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 Mention the main steps of gravimetric

 Define supersaturation.
 Identify types of impurities in precipitates.
 Define peptization.
 Define gravimetric factor.
 Apply gravimetric analysis to different

Gravimetric analysis
 Gravimetric analysis is one of the most accurate
and precise methods of macro-quantitative

 In this process, the analyte is selectively

1. converted to an insoluble form. The separated
precipitate is 2. dried or ignited, possibly to
another form and is 3. accurately weighed.

 From the weight of the precipitate and knowledge of

its chemical composition, we can calculate the
weight of the analyte in the desired form.
Steps of Gravimetric analysis
 1. Precipitation.
 2. Digestion.
 3. Filtration.
 4. Washing.
 5. Drying or ignition.
 6. Weighing.
 7. Calculations

1. Mechanism of precipitation
 When a solution of precipitating agent is added
to a test solution to form a precipitate, such as
in the addition of AgNO3 to a chloride solution to
precipitate AgCl,
 The actual precipitation occurs in a series of
 1. Super saturation, (The ionic product of
concentrations should be  the solubility
 2. Nucleation, where a minimum number of
particles come together to produce
microscopic nuclei of the solid phase.
 3. Particle growth, where nuclei join together
to form a crystal of a certain geometric shape.
Mechanism of precipitation (cont.)

Mechanism of precipitation (cont.)

Notice that:
 Although nucleation should occur theoretically
spontaneously, but induced nucleation can occur
on dust particles, scratches on the vessel

 The higher the degree of supersaturation, the

greater the rate of nucleation.

 This means the formation of great number of

nuclei per unit time, increasing also the rate of
particle growth.
 This increases the total surface area of the
precipitate thus more possibility of entrapment
of impurities. 7
Degree of supersaturation
 Von Weimarn discovered that the particles size
of precipitates is inversely proportional to
the relative supersaturation of the solution
during the precipitation process:
 Relative supersaturation (RSS) = S

 Where Q is the concentration of the mixed

reagents before precipitation occurs and is referred
to as the degree of supersaturation and S is
the solubility of the precipitate at equilibrium.
 This ratio is called the Von Weimarn Ratio.
Degree of supersaturation (cont.)
 When a solution is supersaturated, it is in a
state of metastable equilibrium and this favours
rapid nucleation to form a large number of
small particles, that is
 High RSS Many small crystals
(high Surface area)
 Low RSS Fewer, larger crystals
(low surface area)

 Thus, we want Q low and S high during

Favourable conditions for precipitation
 1. Precipitate from dilute solutions.
(This keeps Q low)
 2. Add dilute precipitating agents
slowly with constant stirring.
(This Keeps Q low)
 3. Precipitate from hot solution.
(This increases solubility)
 4. Precipitate at as low pH as possible.
(This increases the solubility of the precipitate)

 The best conditions can be

obtained by using concentrations
at the point of interaction of the
above two curves (*). 11
2. Digestion
 We have two types of precipitates, according
to the size of the formed particles, colloidal (1-
100 m) or amorphous, crystalline (> 100
m) precipitates.

 Digestion of 1. Crystalline precipitates can be

obtained by allowing the precipitate to stand with
the mother liquor for a long time.

 2. Colloidal precipitate is digested by standing

with the mother liquor (the solution from which it
was precipitated) at high temperature. 12
Digestion (cont.)
 During digestion,
 (i) the small particles tend to dissolve and re-
precipitate on the surfaces of large crystal.
 In addition,

(ii) individual particles agglomerate to together

around a counter ion until they finally cement
together by forming connecting bridges.
 Also,

(iii) imperfections of the crystals tend to

disappear and adsorbed or trapped impurities
tend to go into solution. 13
Notice that:
 For colloidal precipitates, e.g.
AgCl the ions are arranged in a
fixed pattern.
 The surface of the precipitate tend
to absorb the ion of the
precipitated particle that is in
excess in the solution,
(Ag+ or Cl-)
 This primary adsorbed layer
attracts oppositely charged ion in a
secondary layer, so the particle will
have an overall neutral charge.
 These secondary layers come
closer to form coagulated
Impurities in precipitates
 1. Occlusion
 This occurs when materials
that are not part of the
crystal structure are trapped
within the crystal.

 For example, water or any

counter ion can be occluded in
any precipitate (AgCl). This
causes deformation in the

 This type is hard to be removed,

digestion can decrease it to a
certain extent. 15
Impurities in precipitates (cont.)
 2. Inclusion (isomorphous replacement)
 This occurs when a compound that is
isomorphous to the precipitate is entrapped
within the crystal.
 Isomorphous means they have the same type
of formula and crystals in similar geometric

 Example, K+ has nearly the same size of NH4+ so it

can replace it in Magnesium ammonium phosphate.
 Digestion cannot handle this type and mixed
crystals will be formed. 16
Impurities in precipitates (cont.)
 3. Surface adsorption
 Surface adsorption is very common especially in
colloidal precipitates.
 Example, AgCl, BaSO4, where each of them will
have a primary adsorption layer of the lattice ion
present in excess followed by a secondary layer of
the counter ion of opposite charge so as to have a
neutral net charge.

 These adsorbed layers can often be removed by

washing where they can be replaced by ions
than can be easily volatilized.
Impurities in precipitates (cont.)
 4. Post precipitation
 When the precipitate is allowed to stand in contact
with the mother liquor, a second substance will
slowly form a precipitate on the surface of the
original one.
 Examples, When calcium oxalate is precipitated in
the presence of magnesium ions, magnesium
oxalate may be if the solution is left without
filtration for a long time.

 Digestion will increase the extent of such

type, dissolution and reprecipitation will
decrease the extent of post precipitation. 18
Washing and filtering the precipitates
 Coprecipitated impurities especially
occluded or surface adsorbed ions can be
removed by washing of the precipitate
after filtration.
 The precipitate will also be wet with the
mother liquor which is also removed by

 Colloidal precipitates can not be washed with

pure water, because peptization occurs.
This is the reverse of coagulation.
 As we said before that coagulated particles have
neutral layer of adsorbed primary and counter ions.
 The presence of another electrolyte will cause
the counter ions to be forced into closer
contact with primary layer, thus promoting

 Washing with water will dilute and remove

foreign ions and the counter ion will occupy a
larger volume, with more solvent molecules
between it and the primary layer.
Peptization (cont.)
 The results is that the repulsive forces increases
and the particles reverts to the colloidal state
pass through the filter (peptization occurs).

 This can be prevented by adding an electrolyte to

the washing liquid. e.g. HNO3 is used to wash

 N.B. This electrolyte should be volatile at the

temperature of drying or ignition and must not
dissolve the precipitate.
Drying or ignition
 If the collected precipitate is in a form suitable
for weighing, it must be heated to remove water
and to remove adsorbed electrolyte from the wash
 This drying can be done by heating at 110 to
120°C for 1-2H.

 Ignition at much higher temperature is

usually required if a precipitate must be
converted to a more suitable form for

 In this case, the weighed form of the precipitate

might be different from the precipitated form.
Examples are given in the table 23
Example of Gravimetric Analysis

Drying or ignition ( cont.)

Calculations in Gravimetric analysis
 If we start with 10 ml of the analyte A which is precipitated in
the form of P by the following equation
 nA + B mP + S
nMwt mMwt
W2 W1
  W2 = W1 (nMwtanalyte/mMwtppt)

 Where W2 is the weight of the analyte ion (only)

present in 10 ml of solution and W1 is the weight of
precipitate (ppt).

 (nMwtanalyte/mMwtppt) is called the gravimetric or

conversion factor.

 It can be calculated from the ratio of the molecular weight of

the substance sought (analyzed) to that of substance
weighed. 26
Example 1
 Calculate the gravimetric factor for each of
the following:
P Ag3PO4, K2HPO4 AgPO4, Bi2S3 BaSO4
As2O3Ag3AsO4, K2OKB(C6H5)4
 P/Ag3PO4 = atwt P/ Mwt Ag3PO4

 K2HPO4/Ag3PO4= Mwt K2HPO4/MwtAg3PO4

 Bi2S3/BaSO4 = MWt Bi2S3/3MWt BaSO4

 As2O3/Ag3AsO4 = Mwt As2O3/2MWt Ag3AsO4

 K2O/KB(C6H5)4 = Mwt K2O/ 2MWt KB(C6H5)4

Example 2
 Orthophosphate (PO43-) is determined by weighing as ammonium
phosphomolybdate, (NH4)PO4.12MoO3. Calculate the percent P in
the sample and the percent P2O5 if 1.1682g precipitate were
obtained from a 0.2711 g sample.
 Remember: Wt of analyte = Wt of ppt x Gravimetric Factor
At. wt P
 Wt of P = 1.1682 X 
Mwt (NH ) PO .12MoO
4 3 4 3

 1.1682 x  0.0193 g

% P = (0.0193/0.2711) x 100 = 7.11%

Example 2 (cont.)
In general,
Wt ppt X gravimetric factor
%ppt  x100
Wt of sample

Mwt P2O5
1.1682 x
2 Mwt (NH4 )3 PO 4 .12MoO 3
 %P2O5  X 100
1.1682 x
 2x1876.5 x100  16.30%

Example 3
 An ore is analyzed for the manganese content by converting the
manganese to Mn3O4 and weighing it. If a 1.52 g sample yields
Mn3O4 weighing 0.126g, what would be the percent Mn and Mn2O3
in the sample?

3 Mwt Mn2O3
0.126 x
2 Mwt Mn3O 4
%Mn2O3  X 100
3 (157.9)
0.126 x
2 (228.8)
 X 100  8.58%

Example 3 (cont.)
3 At.wt Mn
0.126 x
Mwt Mn3O 4
% Mn  X 100
3 (54.94)
0.126 X
 228.8 X 100  5.97%


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