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Lindawati F. Tampubolon, Ns., M.Kep.


Human Sensitivity to Human Fairness

Rights Values and Dignity & Justice
1. Collaborates with others to identify and address ethical
2. Applies the national approved ethical framework to
support decision-making and prioritizing.
3. Protects the rights, values and dignity of individuals and
4. Practises in accordance with the cultural, social and
spiritual beliefs of individuals and communities.
5. Maintains confidentiality in communication and
6. Understands ones own personal beliefs and how those
beliefs impact on disaster response.
7. Describes how security issues and ethics may conflict.

1. Practises in accordance with local, state,

national and international applicable laws.
2. Understands how laws and regulations specific
to disaster impact on nursing practices and
disaster survivors.
3. Recognizes the legal role of public health to
protect the community in a disaster.
4. Understands the legal implications of disasters
and emergency events (e.g. security,
maintaining evidence, confidentiality).
5. Describes the legal and regulatory issues
related to issues such as:
working as a volunteer;

roles and responsibilities of volunteers;

abandonment of patients;

adaptation of standards of care;

role and responsibility to an employer; and

1. Accepts accountability and responsibility for ones
own actions.
2. Delegates to others in accordance with professional
practice, applicable laws and regulations and the
disaster situation.
3. Identifies the limits of ones own knowledge, skills
and abilities in disaster and practises in accordance
with them.
4. Practises in accordance with the laws and
regulations governing nurses and nursing practice.
5. Advocates for the provision of safe and appropriate
The following is from a policy adopted by the American Medical
Association in 2004:
National, regional, and local responses to epidemics, terrorist

attacks and other disasters require extensive involvement of

physicians. Because of their commitment to care for the sick and

injured, individual physicians have an obligation to provide urgent
medical care during disasters. This ethical obligation holds even in the
face of greater than usual risks to their own safety, health, or life. The
physician workforce, however, is not an unlimited resource; therefore,
when participating in disaster responses, physicians should balance
immediate benefits to individual patients with the ability to care for
patients in the future
American Nurses Association (ANA)
The nurse promotes, advocates for and
strives to protect the health, safety, and
rights of the patient.

The nurse owes the same duties to self as

to others, including the responsibility to
preserve integrity and safety, to maintain
competence and to continue personal and
professional growth.
Perawat dan Klien
1. Perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan
menghargai harkat dan martabat manusia, keunikan klien,
dan tidak terpengaruh oleh pertimbangan kebangsaan,
kesukuan, warna kulit, umur, jenis kelamin, aliran politik,
dan agama yang dianut serta kedudukan social.
2. Perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan
senantiasa memelihara suasana lingkungan yang
menghormati nilai-nilai budaya, adat istiadat dan
kelangsungan hidup beragama dari klien
3. Tanggung jawab utama perawat adalah kepada mereka
yang membutuhkan asuhan keperawatan
4. Perawat wajib merahasiakan segala sesuatu yang
diketahui sehubungan dengan tugas yang dipercayakan
kepadanya kecuali jika diperlukan oleh berwenang sesuai
dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku
Perawat dan Praktik

1. Perawat memelihara dan meningkatkan kompetisi

dibidang keperawatan melalui belajar terus menerus
2. Perawat senantiasa memelihara mutu pelayanan
keperawatan yang tinggi disertai kejujuran professional
yang menerapkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan
keperawatan sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien.
3. Perawat dalam membuat keputusan didasarkan pada
informasi yang akurat dan mempertimbangkan
kemampuan serta kualifikasi seseorang bila melakukan
konsultasi, menerima delegasi dan memberikan
delegasi kepada orang lain
4. Perawat senantiasa menjunjung tinggi nama baik
profesi keperawatan dengan selalu menunjukkan
perilaku professional
Perawat dan Masyarakat

Perawat mengemban tanggung jawab

bersama masyarakat untuk memprakarsai
dan mendukung berbagai kegiatan dalam
memenuhi kebutuhan dan kesehatan

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