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How does the

BRAIN works?

 Hwo we remeber and memorise things, events, persons etc,,

 Why some of our memories got lost but we still remeber some others

 The composition of our brain

 Kinds of memoriztion
 The four importants parts of the brain
 Cerebrum: the biggest part of the brain, it controls muscls (dance) and
thinkin, feeling, emotions (talking) , weight more than 85% of our brain, it is
split into two halves, the right half of our cerebrum controls the left side of our
body, and the left half controls the right part of our body
 Brain stem: located at the base of the brain, it connect the brain to the spinal
cord (the spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that is protected by the spine, the
spinal cord is the main pathway for information that flow from the brain to the
rest of the body) it s in charge of all body function needed, to stay alive:
breathing air, circulating blood, digesting food.
 Corpus callosum:thick band of nerve fibers that connect two halves of the
 Cerebellum: it controls our body balance, movement, and cordination,
located at the back of the brain.

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