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What is a Pig?

A pig is defined as:

A device that moves through the inside of a
pipeline for the purpose of cleaning,
dimensioning, or inspecting.

 Decreased down-time for product

 Recovery of “normally wasted” product.
 Adaptable to your individual
 Minimization of dedicated lines.
 Increased product purity.
Why Pig in a Pipeline?

1- Construction and commissioning .

2- In service (Cleaning & Sealing).
3- Routine pigging for corrosion and metal loss inspection
1- Construction and commissioning:
After the pipeline is built, it will be necessary to run pigs to :
1- Remove any debris left in the line from new construction; items such as lunch
boxes, tools, welding rods, dead animals trapped in the line, etc.
2- Verify the ovality of the pipeline by the owner.
2- In service:
When the pipeline is in service :
1- Remove accumulated water in product pipelines
2- Remove any water that has accumulated in the low spots of the pipeline and
reduce corrosion.
3- Separate products in pipelines that handle multiple products such as various
grades of gasoline, heating oils, and jet fuels
3- Routine pigging for corrosion and metal loss inspection:
Before Inspection pigging:
1- Pre-Inspection pigging before running an ILI (In Line Inspection) tool will not only require the
pipe be clean but a dummy pig be run to assure the ILI tool will go through the line.
2- Under certain conditions pipelines may require chemical cleaning or a train of gel pigs may
be used for certain cleaning conditions.
During Inspection:
1-Insert Intelligent Inspection Pig at certain point and follow him and receive it at certain point,
for inspect metal loss and corrosion.
Loading Arms & Hoses

Hoses and couplings can

Loading arms need to be be incorporated into the
able to accommodate system as long as they
pigging through entire are able to accommodate
arm. pigging.

Demisters serve to collect

the product mist produced
during the return run. The
unit is filtered to collect
residual product, which can
be drained or piped back
into product tank.

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