which the officer was
summoned by citizens.

3. Environmental factors
a. personal values
b. pressure of police supervisors and peers
c. personal perception of what alternatives to assess are

An officer who grew up in a conservative environment

may find decision making in a liberal environment uncomfortable.
Routinely, the officers will be required to assess cultural and
social engineer at the moment, in his discussion of police use of
deadly force, points to an apparent correlation between attitudes
of violence in a community and use of deadly force. Where high
rates of police violence existed, he found high rates of citizen
against police violence also.
4. Educational and experiential factors college-
educated police recruits were slightly more likely to choose
alternative to arrest. Their findings suggest that education
does have some effect upon discretionary decision making. (
Carter, Sapp and Stephens 1989)

The Police Exercise of Discretion

Discretion is the wise use of ones judgment, personal
experience and common sense to decide a particular situation.
The police are decision makers, and most of the decisions they
make involves discretion. Discretion is part and parcel of the
police role.
The policeman on the beat, or in the patrol car, makes
more decisions and exercise broader discretion affecting the daily
life of people every day, and to a greater extent in many respects
than a judge who will ordinarily exercise in a week. No law book,
no lawyer, no judge can readily tell how the police officer on the
beat exercise his discretion perfectly in everyone of the
thousands of hour to hour work of a police officer.
The police are trained to be self-reliant and make
decisions. Most of the decisions they make involve discretion.
The police exercise discretion whenever they must use their own
judgment and personal experience in deciding when to act when
confronted with specific situations.

Should there be full enforcement of the law by the police

or can selective enforcement be restored to as a result of
discretion. The fact of the matter is that the police do not
enforce all laws all the time against all law violators.
Several factors can be attributed for the lack of full, strict,
or total law enforcement such as:
Broadness and inflexibility of the criminal statutes
Ambiguity and vagueness of the law
Over criminalization of the criminal law, or too many laws
The need to individualize the law in action (selective

Main Problems arising from uncontrolled discretion are:

it lacks uniformity for implementation
it may be discriminatory
it fosters police corruption in victimless crimes
it converts the law into a personal instrument of social control
through the so called sidewalk justice
A career in law enforcement can be exciting, challenging,
and rewarding for people who are oriented and committed to
public service. Yet it can be devastating for those who are not
prepared for its rigors. Thousands of dedicated, well-meaning
people who thought that police work was the career for which
they were destined have discovered that the mental, physical,
social, or economic costs of continuing such career were too high.
Many others have perished within the field but at considerable
expense on their part and that of others.
Law enforcement is a hazardous craft that requires
strong, caring individuals who can deal consistent with stressful
situations. Overtime, the impact of the dangers and stressors
inherent in policing affect individual police officers differently.
Some, perhaps most, go through their entire careers without
suffering personally in any unusual or specific way. For other
potential appears to take a special toll on their lives. The sense of
community isolations, the potential dangers, and the unique life
style all seem to work together to affect adversely certain
officers physical, mental, and social well-being.
A. Physical Hazards
1. Violence danger is an inherent part of police work, and
this danger is reinforced by the element of authority. Police
are required to enforce laws, laws that are many times either
more conservative or more liberal than the area or person
against whom it is being enforced. Police officers are always
interacting with people in moments of crisis. Thus, more
often than not, the police are perceived more as adversaries
than as friends.

The threat of death and injury due to violence as well as

the physiological impact of possibly having to cause death or
injury to others is a fact with which law enforcement officers
must content. The keys to coping with these hazards are
personnel selection and training.
2. Accidents - law enforcement officers have about an equal
potential to lose their lives due to accidents as due to
homicide. Automobile accidents, motorcycle accidents,
aircraft crashes, being struck by vehicles, accidental shootings,
falls, and drowning, tend to be the most common causes for
accidental deaths among officers.
3. Contagious disease during the later half of the twentieth
century, police officers hand relatively little to fear from
contagious diseases. Some of the most common
communicative diseases, such as gonorrhea, herpes, and
syphilis, would hopefully not be contracted while on duty.
Outbreaks of such old horrors of earlier times as diphtheria,
polio, tetanus, small pox and whooping cough were being
controlled through vaccinations.
B. Psychological Hazards
Historically, many people believed that policing attracted
persons with a propensity toward authoritarianism and cynicism
those with a specific police personality. A research suggests that
there is no specific personality: rather, that the socialization
process in becoming a police officer creates a working personality
that the police officer uses in the performance of the job.

The working personality and the accompanying sense of

isolation are the result of conditions inherent in the practice of
police work. Another aspect of the police personality is the
concept of cynicism. This is the belief that all people are
motivated by selfishness and evil. Unfortunately, after years of
seeing humanity as its worst, many police officers subscribe to it.

Cynicism become an emotional plank deeply

entrenched in the ethos of the police world, and it serves equally
well for attack or defense. For many reasons, police are
particularly vulnerable to cynicism.
1. Emotional Distress. Due to the hazards that are inherent in
the law enforcement, all officers will, on occasion, experience
emotional distress. Although other occupation may be far
more dangerous, the constant exposure to stressful stimuli
makes policing one of the most difficult occupations.

The threat of violent death and injury, the constant

exposure to human tragedies, the responsibility for others, the
feelings of alienation and helplessness, the demands of shifts work,
the limited career opportunities, and the lack of input in
administrative decision making, all combine to create stress for
even the most stable well-adjusted persons. It is of vital
importance that law enforcement administrators and employees
realize the source and consequences of stress before officers can
learn to cope with the stress that is inherent in policing, they must
be taught to overcome John Wayne Mentality, which means
the police refuse to acknowledge any weakness. Once
officers have learned to acknowledge the existence of stress, they
can be taught how to identify and neutralize those stressors with
which they as individuals must content.
2. Mental Illness. If the distress is not dealt with
appropriately, it may escalate into behavior that, threaten the
welfare of the officer and/others. The individual officer may
suffer from relatively mild emotional disturbances, which
require only counseling and reassurance, or she/he may be
plagued by severe mental disorders that are career or even
life threatening in nature.

Law enforcement agencies must not only have assistance

programs designed to help officers contend with emotional
distress but must also develop strategies to aid those for whom
problems become too severe for continued police service.
Medical pensions, extended health coverage, and family support
services are only fair for those who have paid too high a price for
their police careers.
3. Suicide. Being a police officer also increases ones risk of
falling victim to suicide. Preliminary suicides appear to
identify higher levels of suicides among police officers than
among other professionals or occupations.

Given the general nature of police work, many officers

who feel suicidal are either afraid or have no one to turn to in
discussing their feelings. This leads to an even greater sense of
isolation, with many believing that suicide is the only way out.
4. Substance abuse. Psychological dependency. Police
administrators frequently report that alcohol is a severe
problem with officers and often report the existence of
alcohol-related problems. The use and abuse of alcohol
among police officers is apparently one way of coping with
the problems inherent in the job.

Although alcohol is the drug of choice among police

officers, caffeine and nicotine are also extremely popular. It is not
unusual for officers to drink several cups of coffee, glasses of tea,
or soft drinks during their workday. Similarly, many officers use
tobacco products while on duty. In addition to being chemically
addictive, these drugs are also psychologically addictive, in that
they often develop as means of killing time during periods of
C. Physiological hazards
1. Substance abuse: Chemical dependency. The impact of
drugs and alcohol is even more devastating physically than
psychologically. All too frequently, casual use of such substances
leads to chemical dependency. Social users of tobacco, alcohol,
or narcotics now find themselves in constant need of that
particular drug in order to get by. This addiction results not
only in social difficulties but can become life threatening.
2. Physical health. In addition to substance abuse, a number of
other physical hazards exist for police officers. Stress, poor
nutrition, and lack of exercise also contribute to poor physical
Terry 1981 has documented numerous physiological effects
of police stress. Some of these problems include headache,
indigestion, ulcer, lower back pain, and high blood pressure. In
addition, Norveil, Belles, and Hughes (1988) have found that police
officers have higher risk of mortality associated with cancer, diabetes,
and heart disease than the non police. It is evident that, strong
relationship exists between job-related stress and physical illness.
D. Social hazards

1. Isolation from the public. One of the difficult aspects of

policing is the sense of isolation from the community.
Perhaps this is endemic to law enforcement given the nature
of the job. In addition to enforcing unpopular or at the very
least nonconsensual laws, police are required to be
suspicious. Required to ask questions, to demand answers,
to proceed forcefully against all appearance of
transgression..to penetrate the appearance of
innocence..to discover craftiness

2. Isolation from the family. All too often, policing becomes

a disruptive influence for the family. The potential for danger,
the authoritarian nature of the job, the round-the-clock shifts
and constantly changing shifts, and accommodations that must
be made in family life all work together to increase tension in
the law enforcement family. As a result, many believe that
marital problems are endemic to law enforcement.
E. Economic hazards

1. Salary limitations. If ones goal is to accumulate great

wealth, he/she should not become a law enforcement officer.
Despite their education, training, and professionalism, unless
they rise to top administrative positions, become corrupt, or
win the lottery, they will experience a lower-middle-class

2. Career limitations. Everyone cannot become the chief of

police in a large metropolitan agency. Nor will all those who
wish to become supervisor do so. Whether ones career is
successful depends on how one defines success. Many
officers who have spent their entire careers as patrol officers
in small or midsized law enforcement agencies are rightfully
proud of their accomplishments. Similarly, there are many
frustrated persons (at all ranks and level of policing) who feel
that they never received a fair chance.
3. Liability issues. Failure to act in a manner that is felt to be
consistent with proper law enforcement procedures could
result in a minor reprimand. More serious violations could
result in more severe disciplinary actions, such as
suspensions, compulsory transfer, demotions, or even
terminations. Violations that are felt to have infringed on the
legal rights of others could result in costly civil litigation at
the state levels. Violations thought to constitute criminal
actions could result in arrest, conviction, and imprisonment.

Whether officers are convicted or subsequently

acquitted of all charges, the economic impact of legal costs and
career damages can be devastating to both the officers and their
1. Patrol and Observation constant and alert patrolling with a
keen sense of observation on person and things is a gauge of an
efficient patrol officer. Because only people commit crime and
they invariably do so with the medium of things, the beat or the
mobile patrol crew must focus their attention on these two
factors that if left unobserved and unattended, will constitute
hazards. Conceptually, a hazard is any person, things, situation or
condition that, if allowed to exist may induce an accident or
cause the commission of crime.
2. Called for services the patrol officer, whether on foot or in a
radio equipped car, respond to every conceivable call from the
public. This is because the police have always been expected to
know how to deal with every problem, although most of them
are totally unrelated to actual policing functions. Due to diverse
range of interpersonal problem the patrol office must mediate in
his daily contact with the public, it is important that he must be
provided with a background knowledge and understanding of
both normal and deviant behavior which he will encounter in the
3. Inspectional services are effectively performed by foot patrol
officers in uniform. As they go about their routine tasks of
walking their assigned beats they pay particular attentions to
person and things. Particularly at night, when assigned in business,
financial and commercial districts, they inspect and check doors
and display windows of establishments. In residential areas,
particularly where apartment-type of buildings abound,
inspectional service of the police is necessary.
4. Control of public gatherings considering the present
thinking among the different groups of demonstrators,
notwithstanding acts as malicious mischief and vandalism,
aggravated by labor strikes and tantamount to anarchy, the police
have their hands in these crowd control situations. In the
forefront for this police activity is the patrol force whose
manpower is drawn from the different police stations. Depending
upon the scene of happening, the size of the gathering, and the
gravity of the situation, each police station is held responsible to
maintain peace and order in its jurisdiction. However, if the
assembly is big and unruly, and in the estimate of the situation
violence may erupt, the station commander can seek the
assistance of the specialized strike force to quell and disperse the
Crowd psychology is a factor in crime prevention.
Demonstrations, in any form, whether involving the academe,
labor, or subversion, in order to initially be successful must attract
attention. The demonstrator first concern is to arouse the
curiosity of the people in their show and eventually win their
sympathy to their cause.

5. Responding to emergencies constant availability to

public calls gives the patrol force a unique reputation for
efficiency. The fact remains that, in many cases, the patrol
office is the single police entity with trained and experienced
personnel on duty where human emergencies and domestic
crisis arise. The fact is, the public is immediately
attended to in time of their need under every
conceivable kind of situation. This is the yardstick
that measures the patrol force efficiency.
6. Attending to complaints the uniformed patrol officer
on the beat must be, looked upon by the community as their
friend and protector. This is the image he must constantly
strive to maintain. In so doing, he will always be confronted
with situational problems, most of which are not criminal in
nature. Still, patrol officers must make every effort to settle
the problem amicably because most of these cases are
potentially a stimulus to criminal acts. However, he must be
cautious to explain to the parties involved the limits of his
authority because most often the ground for action is civil in
7. Conduct initial investigation how reliable a patrol officer
records the events of a crime to which he responds will have a
definite impact on the case outcome when detectives takes over
to pursue the case. Actual cases have demonstrated the important
contributions made by patrol officers during the investigative
process. Records have shown that, notwithstanding the efforts of
detective specialists, it is often the information developed by the
patrol officer during his initial investigation of the crime that
determines whether a case will eventually be solved. The
information supplied by the victim and/or the witness to the
responding patrol officer can be an important factor fort he
solution of the crime. Based on contemporary procedures of
many police departments, most often the patrol officer, being the
first to arrive at the scene in required to stand-by to protect the
crime scene until the arrival of investigators or until the
investigators are through in their crime scene investigation.
Different police departments have different operating procedures
in crime investigation. Patrol officer is limited to conduct
only initial investigation at the scene. The objective is for
the patrol officer to concentrate in his preventive task.
8. Preservation of crime scene since crime scenes are
classified into indoor, outdoor and vehicle, the first concern
of the patrol officer is to estimate the situation. If it is an
outdoor scene, he must approximate the area to be covered
by the investigation; if it is indoor, he must prevent the entry
and exit of people; if it is a vehicle, to protect it from being
moved or tampered. Generally, the success of most criminal
investigation begins at the crime scene. The patrol officer
should be cognizant of this.
9. Criminal apprehension despite the utmost efforts by
the patrol force in its crime prevention strategies, crime
occur. Consequently, it becomes a police responsibility to
apprehend the criminal. Hence, patrol commanders must be
aware that this responsibility is their main concern, must
program their manpower development in such a manner that
constant availability of patrol officers to public calls is always
assured; that members of the patrol force, whether on foot
patrol beats or in mobile patrol sectors, can readily apply the
element of surprise in the apprehension of the criminal.
10. Writing of reports report writing is the last of the ten
basic functions and activities a patrol officer has to perform.
To many law enforcement officers, whether performing
patrol work or investigation functions, report writing is a
dilemma. When they enter police service they have only the
vision of activity and excitement-pursuing criminals and
solving crimes.

They do not realize that amount of paper work involved;

that for every police action there must be a report-writing
reaction. In a police organization, reports are the source of
planning, for policy formulation, for decision making and for
operation. Since the patrol officer, by nature of his work, is
primarily the constant man of the department with the
community, his observation of persons, things, and happenings
must be properly documented by means of carefully prepared

Basically, organization consists of arranging personnel, and
functions in a systematic manner designed to accommodate
stated goals and objectives in the most efficient manner possible.
A poorly organized police department cannot function effectively
even with the best management. Similarly, an organized police
agency will not operate with maximum efficiency if it is not well

The act of organizing is indispensable to proper

management, and without some form or organizational structure,
most police operations could not be carried out. If the
organization is poor and if the organizational concepts are poorly
understood or applied, the efficiency of the department will
severely affected.
The organization and operation of the patrol force is said to
be a semblance of the pattern of organization of a police department
because patrol is the police. Due to the nature of work they
perform, they adhere very closely to rigid chain of command, specific
assignment of duties and responsibilities, and functional job
description that distinguishes between line and staff authority.

The objectives of the patrol are the same as those of a

police organization. The uniformed patrol officer represents all the
powers and responsibilities of the police. In a very real sense, the
uniformed patrol force is the police while the specialized branches
represent in depth applications of responsibilities and techniques
that the patrol officer initiates. In fact, the beat officer, in August
Vollmers opinion, should be a virtual organic unit.

The operational heart of a police organization is the patrol

force to which other departmental divisions relate in a supportive
capacity. The patrol force incorporates all objectives inherent in the
police organization.
Since the problem of crime is the concern of government
and crime prevention is the basic responsibility of the police,
enforcement of laws through effective patrol work is its motivating
ingredient to achieve peace and order. Undeniably, the programs of
the community are inseparably linked with peace and order. Without
peace, without order, society is doomed politically, socially,
economically, and culturally.
A police department is organized first and foremost for
crime prevention. In a newly created community a prime concern of
local government officials and citizens is peace and order. Hence,
priority is the establishment of a police department entrusted with
the basic responsibility of crime prevention. They are aware of the
police role of safeguard the communitys progress and stability.
Operationally, this task is the sole responsibility of the patrol force of
any police organization.
The prevention of crime is a fundamental role of the patrol
force. The preventive role of the individual patrol officer on his beat
is a basic element of modern police service. The mere presence of a
properly organized and efficiently operating patrol force is conceded
to be one of the greatest crime determine thus far developed by
organized society.



Given the fact that personnel resources are limited in
every police agency no police administrator ever has as many
officers as might be desired---what proportion of the force should
be assigned to patrol.

First, there is no magic number, and no role of thumb

that can provide guidance. In small agencies, it is common for 80
to 90 percent of the force to be devoted to patrol. In very large
agencies, the proportion might be 50 percent or less.
The single most important factor is the number and
nature of the services that the patrol officers are expected to
provide. If patrol officers are required to make complete
investigations of every criminal incident reported or discovered
on their beats, plus respond to all non-criminal crises, plus devote
a considerable amount of time to preventive patrolling, plus
handle a variety of nonproductive tasks, then certainly a large
number of patrol officers will be needed.

Geographical and population factors also influence the

need for patrol officers. If population density is relatively high, a
single officer may be kept busy responding to calls for service
within a small geographical area. If population density is low, one
officer may be enough to handle all calls that arise in a very large
area. However, response time may be unacceptably large because
of the long distances that an officer must travel to respond to a
These are not the only factors that affect the size of the
patrol force. The basic efficiency of the agency and the
productivity of the patrol officers themselves have an importance
influence. If administrative and operational procedures are
designed to assist officers in carrying out their tasks quickly and
effectively, and if the officers are competent, well trained, and
highly motivated, fewer officers will be needed to handle a given
quantity of work.

But the ruling factor, in practical terms, usually is the size

of the agencys budget. Few police administrators are given a
budget large enough to hire all the officers they would like to
have. Consequently, the usual procedure is to tract the personnel
who must be assigned to non-patrol duties. Whatever is left
determines the number of patrol officers available. This base
number may be decreased by, shifting non-patrol officers to
patrol-or by persuading the parent government to increase the
agencys budget.
Decreasing the size of the patrol force is not always a
bad idea. For example, in a small department it may be the
standard practice for patrol officers to perform all of the tasks
involved in booking their prisoners including fingerprinting,
photographing, assigning a jail cell and so on. This may be a time-
consuming procedure. At some point, it is likely to be preferable
to assign one officer as the full-time booking officer, thereby
reducing the amount of time that the patrol officers must spend
off the street. Even if this means there will be less patrol officer
on duty, the increased efficiency of the entire force may out weigh
the loss. However, if the agency has a booking officer whose
duties are not sufficient to keep officer occupied full time, it might
be preferable to shift the booking officer to patrol and require the
patrol officers to do their own booking of prisoners, or to assign
other duties to the booking officer.
It is not possible, of course, to retain all competent patrol
officers within the patrol division. Even though the administrator
must make conscientious efforts to avoid draining the patrol force
to supply manpower for specialized units, the fact remains that
the patrol division must usually accommodate most of the new
officers who join the department. The patrol division is also the
largest division, and thus there are far more basic police-officer
positions within the patrol force than in any other division. Since
it is therefore inevitable that good patrol officers will gravitate
away from patrol, even in the best of systems, the department
should compensate for their loss by staffing middle-level and
command-level positions in patrol with the very best talent
available in the department.
The police administrator and middle-management
supervisors must make decisions about the assignment of shift
hours, rotation of beat assignments, and rotation of shifts. Once the
policy is established, there not be further planning work except
when changes in procedures are contemplated.

Frequent change of beats undesirable. The highest quality of

patrol services results from the permanent assignment of an officer
to a beat. Police hazards vary from place to place, and the resulting
police duties consequently vary in nature from beat to beat.
Advantages may be taken of difference in abilities and preferences of
patrol officers by assigning them to beats having duties for which
they are best suited. Frequent beat changes prevent an officer from
becoming well acquainted with persons, hazards, and facilities on his
beat; they also interfere with continuity of service because the
investigation and disposition of cases sometimes extend over
several days, and when a change is made, there is delay and
sometimes neglect in disposing of these cases.
Finally, frequent changes of beat assignments make it
difficult to place responsibility for unsatisfactory conditions.
Procedures that interfere with the application of the important
rule that officers should be held responsible for the performance
of their duties must not be tolerated.

Rotation of shifts is undesirable. Most efficient patrol service

is attained by the permanent assignment of patrol officer to a
platoon unit such time as the quality of his/her services and the
need for them justify transfer to another platoon. Police hazards,
facilities, persons aboard, and physical conditions vary according
to the hour of the day or night; consequently, knowledge of
conditions on one shift is not as useful to service on another shift.
Police duties at night are quite different from police
duties during the daytime, and the officer should not be rotated if
the advantages of specialization are to be derived and if the
officers skills to be developed in handling certain types of
Usually, the first platoon (midnight to 8 A.M shift) is
considered the least desirable, and the second platoon (daylight
shift) the most desirable. Recruits should be assigned for training
and experience to the first platoon, where their less frequent
contact with more critical citizens lessens the disadvantages of
their experience. Also, if recruits exposed only to qualified field-
training officers, they are likely to develop superior attitudes and
work habits. Well-trained, experienced, very active officers are
needed on the third platoon (evening shift); officers should be
assigned to this shift as they become skilled by experience in
police service and as they develop seniority.
As they become older in years, more experienced, and
less active physically, officers should be transferred finally to the
day shift as a reward for long, efficient service; their knowledge of
police service and acquaintance with the general public will prove
most useful on this shift, and they will be subjected to less
physical strain. Permanent shift greatly facilitate having different
numbers of officers on each shift, in proportion to workload.
Rotation of shifts, on the other hand, may force a chief to adopt
the same number of beats on each shift simply because of the
scheduling difficulties
The most common and known form of police patrol the
world over is that performed on foot by a police officer in
uniform. Its success in controlling crime was discovered in
London since 1763, when Henry Fielding, aided by his brother St.
John, both of whom successively, were Bow Street magistrates,
organized a force known as the Bow Street Foot Patrol. This was
a group of men, privately employed and, specially trained as thief
takers. Its demonstrated utility gave rise to Robert Peels
Metropolitan Police Act of 1829.

On the modern police department, there are many types

of patrol. In this unit they will be discussed as the type of patrol,
the advantages and disadvantages of each and various techniques
that may be utilized. Most patrols are assigned to a particular
area called a BEAT, and they are referred to as Beat Patrols.
The size of the BEAT is determined by:
a. The type of area to be patrolled ( business, farming,
residential, recreation, etc.)
b. The type of criminal activity that occurs in the area.
c. The frequency of crime in the area

To properly cover the beat, when it is needed, patrols

assigned in shifts. Shifts are usually determined by, the number of
personnel available and, the frequency of calls for police service.
The foot patrol is the most expensive type of patrol; and
most departments have reduced their foot patrols to a minimum
because of this. However, it does have certain advantages that
warrant its continued use if even on a limited basis. Usually, a foot
patrol is assigned to an area of dense population such as the
downtown area, or where there is heavy traffic congestion and
the assistance of an officer is needed to help eliminated traffic

Foot patrol is used to secure two types of police

geographical units:
1. Post a fixed position or location where an officer is
assigned for guard duty.
2. Beat the smallest area specially assigned for patrol
Types of Foot Patrol
1. Fixed foot patrol is usually used for traffic, surveillance,
parades and special events
2. Mobile foot patrol is used where there is considerable
foot movement such as patrolling business and shopping
centers, high crime areas, and in places where there are many
or multiple family dwellings.
a. line beat patrol is used in securing a certain portion of
roads or street
b. random foot patrol is sued in checking residential
building, business establishments, dark alleys, and parking
Some of the advantages of the Foot Patrol Beat
1. The foot patrol officer can provide immediate traffic control
when it is needed. Being within a close proximity to problem
areas, he will know when his assistance is needed due to the
increase of traffic. He does not have the problem of parking
his vehicle, nor finding a place to park it without causing
further traffic problems.
2. More person-to-person contact can be made with the public.
This provides greater chances to promote good public
relations. However, if the wrong man is given this assignment,
it can backfire and harm public relations. The foot patrol
officer makes more personal contacts and is seen more by
the public than any other type of patrol, therefore becomes
an important link between the department and the public.
3. The officer can actually get to know the physical layout of his
beat better. There are many things that an officer misses by
patrolling his beat in a police car because of the speed he is
traveling and because of the size of the beat.
4. He gets to know the public on his beat better, and can
develop criminal informants easier. He can also make
rendezvous with informant easier without being noticed since
he does not have to park his police car nearby.
5. A foot patrol officer can sneak up on situation where a patrol
car is easily noticed when it approaches.
Basic Techniques and Procedures of Foot patrol
1. Do not establish a set of pattern of patrolling procedure
2. Walk systematically (with purpose) on the beat while on
3. Do not smoke nor drink while on patrol especially during
night shift.
4. Walk near the curb during daylight. This technique offers:
a better view for observing street activity
less chance of obstruction by pedestrian on the sidewalk if you
are required to take quick action
higher police visibility, which is effective in crime prevention
5. Walk near buildings during night patrol.
6. Do not immediately open the door when intending to get
inside. Observe and evaluate first the situation.
7. Check the interiors of buildings and rattle door knobs to
ensure that the premises are secure
8. Enter and inspect alleys when not seen by public.
9. Watch for persons loitering or hiding in doorways, either
ingress or egress
10. Use fire escapes to inspect building rooftops once in a while.
11. Be attentive or on alert for the sound of breaking glass
The automobile is the most economical type of patrol,
and offers the greatest tactical ability when used in numbers.The
automobile has advantages over all other methods of
transportation for general patrol under ordinary conditions.

Some of the advantages of the automobile patrol

1. When speed and mobility are needed such as in a large area
that must be covered by few officers, the speed of the
automobile allows them to service the whole area and do so
2. It is of the best means of preventive enforcement. The patrol
type police can with its distinctive colors, red light and doors
insignia, is very effective in deterring criminal activity by
making people conscious of the presence of police enforcers,
and by creating an awareness of punitive action.
3. It offers the officer protection. It protects him from the
weather and to some extent from traffic in that he would
probably suffer less if hit by another car while he is in the
patrol car than he would if he is walking.
4. It permits the officer to carry extra equipment such as rain
gear, extra clothing, first aid equipment etc.
5. Patrol vehicles can be used as barricades in roadblocks, and
they also offer a higher degree of safety during pursuit of
General techniques and procedures in automobile patrol

1. Thoroughly check the patrol car before leaving the garage.

2. Do not establish route patterns in patrolling the area of
jurisdiction (sector)
3. Do not develop the habit of using only the main arteries
(primary routes) in your area. Most criminal activity occurs
at the back streets, out of sight from the main thoroughfares.
4. Always take note the license numbers of strange or
suspicious vehicles.
5. Do not spend too much time in drive-inns or coffee spots.
6. Get out from the patrol car regularly/frequently
7. Se an example to other motorists
8. Avoid driving too fast on general patrol conditions except
during emergencies or in pursuing criminals/suspects.
Maintain a cruising speed of 20-25 mph during patrol. This is
slow enough to make detailed observations without
impeding the traffic flow.
9. When conducting solo patrol, maintain frequent contact with the
dispatcher or other communication personnel in the field or at the
10. If you are patrolling with a partner, divide the observation area
around your vehicle
11. Minimize hiding behind hills, curves or signboards to trap traffic
violators. This is bad PR and serves to erode community
confidence in the police sense of fair play.
12. Frequently check the potential trouble spots in your patrol area.
13. Stop periodically among parked cars at the entrance of side streets
to observe activity on the street.
14. Check the occupants of vehicles that stop beside and behind you at
15. Check parking lots in your patrol area regularly for abandoned
stolen vehicles.
16. In stopping and checking a vehicle, park at the rear side of the
suspect vehicle. Leave the door slightly open unless the area is
highly populated.
17. Make it a habit not to leave the key in the police car even for just a
One Man versus the two man automobile patrol

Two man patrol car

1. A two man patrol car provides the officer with a greater
safety factor doubling the manpower and the physical
2. The mistake that one-man makes may be caught by his
partner, and vice versa.
3. One officer does not have to drive a full eight hours, and
therefore, he is physically fit and can do a better job. The
variety of tasks makes the job more interesting.
4. Two pairs of eyes are better than one. It is difficult to drive
in our present traffic let alone devote much attention to what
is going on around us while we are driving.
5. One-man can operate the radio while the other drives.
6. On quiet nights the driver can have someone to talk to and
help keep him awake. Morale is improved through
One-man patrol car
1. The preventive enforcement is doubled by having as many
police car on the street.
2. When the officer is alone, he devotes his full attention to his
driving and the beat rather to the conversation with his
3. In a two-man car, the officers begin to rely on each other,
and as a result of human error, an officer expects support
when it isnt there. A man alone develops self-reliance.
4. In the two-man car, an officer will take more chances than if
he is alone. He apparently builds a false sense of security,
and sometimes acts without caution because he does not
want to appear to be a coward in front of his partner.
5. Personality clashes are reduced. Riding in a small patrol car
with another person for eight hours will soon reveal most of
his faults. In a short time these faults can get on the other
persons nerves.
Historically, the traditional foot patrolling in the
Philippines was initiated in August 7, 1901 by operation of Act No.
183, known as the Charter of Manila, enacted on July 31, 1901.
Governor William Howard Taft, the first Civil Governor of the
Philippines formally created the Manila Police Department.
Likewise, the second recorded event concerning patrol method in
police work was on March 10, 1917, as provided for in the
Revised Administrative Code of the Philippines when it
mentioned, Requirement of police service or patrol duty for
male residents.
After fifty-three years of foot patrolling in the Philippine
policing system the first automobile patrol was introduced on May
17, 1954 by the Manila Police Department, through the initiative
and foresight of Hon. Arsenio H Lacson, the first elected Mayor of
Manila Isaias Alma Jose was designated by the Mayor to organized
the first automobile patrol. He was appointed the first Chief of
the Mobile patrol Bureau that he commanded for ten years.
C. HORSE PATROL (Mounted patrol)
The horse patrol is one of the oldest types of patrol next to
walking. At the present time there is still need for the horse patrol
where the terrain is steep and rough. The disadvantage of the horse
patrol is the cost of stables and upkeep, and their limited use in a city.
They are not much good at chasing criminals in an automobile. They tire
easily and require close physical attention.
The following are some of the most common uses of horse
1. Park patrol
2. Beach patrol
3. Posse and search duty - any community that is close to, or part of a
mountainous area has the problem of chasing down escaped or
wanted person who have fled to their areas. They also have the
problem of children, hunters and fishermen becoming lost in those
areas. The mounted posse is undoubtedly the best means of
locating these persons when used in conjunction with the
4. Parade and crowd control
The horse also provides its rider with higher and better plane of
vision than the driver of a patrol car.
History shows us that dogs have been used as a means of
personal protection throughout recorded history. During world
war 11,the military on all side widely used dogs as a means of
security and protection. ( Egyptian first to use dogs in patrolling).
In US, dogs have been used in police patrol since 1900. In April
1957, Baltimore was the only American police force that used
trained dogs handler teams on patrol. As of April 1968, about 200
police agencies used a total of 500 man dog teams in police patrol

The key to the successful use of police dogs in patrol is

based first of all on an understanding and willing master; second is,
on the proper selection and training of the dogs; and finally is, on
preparing the general public for their use.
To become a dogs master or handler, the officer must
first of all have an understanding of animals. He must be willing to
make personal sacrifices in keeping the dog, as must his family.

The selection and training of dogs is very important, and

can present many problems. Not all breeds of dogs are suited for
police work. Even among those most suited for police work
there many that didnt work out. The type of dog that so far
seems to be the best suited for all round police work is the
German Shepherd.

The use of dogs can work out fine, but if the public
thinks that they are a danger to the community as well as to the
criminal, they will not last. A well planned public relations
campaign must be conducted to show the general public that the
police dog is gentle except when commanded by his master, and
that his use will be restricted to the more serious offenses.
Uses of dogs or K-9s in police operations

1. Provide great assistance in search and rescue as well as in

smelling out drugs and bombs.
2. Provide protection for one officer patrol.
3. Great value in crowd control. Trained dogs are fearless and
loyal to their handlers have a significant psychological effect
on would-be trouble makers.
4. Extensively used in international airports to detect narcotics
and bombs because of their keen sense of smell. A dog is
capable of recognizing an odor 10 million times better than a
human can.
5. Specially trained dogs are extremely effective in finding
bodies dead or alive, just buried or buried for years.
6. Locating trapped people during emergencies.
7. Can be an asset to public efforts. Well trained police dogs
can be used for demonstrations in public affairs, schools, or
What breeds of working dogs are best suited for police
1. German Shepherds the most frequently used and highest
scoring dog for police work.
2. Black Labrador retrievers and Giant Schnauzers
3. Rottweilers, Doberman pinschers
4. Bouviers and Newfoundlands
5. Airedale terriers
6. Alaskan malamutes

Disadvantages of using K-9

1. Most police dogs work with only one handler.
2. K-9, like most dogs, is territorial, and its handler and its K-9
cruiser are part of its territory.
3. Dog training is expensive. Dog training usually takes 10 to 20
4. Police department that K-9 section is vulnerable to law suits.
Among the more recent trends in patrolling is the use of
aircraft, either helicopter or fixed-wing. Today, it has become
necessary for the police use aircraft in performing both routine and
specialized patrol activities. The use of aircraft is not totally new. In
1925, the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department has already formed
a volunteer Reserve Aero Squadron. Full-time Aero detail is still an
official unit in this police department today. Before 1929, the New
York police department began using aircraft. In 1947, the New York
Port Authority began using helicopters for surveillance, transportation,
and rescue. Other cities and state agencies in USA have employed
helicopters, usually during daylight hours. In 1986, the state of
California developed an experimental program using helicopters for
police patrolling known as SKY KNIGHT. During the latter part of
1959, the Public Safety Department of Dade County in Florida used
the aerial patrol concept. At present, it is effectively utilizing fixed-
wing aircraft and helicopters in regular patrols to prevent crime and
apprehend offenders or engage in surveillance activities.
Advantages of Fixed-wing Aircraft Patrol
1. Patrolling long stretches of highway or expresses of
inaccessible land.
2. Excellent for traffic control in long stretches of highways, for
search and surveillance and other special missions.

Disadvantages of Fixed-wing Aircraft Patrol

1. Fixed-wing aircraft has very little flexibility in congested
metropolitan areas.
2. Needs a space of flat land for lift-off and landing.
3. Very expensive to operate.
Advantages of Helicopter Patrol

1. Able to travel at low speeds, to hover if necessary, and to land even in

small patch of flat land.
2. Increased visual range/scope.
3. More efficient for rescue, medical evacuation, surveillance, and other
high profile police activities.
4. Improved response time to emergency calls and other called-for service
5. Increased rate of apprehension of professional and organized crime
6. Improved efficiency of regular patrol units through airborne
7. Increased ability in conducting searches for missing/lost people
suspected offenders and escaping prisoners.
8. Provide a better system of flood lighting areas to be patrolled at night.
9. Capable of broadcasting information to a large area through airborne
10. Provide rapid emergency transportation of personnel.
11. Added security to patrol officers on foot, motorcycles or in patrol cars
through backup offered by aerial patrol.
Disadvantages of Helicopter Patrol

1. Very expensive high cost of training of pilots/operators,

buying, fuel, and special facilities for housing and maintenance.
2. Public complaints about the noise and about being spied
3. Forcibly grounded during bad weather; smog and light or
intermittent clouds affecting visibility.
4. Presence of various hazards especially in congested areas.
5. There are landing patterns or procedures that must be
followed, which delays landing time.
6. Pilots must work shorter periods of time than regular police
shifts since driver of helicopters easily suffer work fatigues.
7. There are many tactical problems to overcome such as
location of police units on ground and the exact location of
8. Element of surprise is lost since criminals could hear the
helicopter coming even from a great distance.
Bicycle patrols are more common in temperate urban areas
where limited coverage areas are available. The use of bicycles instead
of cars can make police officers more easily approachable, especially in
low-crime areas. Bicycles can also be issued to police officers to
enhance the mobility and range of foot patrols. Bicycles can also be
effective crime-fighting tools when used in densely populated urban
areas. The bikes are nearly silent in operation and many criminals do
not realize that an approaching person on a bike is actually a police
officer. Furthermore, if the criminal attempts to flee on foot, the riding
police officer has a speed advantage while able to quickly dismount if

In the Philippine setting the bicycle patrol was once

introduced by the Manila Police in 1939 to augment the foot patrol
coverage in parks and residential areas. Unfortunately, when two
patrol officers were killed, one was stabbed when chasing in his bicycle
a bag snatcher at the Luneta Park, while the other one was sideswiped
by a bus. Bicycle patrol was abandoned it was then considered
Advantages of Bicycle Patrol
1. It is economical or inexpensive to operate.
2. It has the combine advantage of mobility and stealth because
it can be operated very quietly and without attracting
3. To control burglaries which are getting out of hand.

Although the use of motorcycle has lost ground to the
use of patrol cars in recent years, their need in congested traffic
will insure their continued use as a form of police patrol. The
two-wheel motorcycle is quite adaptable to traffic enforcement,
parades and escort duty. It has disadvantages of being used only
in fair weather, of causing a greater number of accidents that are
usually quite serious, and in the long run costing the department
almost as much as a patrol vehicle despite the apparent low rate
The chance of a motorcycle rider being injured is nine times
as great as that of the driver of an automobile. He is also four times
likely to be killed than police officer riding in an automobile.
The three-wheel motorcycle is used almost exclusively in
the enforcement of parking. It has the disadvantage of not providing
the rider with protection against the weather.


Marine or water patrol units, aside from being a highly
specialized form of police patrol, is likewise expensive to maintain. In
the early years of the PC/INP integration, it was the Western Police
District who introduced this type of patrol in police work.
The objective was to use the watercraft in the anti-
smuggling operations along the Pasig river and Manila Bay as well as
against robberies committed in bonded warehouses located along
the riverbanks. However, because of the expenses incurred in its
operation and maintenance did not compensate the advantages,
police use it became inoperative.
Water patrol units are extremely specialized and are not
in great use except in areas with extensive coasts or a great deal
of lake or river traffic. The objective was to use the water
vehicles in anti-smuggling operations as well as against robberies
committed in warehouses along riverbanks or water ports.

Like aircraft, boats are expensive to buy, operate and

maintain. Further, those who operate them must have special
training. Nonetheless, boats are the best means to effectively
control violators of water safety regulations as well as to
apprehend drug and gun smugglers. They are also valuable in
rescue operations during times of flooding as well as in dragging
operations for drowning cases.

If the police are to continue to fulfill their basic

responsibilities to detect and deter crimes and to apprehend
criminals that are the primary goals of patrol activities, they must
continue to search for new and more effective patrol activities.

No single patrol strategy will work well in all cases or in

every police jurisdiction. The choice of the particular patrol
strategy, or combination of strategies, to be employed will depend

1. the resources of the police agency concerned

2. the particular crime problems and patrol objectives
3. the characteristics of the individual community
4. the imagination and determination of the police administrator
and his patrol commander in developing patrol strategies
tailored to best meet the needs of their department, the
community their police will serve.
Types of Police Patrol: Preventive, proactive and reactive.

The reactive function is a constant activity representing the

bulk of what the public expects police agencies to do- answer calls for
services; enforce laws; arrest criminals; give traffic citations, and perform
random preventive patrol.

The proactive function requires officers to develop directed or

structured patrol strategies in response to identified crime problems.
Officers are empowered with new responsibilities to cope with crime.
To a large extent, these new responsibilities downplay the use of
random, moving patrol cars. Instead emphasis is placed in tactical
planning to develop patrol strategies for responding quickly and
effectively to a myriad of crime problems (i.e. a series of street
robberies in a neighborhood, a pattern of rapes at an apartment
complex, or drug dealing on a school campus attributed to the actions
of juvenile gang.) These types of tactical response strategies are again
dependent on accurate and timely information from crime analysis
The third function is referred to as co-production or
co-activity. It can be defined as an active outreach and
systematic engagement between the police and the public for the
purposes of identifying and addressing localized problems of
crime and disorder. Co-activity addresses long range strategic
problems identified through ongoing contacts between individual
patrol officers and the citizens in a specific geographic area.

Theoretically, officers become more familiar with a

district the longer they work in their assigned areas. Therefore,
officers are expected to identify what services are needed in
specific areas through self-directed effort. Through self-direction,
officers are expected to contact people, explain why they are
needed, seek assistance in problem identification and learn how
to coordinate police agency involvement to remedy the problem.
The Psychology of Omnipresence: Patrol Strategy in
crime prevention

While it is true that the patrol officer cannot detect the

thinking or desire of the criminal yet, he can destroy the
opportunity to commit a crime by his ever presence patrol
strategy. The psychology of omnipresence, as an initial police
strategy, is to establish the aura of police presence in the
community, and is best exemplified and effectively applied in:
Patrols crime prevention activities by uniformed foot patrol
officers as well as mobiles patrol crew in conspicuously marked
radio-equipped, patrol cars.

There is no denying that a criminal in planning to commit

a crime is not solely prompted by his strong desire. More
importantly, he has to consider the presence of an opportunity, i.e.
the absence of apprehension, wherein the police are known to be
lax, inefficient, scarce. So, the communities in which, their police
have established a reputation of being extremely vigilant and
aggressive in their patrol functions are avoided by criminals.
The Walking Beat:The traditional patrol pattern

Before WW11, the walking beat or foot patrol was the only
type used by our local police forces for crime prevention activities.
It was a very successful method because of strict supervision
employed- close personal supervision; supervision by
instrumentation; that resulted in a highly and satisfactory visible
police presence.

During those years, the Manila Police Department, looked

upon as the premier law enforcement agency in the country, have
installed throughout the city the Gamewell Police Call-Box
System. Gamewell is simply the trade name of the American
manufacturer, its system operates like a telephone. It is operated
only by a specially fitted solid brass key issued to every police
officer assigned for patrol duty as part of his official police
equipment. The distribution of those boxes were so strategically
apportioned that two or three patrol officers of adjoining beats can
use one call-box, that the set-up facilitated the supervisory
technique of the patrol supervisor over his patrol officers.
Another patrol strategy, to further assure his high and
constant visibility, is through the following patrol pattern:

a. The Clockwise pattern The Police Manual and the List

of Patrol Beats were the police bibles. It must be memorized
if one has to stay in the police service. A beat patrol officer,
irrespective of the size and number of beats, is assigned two
call-boxes. The objective of the clockwise patrol pattern at
the start of the 8 hour tour of duty is for the patrol officer
to survey the situation and condition of the boundaries of
his area of responsibility.

b. The Zigzag or Freewheeling Patrol Pattern this is

done by patrolling the streets within the perimeters of the
beats, not at random, but with a definite target-location
where he knows his presence is necessary. This action is on
course based on his study of the situations and conditions of
his beat.
c. The Counter clockwise Patrol Pattern this technique
is simply the reverse of the clockwise patrol pattern. It is
done at the last hour of the 8 hour tour of duty in order to
ensure that nothing unusual has happened in his area of

d. The Straightway and the Crisscross Patterns the

straightway is patrolling the length of a street, and therefore,
the easiest to observe the movement of the patrol officer,
whereas, the crisscross is more or less similar to the zigzag

What is important is that the movement technique of a

patrol officer must have a purpose and objective. It is not aimless
nor at random. The observation of the patrol officer must keenly
be aimed at persons and things, the sources of hazards.
Mobile Patrolling: Concept of Operation
The operation of mobile patrol shall be under centralized
command, irrespective of the size of the department and the area of
coverage where, the assignment of the patrol cars and its crew
components shall be the sole responsibility of its commander.

The radio cars shall be used exclusively for patrol functions.

Flexibility in their deployment shall be the primary consideration.
Normally, radio cars shall be allocated to areas in accordance with a)
volume of crime incidence; b) need for police service; and c)
prevalence of hazard.

The mobile patrol crew, perform the same functions and

duties and is subject to the same discipline like his counterpart- the
man on the beat. The only distinguishing feature is found in the extent
and facilities for patrol performance where the crew is provided with
an automobile equipped with two-way radio transceivers to afford
immediate communication and dispatch to scene of crime.
Two Phases to consider in managing mobile patrol

1. Administrative Aspect
a. Staff supervisor an inspector in charge of shift or platoon
b. Disposition officer supervising deskman
c. Deskman patrol officer assigned to receive phone calls
from public and reports from mobile patrol crews.
d. Dispatcher patrol officer in charge of the radio control
room that are dispatching mobile patrol crew to scene of
assignments, transmitting, and receiving, recording radio

2. Operational Aspect
a. Field supervisor one who supervise mobile crew in the
field, for discipline and performance.
b. Crew normally two men complement of uniformed patrol
officers in the radio car, one acting as the driver and the
other as the recorder.
Team Policing
Team Policing represents an attempt to integrate the police
and community interests into a working relationship so as to produce
the desired objective of peace keeping in the community. Team
policing is said to have originated in Aberdeen Scotland, shortly after
WW11. The project was introduced by the Aberdeen Police out of
boredom, it appearing that their police officers who, were assigned
alone to patrol quiet streets during the night were, getting bored and
experiencing low morale. To remedy the situation, it allocated teams
of five to ten men on foot and in patrol cars to cover the City of
Aberdeen. The patrols were distributed according to the
concentration of crimes and citizens calls for police service, with the
teams moving to different sections of the city as the workload
demanded. Thus, the monotony and loneliness were relieved.
Whatever was the motivation for its introduction in police
performance the system was abandoned in 1963 in the city of its
origin. Nevertheless, its influence had already spread an adopted by
no less than 70 police agencies in the United States. The Syracuse
Police Department in New York was the first American City to try
team policing. This was followed by the Tucson Arizona also in 1963.
Characteristics of Team Policing
a. Geographic stability of the patrol force.
b. Maximum interaction between team members
c. Maximum communication between team members and community

Organizational Features of Team Policing While the structure and

composition of team policing programs vary widely, these programs
usually exhibit the following organizational features:
a. Unity of Supervision intended to enhance consistency and
continuity of police policies and procedures and to provide greater
uniformity in developing solutions to community problems.
b. Low-level flexibility in decision making team members are
encourage to share and exchange ideas, and work together in solving
problems within their area of responsibility.
c. Unified delivery of services it places emphasis on the
development of generalist, rather than specialist, skilled among team
d. Combined investigation and patrol functions this is designed
to bridge the gap between patrol officers and investigators, thereby
leading to a more cooperative approach to problem solving.
High and Low Visibility Patrol
The general tendency in crime prevention strategy is high
police visibility to ensure citizen feelings of security for the law
abiding but the creation of fear for would be violators. However, in
other instances, low visibility patrol programs have been designed to
increase police activities of arrest of criminals who have already
committed or are in the act of committing selected types of crimes.
The theory underlying the high visibility patrol concept is that, certain
types of crimes can be reduced by, increasing the aura of police
omnipresence in the community. Another strategy is the saturation
concept wherein selected risky crime of robbery in residential areas
of the city is saturated by intensive patrol of clearly marked police
cars equipped with 2-way radios.
Low-visibility patrol is a strategy wherein members of the
force in plainclothes patrol areas on foot or in unmarked automobiles
where street crimes become high-risk crimes. Under the low-
visibility set-up the primary purpose of the patrol is no longer crime
prevention but crime repression, wherein the objective is the
increased apprehension of criminals engaged in selected street crimes,
and the deterrence of criminal activity as a result of greater
probability of apprehension.
Directed Deterrent Patrol
An alternative to random routine patrol is directed
patrol, in which officers are given specific directions to follow
when they are not responding to calls. The directed patrol
assignments are given before they begin their tour and are meant
to replace uncommitted random patrol time with specific duties
that police commanders believe will be effective. Directed patrol
assignments can be based on crime analysis, specific problems, or
complaints received from the community.

Split force Patrol

One of the problems with directed patrol, however, is
that calls for service often interrupt the performance of directed
patrol assignments. Split force patrol offers a solution to this
problem. One portion of the patrol force is designated to handle
all calls dispatched to patrol units. The remaining portion of the
officers working that tour, are given directed patrol assignments
with the assurance that except for serious emergencies, they will
not be interrupted.
Decoy Patrol
One of the primary purposes of police patrols is to prevent
crime through the creation of sense of omnipresence; potential
criminals are deterred from crime by the presence or potential
presence of the police officer. Obviously, omnipresence does not work
well. We have crime both on our streets and in areas where ordinary
police patrols cannot see crime developing, such as the inside of a store
or the hallway of a housing project. Additionally, we have seen that
retroactive, investigations of crimes with the intent to identify and
arrest perpetrators, is not very effective. Decoy operations take several
forms. Among them are blending and decoy. In blending, officers
dressed in civilian clothes try to blend into an area and patrol it on foot
or in unmarked police cars in an attempt to catch a criminal in the act
of committing a crime. Officers may target areas where a significant
amount of crime occurs, or they may follow particular people who
appear to be potential victims or potential offenders. In order to blend
officers assume the roles and dress of ordinary citizens - - construction
workers, shoppers, joggers, bicyclists, physically disabled persons, and so
onso that the officers without being observed as officers, can be
close enough to observe and intervene should a crime occur.
In decoy, officers dress as, and play the role of, potential
victims drunks, nurses, business people, tourists, prostitutes,
blind people, or defenseless elderly people. The officers wait to
be the subject of a crime while a team of backup is ready to
apprehend the violator in the act of committing the crime.

Stop and Frisk

To imprint in the mind of criminals the feeling of fear of
arrest is the application of the strategy of stop and frisk both by
the foot patrol and the mobile crew. When patrol officers are
observed stopping persons on the streets whose behavior is
suspicious, determining them briefly by questioning and frisking
them for concealed weapons, the action of the police heighten the
effect of high visibility patrol. The method of frisking is to pat
down the outer clothing of the suspect for any concealed weapon
or contraband. Frisk is not a search because the officers do not
insert his hand inside the pocket of the suspect. Instead, it is the
suspect himself who produce from his pocket, as required by the
officer the object or article in question.
Evolution of Communication
Communication is the exchange of information between individuals,
for example, by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of
signs or behavior. It is the act of giving or sending information. It refers to
the transfer of thought or idea from one person to another. It is the process
of sharing ideas, information, and messages with others in a particular time
and place.

Communication among animals

Humans are not the only creatures that communicate; many other
animals exchange signals and signs that help them find food, migrate, or
reproduce. The 19th century biologist Charles Darwin showed that the
ability of species to exchange information or signals about its environment is
an important factor in its biological survival.

while other animals use limited range of sounds or signals to
communicate, humans have developed complex systems of language that are
used to ensure survival; express ideas and emotions; tell stories and
remember the past; negotiate with one another. Oral language is a feature of
every human society or culture.
Symbols and Alphabets
Most languages also have a written form. The oldest
records of written language are about 5000 years old. However,
written communication began much earlier in the form of
drawings or marks made to indicate meaningful information about
the nature world. The earliest artificially created visual images
that have been discovered to date are paintings of bears,
mammoths, wooly winos, and other Ice Age animals on cave walls
near Avignon, France.

Perhaps the earliest forerunner of writing is a system of

clay counting tokens used in the ancient with the Middle East.
The tokens date from 8000 to 3000 BC and are shaped like discs,
cones, spheres and other shapes. They were in clay containers
marked with an early version of cuneiform writing, to indicate
what tokens were inside.
Cuneiform was one of the first forms of writing and was
pictographic, with symbols representing objects. It developed as a
written language in Assyria (an ancient Asian country in present
day Iraq) from 3000 to 1000 BC.

The oldest known examples of script-style writing date

from about 3000 BC. Papyrus sheets (a kind of early paper made
from reeds) from about 2500 BC have been found in the Nile
Delta in Egypt bearing written hieroglyphs, another pictographic-
ideographic form of writing.

The Chinese writing system is called logographic because

the full symbols, or characters, each represent a word. Cuneiform
and Egyptian hieroglyph eventually incorporated phonetic
Interpersonal Communication

A face-to-face at the same and in the same place daily

communication. The most basic form of interpersonal
communication is a dyad (an encounter or conversation between
two people). Communicating well in a dyad requires good
conversational skills. Communicators must know how to start
and end the conversation, how to make themselves understood,
how to respond to the partners statements, how to be sensitive
to their partners concerns, how to take turns, and how to listen.

Interpersonal communication occurs with larger groups

as well, such as when a speaker gives a talk to a large crowd.
However the audience can respond in only limited ways (applause,
nodding, whistles, boos, or silence).
History and Fundamental concepts of Police Communications

Communication has always been a part of law enforcement.

Since mans existence on this earth, there has been a need for a system
by which a man could warn his fellowman of existing or pending
danger, or send him messages.

In primitive times, the pounding of hollow logs or the beating

of animal skin drums was used to convey a message. Later man
discovered that when he cut the tip from the horn of an animal and
blew through it, the sound carried for quite a distance. We find its use
mentioned throughout the Bible, and it was certainly the main warning
instrument used in the Hue and Cry even into the twelfth century. In
the Orient, the brass gong and finally the bell, became the warning
In Western civilization, until very recently, the church bell,
high in the steeple, not only called the people to church services,
but warned the town or village of imminent dangers. The
American Indian used smoke signals, bird calls and drums in his
effort to communicate and send out warnings.

In the history of Anglo-American police patrol, the horn

was replaced by the hand-bell and rattle, and then finally the metal

Semaphore systems (visual codes) of flags or flashing

lights were employed to send messages over relatively short but
difficult-to-cross distances, such as from hilltop to hilltop or
between ships at sea. In the early 1790s the French scientist and
engineer Claude Chappe persuaded the French government to
install a system of towers that used semaphore signals to send
visual telegraphs along approved routes throughout the country.
The system was copied in Great Britain and the United States.
Some ancient societies, such as the Roman or Byzantine
empires, expanded their territorial control far beyond their
original boundaries, and traded with distant neighbors. To hold on
to their far-flung territories, they needed two technologies that
have remained closely tied ever since: transportation, and the
ability to record information.

Police communications are the backbone of police tactics.

Without proper communications, the modern police department
would be lost. When police vehicles were first used, there were
no radio communications as we know it today. The system of
notifying patrol vehicles of emergencies and calls for service was
handled by the installation of red lights at the major intersections
of the town or city. When headquarters wanted to contact a
police car, they would pull a switch that would send power to the
red lights at the intersections.
The next time the patrol car passed the intersection and
saw the red light on, he would drive to headquarters for the
assignment. When telephones became more common, the officer
would call headquarters when he observed the light signal.

When radios were first installed in police vehicles, they

were usually just receivers and did not have transmitters for
answering calls. The radio operator would broadcast the calls, and
hope that it was received.
A brief history of the development of police communication
is as follows:

1877 The Albany New York Police Department installed five

telephones in the mayors office connected to precinct stations. This
was only two years after Alexander Graham Bell developed the
telephone, which indicates how quickly the police saw the value of
the telephone and how promptly it was utilized as a tool of law

1880 The Chicago Police Department installed the first Police Call
Box on a city street. Only officers and reputable citizens were
given keys to the booth. Before this time a signal box was used that
would signal the emergency without voice communications. Detroit
made such installations in 1884 and Indianapolis in 1895.
1883 The Detroit, Michigan Police Department installed one
police telephone. This was significant when one considers the fact
that there were only seven telephones in the whole city at that
time. In 1889 the department established a new division to
handle communications. It was called the Police Signal Bureau.

A code wheel was installed in the box so that when the beat man
called in for his time check, it would register at headquarters with
the proper signal for that call box. This insured that the beat
officer was in fact at the location from which he claimed to be
1916 The New York Harbor Police installed spark transmitters
so they could communicate with their police boats while they
were patrolling the harbor. This also enabled them to
communicate with other boats and ships in the harbor.

1923 The Pennsylvania State Police installed point-to-point radio

telegraph between their headquarters and various posts
throughout the state.

1928 On April 7, 1928, the worlds first workable police radio

system went on the air. The Detroit Police Department went on
the air as station W8FS. The transmitter was installed on Belle
Isle in the Detroit River, and the receiver was installed in cruiser
This was the climax of seven years of work and development
under the direction of Police Commissioner William P. Rutledge.
The major problems in making a radio receiver work reliably in a
police car were receiver instability and lack of sensitivity. Added
to this were problems involving red tape with the Federal Radio
Commission (predecessor to the Federal Communications

By 1927 the prohibition era had seen the development of big time
crime and the gangsters were making wide use of automobiles as
get-away cars. The police were under great pressure to control
the situation, but always arrived at the scene too late.
Commissioner Rutledge then persuaded Robert L. Batts, a young
radio technician and student at Purdue University, to come to
Detroit and work on a radio receiver that would operate in a
police car. It was through this effort that the first workable police
radio setup was developed.
1929 In September of 1929, the Cleveland Police Department went
on the air with a few cars, and in December of the same year,
Indianapolis became the third police department in the world to set up
a workable police radio system.

1930 The Michigan State Police became the first state police
organization to go on the air in October of 1930. It proved very
effective in apprehending bank robbers and other gangsters.

1931 The first police motorcycle was equipped with a radio by the
Indianapolis Police Department in September, 1931.

1933 In March 1933, the Bayonne New Jersey Police Department

went on the air with the first two-way, mobile police radio system.
1934 By 1934 so many police departments had police radio
systems that they were being used as inter-city communications
for all types of general police messages and the Federal
Communications Commission had to intervene and establish
strict control on police radio communications, restricting non-
emergency messages to wire communications.

1935 Because the police departments did not understand the

government restrictions, they (at first) refused to obey them and
police radio men from all over the country banded together to
form the APCO (Association of Police Communications Officers)
recently changed to the (Association of Public-Safety
Communications Officers)

1939 Daniel E. Noble, of Connecticut State College, developed

the first FM (Frequency Modulation) mobile two-way transmitters
and receivers for the Connecticut State Police. This was to bring
about a change in the whole mobile radio picture.
1940 Motorola President, Paul Galvin, saw the value of FM over
the AM for mobile police communications, and hired Dan Noble
to develop two-way FM for Motorola Police Radio Sales. One of
Nobles first developments was the remarkable Differential
Squelch Circuit which demonstrated greatly increased range in
fringe areas.

1945 The Federal Communications Commission allocated

frequencies for FM, and it became the established system for
police radio communications.

Today most departments have three-way radios where the patrol

car in the field may not only carry on a two-way conversation
with the base radio, but may also carry on the same type of
conversation with other police vehicles in the field.( Payton Patrol
An explanation of communication process begins with a
basic problem- it cannot be examined as an isolated event.
Communication is a process, and so it must be understood as the
totality of several interdependent and dynamic elements. In the
aggregate, communication may be defined as the process by which
senders and receivers interact in given social contexts. Another
understanding of this definition is that the process of
communication requires that we examine the several elements
that make up the process, encoding, transmission, medium,
reception, decoding, and feedback. The word medium comes from
the Latin word medius, meaning middle or between. It is a
channel such as a radio, book, or a telephone is called
medium; media is plural.
Experience cannot be transmitted as experience. In
conveying an experience to another person, we do not relive that
experience with that person. Even in the most scrupulous
reproduction of an experience, every element cannot be
duplicated. At the very least, the time period is altered, and
intervening experiences have altered us as individuals. To convey
an experience or idea to someone, we encode that experience
into symbols. We use words or other verbal behaviors and
gestures, or other nonverbal behaviors to convey the experience
or idea. These symbols are our code; they stand for certain
experiences; they are not experiences themselves.
Encoding involves only the decision to use a symbol for
some concept. The element of transmission involves the
translation of the encoded symbols into some behavior that
another person can observe. The actual articulation (moving our
lips, tongue, etc) of the symbol into verbal or nonverbal
observable behavior is transmission.

Communication must be conveyed through some channel
or medium. Media for communication may be our sight, hearing,
taste touch, or smell. Some other media are television, telephone,
paper and pencil, and radio. The importance of the choice of the
medium should not be minimized. All of us are aware of the
difference between a message that our superior delivers
personally and the one that is sent through a secretary or by a
memo. The medium, like the chosen symbol, has an effect on the
meaning that the listener eventually attaches to the message in
the process of decoding.
For the receiver, the reception of the message is
analogous to the senders transmission. The stimuli, the verbal
and nonverbal symbols, reach the senses of the receiver and are
conveyed to the brain for interpretation.

The process of interpretation occurs when the individual
who has received the stimuli develops some meaning for the
verbal and nonverbal symbols and decodes the stimuli. For the
receiver, then, decoding is analogous to the process of encoding
for the sender. These symbols are translated into some concept
or experience of the receiver. Whether this receiver is familiar
with the symbols, or whether interference such as any physical
noise or physiological problem occurs. ( Swanson Police
Systems of Communication

Paper and Printing the first lightweight medium was papyrus,

an early form of paper used by the Egyptians that was made from
grasses called reeds. Until the 1400s in Europe, all documents
were handwritten. Copyists and editors called scribes recorded
commercial transactions, legal decisions and pronouncements, and
manuscript copies of religious books many scribes were
working in monasteries. In Asia, block printing had already been
developed by Buddhist monks in China in about the 8th century. A
similar technique was later used in the 15th century by Europeans
to make illustrations for printed books.

An early version of movable type of printing was first

developed in China around 1045, and was independently
developed by Koreans in the 13th century AD. In 1450, the
German printer Johannes Gutenberg perfected the movable metal
type and introduced the first reliable system of typesetting, a key
invention in the development of printing.
Postal Services different societies have devised systems for
transporting messages from place to place and from person to
person. The earliest were courier-type services whereby
messengers carried memorized or written messages from one
person to another, and returned with the reply. The postal
service was established in the United States in 1789.

The Telegraphy it is the first electronic medium which sends

and received electrical signals over long distance wires. Telegraph
systems were immediately useful for businesses that needed to
transmit messages quickly over long distances, such as
newspapers and railroads.

The Telephone it is a device that would transmit the human

voice over wires instead of electrical clicks or other signals. The
telephone network has also provided the electronic network for
new computer-based systems like the: internet; facsimile
transmissions; and world wide web.
The Radio the earliest systems for sending electrical signals
through the air via electromagnetic waves was called wireless and
later radio.

The Television it is the transmission of visual images by means

of electromagnetic waves.

The Computers the earliest computers were machines built

to make repetitive numerical calculations that had previously been
done by hand. Computer networks can carry and digital signals,
including video images, sounds, graphics, animations, and text.
Channels of Communication:

A. Verbal Channels one-on-one conversations, telephone

conversations, radio dispatch, interviews, meetings, news
conferences and speeches are the most common verbal
channels of communication.
B. Written Channels includes notes, memos, letters, e-mails,
faxes, reports, manuals, bulletins, policies and the like. Written
communication has the advantage of being permanent but the
disadvantage of being slower and usually more expensive.
The disadvantage of written communication, however, is lack
of immediate feedback. (Bennett & Hess Management and
supervision in law enforcement)
Barriers to Communication
volume of information
tendency to say what we think others want to hear
certainty word
prejudices (sender and/or receiver)
failure to select the best
strained sender-receiver relationships
Special Problems in Communicating
Communication security
Interference on the line
Communicating with those of the opposite gender
Communicating with the elderly
Communicating with non-english speaking
Communicating with those from a different culture
Communicating with individuals with disabilities or conditions
affecting speech
Communicating with individuals who are mentally ill
Communicating with individuals who are mentally retarded or
The Police Radio Dispatcher The radio dispatcher is the
personnel in a police communication center or coordinating center
tasked to receive and transmit radio messages. Before a policeman or
civilian can become a radio dispatcher, he must be trained formally or
through an OJT. The dispatcher is also called radio coordinator and
radio operator.

Basic Qualifications of a radio dispatcher or operator

Ability to speak clearly and distinctly at all times
Ability to reduce rambling and disconnected material into concise
and accurate messages.
Ability to think and act promptly in emergencies.
Ability to analyze the situation accurately and to take an effective
course of action.
Thorough understanding of the technical operation of his own
system to allow intelligent reporting of equipment failures.
Physical and mental ability to work effectively under all conditions
Knowledge of the rules and regulations applying to dispatchers
Voice Qualities of Effective radio dispatcher
Loudness or volume depends on the size of the human voice box
Pitch or voice frequency the level of the voice depends on the
number of cycles per second emitted by the speaker(high pitch is
not pleasant and clear in talking through mike.)
Timbre the quality of a speech sound that comes from its tone
rather than its pitch or volume.
Voice requirements of effective radio dispatcher
Alert give impression of alertness, being enthusiastic and
interested in the person calling.
Pleasant create a pleasant office image with voice with a smile
since pleasantness is contagious.
Natural use simple straightforward language; avoid repetition of
mechanical words or phrases; avoid technical terms and slang.
Distinct speak clearly and distinctly; move the lips, tongue and jaw
freely; talk directly to the telephone.
Expressive a well modulated voice carries best over the mike; use
normal tone of voice; not too loud nor too soft; vary the tones to
bring out the meaning of sentences and add color vitality to what
you say.
Administrative and operational communication net

Most police communication centers operate in a two-stage

manual process. When a call is made to the police department, the
officer at a complaint desk position, first determines the need for
police action, and then records the details on a card. The card is then
routed to a dispatch console where the operator has control of one
or more radio channels. In the smaller organizations, this is usually
accomplished by handling the card from one person to another. In
larger departments it is customary to use a conveyor belt system
between the two positions.

The operator at the dispatch console then establishes radio

contact with the patrol unit and relays the details of the complaint.
The dispatcher also has the duty of maintaining a record of the status
of the police vehicles under his control. If information is needed from
the records division or from some computer source, the operator
must then phone for this information.
Techniques in radio communication

Since communication over a police radio presents many

problems, the following information is intended to better help the
patrol officer in this endeavor.

A department can have can have some of the finest

communications equipment in the country, but its use becomes
greatly impaired if the officers in the field are not familiar with the
proper use of the equipment, and do not adhere to the basic
rules of radio procedure. The increasing population has resulted
in an increase in crime and the need for air time. One of the
best ways to insure the proper use of air time, is to follow the
ABCs of radio transmission.
The ABCs of Radio transmission

(A) Accuracy. It is the correctness and truthfulness of what is

being communicated. The major cause of inaccuracy is haste and
impatience. The old saying that haste makes waste certainly
applies to police communications.

(B) Brevity. This means using few words. Due to the expanding
volume of radio traffic, it is essential that there be no unnecessary
or repetitious words in the transmission. The use of police code
can help maintain brevity.

(C) Courtesy. It is necessary for rapid and efficient service.

Courtesy begets courtesy. Anger begets anger. The courtesy in
police communications is more of a form of respect than
expressed words. It can be shown in the tone of voice.
Clarity, the second C. It can be best obtained through
two main areas:

1. Semantics the science of meanings as contrasted with

phonetics, the science of sound. Proper semantics would be
transference of thoughts or ideas between people through
communication without a loss or perversion of the original
meaning or intent. There are two ways to improve
semantics. Learn through experience what the most
common errors are; and think before talking.

2. Phonetics is the science of sounds. It is the understanding

of a communication through the proper sounding of words.
There are three main areas of phonetics that hinder good
police communications; radio interference and distortion;
poor pronunciation; and similar sounding words and letters.
Phonetics maybe improved through the following

Not speaking too fast, or slovenly. Talk with the mouth open.
Use the phonetic alphabet when the word is likely to cause
trouble. Unusual surnames should be spelled phonetically.
Use similes. This can be done by saying that something is like
something else. i.e. wood as in firewood; green like grass.

Police telecommunication System

An answer to the problem of communications can in

many cases be a switch to a computerized system. This will not
only increase overall efficiency but can also save money when
everything is taken into consideration. The major saving is in time,
and time is money. With the shortage of qualified police officers,
any device that can cut down on man hours is sorely needed.
The modern automated system usually has about five

1. The complaint officer video terminal and keyboard.

Here the complaint officer receives calls for police service
and the information is typed on the keyboard. This
information then goes to the computer.
2. The central mini-computer. First it records the
information received from the complaint officer. This
becomes the daily log. At the same instant the information is
registered at the appropriate dispatch console. The
computer which has all addresses by beat, will search the new
address and will assign the proper beat area designation. The
computer also lists the radio code, priority, message, time,
case record number, and the availability and location of field
3. Time of day digital clock. This can record the time that
the call was received, and dispatched and when the officer
arrived at the scene and when he came back into service.
4. The computer storage file. This file is digital magnetic
tape storage and is attached to the computer. It contains the
daily log and can later provide various types of information
for research and planning.
5. The command dispatch console. This console contains
two TV type screens. One is the Video Data Terminal which
shows all of the information about the request for service,
including a case number, time of arrival, priority and radio
code. The other is the Situation Display which shows an
abbreviated case record number, a special color indicating
priority, and a projected map that shows the availability and
location of field units. With the knowledge gained by glancing
at the map Situation Display, the dispatcher can then decide
which unit to send to a particular incident. If he should
desire more information about the call, he need only dial the
computer, and all of the information would appear on his
Video Data Terminal.
And good luck!!

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