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Test 1 True or False
True or False
No. 1
Cloud a collection of small water droplets
or ice crystals suspended in the air, which
forms when the air is cooled and
evaporation occurs at a temperature
called the Dew Point.
True or False
No. 2
Clouds develop out of the process of
changing moisture from a gas to liquid.
This occurs through a process called
convection. As solar radiation cools the
ground and the air immediately above it,
the warm air becomes lighter and the
flow of air carries this warm air upward.
True or False
No. 3
The lifting condensation level is the
point where the water vapor begins to
condense and is visible as clouds. The
LCL is the cause of the flat bottom on
many clouds. As the air rises and falls,
the water either condenses (cloud
forms) or evaporates (cloud dissipates).
True or False
No. 4
At sunset or sunrise the colour of sunlight
can be yellow to deep red due to the
scattering of the blue component of
sunlight as the light travels a shorter path
through the atmosphere.
True or False
No. 5
Cumulus Clouds are generally occur in
fair weather and point in the direction of
air movement at their elevation and are
usually the first sign of an approaching
True or False
No. 6
Stratus Clouds are look like a huge gray
blanket that hangs low in the sky.
Sometimes these clouds are on the
ground, and then we call them FOG.
True or False
No. 7
Advection fog forms at night when cold
ground cools the air above it (in valleys)
True or False
No. 8
Radiation fog forms when warm, moist
air moves under colder surface and cools
(in coastal areas)
True or False
No. 9
Cumulonimbus is taller, towering versions
of cumulus clouds. Their height can be
from two to five miles. These clouds
often form thunderstorms.
True or False
No. 10
The presence of clouds in the sky is one
type of signal to meteorologists that
there will be changes in the weather.
Test 2 Identification
Test 2 Identification

1. Particulate matter such as dust, ash

or smoke as the water condenses.
Test 2 Identification

2. They are layered with some rippling,

and cover large portions of the sky.
Test 2 Identification

3. They are the highest of all clouds

forming at heights of 30,000 feet or more
above the earth's surface
Test 2 Identification

4. Often have a "cauliflower-like"

Test 2 Identification

5. Middle clouds
Test 2 Identification

6. Meaning curly or fibrous

Test 2 Identification

7. Clouds at ground level.

Test 2 Identification

8. Any cloud that rains.

Test 2 Identification

9. Clouds we used to look at and

imagine they were people, shapes,
animals, etc
Test 2 Identification

10. Low, flat clouds that are often

associated with steady precipitation and
occur in thick, continuous layers and are
often dark gray in color
Test 3 Enumeration
Test 3 Enumeration

1-3. importance of clouds

4-8. five basic clouds characteristics
9-11 three basic cloud type
12-14 three categories of cloud height
15. Recent name of Typhoon

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