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What is the diagnosis?

What is the therapy?

Treatment of Psoriasis

• Keratolytic Agents to remove superficial

skin so the other agents can penetrate
• Topical Steroids for localized disease
• Topical retinoic acid derivatives such as
Treatment of extensive psoriasis

• Ultraviolet light
• Methotrexate for extensive disease
• Coal Tars
What is this?
Lichen Planus
• An inflammatory process consisting
usually of violaceous papules that have a
polygonal outline and flat top, and that
tends to favor flexural surfaces of skin and
the buccal mucosa of the oral cavity. It
sometimes affects follicles and nail units
as well.
What is the diagnosis?
What is the therapy?
• Most commonly from drugs, foods, and
insect stings.
• The most common idiopathic forms are
from pressure (dermatographism), cold
and vibration
• Treat with antihistamines such as
loratadine, fexofenadine, cetirazine
What is the diagnosis?
What is the therapy?
Morbiliform Rash
What is the diagnosis?
What is the therapy?
Erythema Multiforme
• A severe skin reaction secondary to
medications such as phenytoin or sulfa
drugs and infections such as herpes
simplex and mycoplasma
• Treat the infection that may have caused it
Steven’s-Johnson Syndrome
What is the diagnosis?
What physical sign is present here?
Toxic Epidermal necrolysis
• The most severe form of drug eruption.
• Nikolsky’s sign is present
A less severe disease than pemphigus vulgaris. It splits the
dermal/epidermal junction. Not in the mouth with Less
mortality because the skin stays covered
Bullous pemphigoid
What is this?
What is the best test?
What is the treatment?
Pemphigus Vulgaris
• More serious than bullous pemphigoid
• Flaccid bullae that easily rupture
• Splitting of the epidermal layer
• Easy sloughing of skin
• Involvement of the mouth
• Often fatal without steroid therapy
What is the diagnosis?
What causes it?
What is the therapy?
Erythema nodosum
• Idiopathic, but associated with sarcoid,
pregnancy, syphilis and
• Symptomatic treatment with NSAID’s
What is this?
What is the treatment?
Pityriasis Rosea
• Generalized scaly red rash of unknown,
probably viral, etiology
• Looks like secondary syphilis, but VDRL or
RPR is negative
• Has a ‘Herald Patch’ preceding the lesion
• Resolves spontaneously in 6 weeks
• Topical steroids make it feel better
‘Herald patches’ of Pityriasis rosea
A 15th century Romanian Nobleman comes to see you
because of a problem drinking blood.

What is the diagnosis?

Porphyria cutanea tarda
• A hypersensitivity reaction of the sun to
abnormal porphyrin metabolism
• Also associated with chronic hepatitis C
and iron overload states
• Treated with phlebotomy
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
What is this?
How is it treated?
Atopic Dermatitis
• Antihistamine treatment (fexofenadine,
• Emolients, avoid dryness
• Avoid hot water and harsh soaps
• Topical Steroids
• Anti-staphylococcal antibiotics
• Tacrolimus, picrolimus
Atopic Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
Asteatotic Dermatitis
What is this?
What is the therapy?
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Yellow, flaky, oily skin
Treated with topical steroids
What is this? How is it treated?
Comedonal Acne
• Comedonal acne is
treated with topical
tretinoin (retin A) and
benzoyl peroxide
• Pustular acne is
treated with topical
• Cystic acne is treated
with oral isotretinoin
and systemic
What is this?
How is it treated?
Seborrheic Keratosis
Removed with surgery, cryotherapy, currettage for
cosmetic reasons. No malignant potential
Benign Nevi
Actinic Keratosis
Squamous Cell Cancer
Basal Cell Cancer
What is this?
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
• Treat the HIV
What is this? How is it treated?
Mycoses Fungoides
PUVA, Interferon, Oral retinoids, Radiotherapy
What are these? What is the best initial test?
What is the most accurate test? Therapy?
Dermatophyte infections are diagnosed with a KOH prep
and culture and treated with topical antifungals
Onychomycosis and Tinea Capitis
are treated with…?
Herpes Simplex
Most accurate test? Treatment?
Herpes (varicella) zoster
Most accurate test? Treatment?
What is this?
What is the test? Therapy?
Diagnosed by scraping. Treated with permethrin or lindane
Crabs or Pediculosis
Treated with?
What is the diagnosis?
Test? Treatment?
What is the diagnosis?
Test? Treatment?
Condyloma accuminata
What is the test? Therapy?

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