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 Flat Mouth mirrors: Basic set of instruments for the

exploration and the diagnosis.
1 Set of
instruments  Explorer N ° 23: It facilitates to us the detection of
cause to decay and of dental calculation, to
for the study determine the grade of dental mobility.
and the  Cotton tweezers: Used to hold and to mobilize
cottons, torundas cotton, endodónticos
examination instruments, tops of role and cones of gutta-hanger
endodóntico. You Tackle - Radiographies periapicales N ° 2.

 Hooks carries movies to reveal radiographies. Boxes

of - developing and liquids of revealing.
2 Set of  Fields of Cloth or Disposable: To pleases the sterile
instruments. Young's arch: Plastic or
 metallic, (not articulable). It is used to hold the gum
for the dike during the absolute isolation of the operative
field. Perforator of Dike of Gum.
isolation  Carries staples: rectum, monkey angulado, Is the
purpose of holding, of taking and of placing the
staple in the tooth
3 Set of
for the  Teaspoon of Dentin or excavator of dentin for
endodoncia: For elimination of dentin reblandecida
and of the textile pulpar cameral deep.
opening of the
for a three-  Explorers D-G 16: It is used to locate the access to
the for a three-quarter bed pulpar. And to find the
quarter bed of earnings of the conduits radiculares.
4 Set of measure
In any of the sizes the part always activates it will
16 mm.
for the movement
The movements of filed. The cut happens in the
of Impulsion and haulage, exercising
biomechanical pressure against the wall of the conduit.
preparation of governed
American Dental Association (ADA) plows
the conduits by the norms of the. With Numeration
and conicidades pre-established.
5 set of
for the cones
Cones of Gutta-Hanger.: The gutta-hanger
plows used for the skill of side
Obstruction of obstruction, they make of size.
the system of thin
Digital Space bars or Condensers: There plows
conduit metallic instruments finished in top.

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