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Gouty arthritis or arthritis piral is

an inflammation of the joints as a
manifestation of the accumulation of
monosodium urate crystals precipitate,
which is collected in the joint as a result of
the high levels of uric acid in the blood

Noor, Zairin. 2012. Gangguan muskuloskeletal 2th edition. Jakarta : salemba

Factors that influence as a cause of gout are:
a. Hereditary factors
b. Increased levels of uric acid
c. Excessive alcohol consumption
d. The resistance of the removal of uric acid due to
certain diseases, especially renal impairment.
e. Use of certain medications that increase uric acid
levels, especially diuretics (furosemide and
f. Other factors such as stress, diet, injury to the joints,
high blood pressure and excessive exercise. (VitaHealth,
Noor, Zairin. 2012. Gangguan muskuloskeletal 2th edition. Jakarta : salemba
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative
disease of the joints which is caused by a
number of factors. This disease has
characterized by damage to joint cartilage

Noor, Zairin. 2012. Gangguan muskuloskeletal 2th edition. Jakarta : salemba

Some etiologic factors that have known to be
associated with the occurrence of knee
osteoarthritis include:
a. Age
b. Obesity
c. Hereditary or congenital factor
d. Trauma to the joint and damage to the joints
e. Collinear leg
f. The work and activities of daily living

Soeroso, Joewono. 2015. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam 6th edition Jilid III. Jakarta : interna
Complaints Osteoarthritis Gouty arthtritis Reumatoid ArtHritis
Men - + -
Woman + - +
Age 40-60 thn >40 thn >30 thn
pain + + +
Stiff morning + + +
Disturbance + + +
Symmetrical + - +
Unsymmetrical - + -
The affected joint Knee MTP I Fingers
Monoarthritis - + -
Poliarthritis + - +
Obesity + - -
DM + - -
Redness - + -
Fever - - +
Noor, Zairin. 2012. Gangguan muskuloskeletal
2th edition. Jakarta : salemba medika. Page
Soeroso, Joewono. 2015. Ilmu Penyakit
Dalam 6th edition Jilid III. Jakarta : interna
publishing. Page 3187-3200.

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