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Alumnos :
- Merino Coronado , Raúl André
- Morales Tapia , Michael
Incidencia y mortalidad en
el Perú
Alto consumo
de Calcio
Clasificacion Gleason
Patrones Gleason


Gradacion Gleason Invasion Supervivencia

ganglionar a 10 años

2a4 16% 97%

5a7 39% 78%
8 a 10 60% 30%
Evaluación clínica
 Síntomas Posibilidad de  Obstrucción
 Síntomas Irritativos  Síntomas Obstructivos
(50%) (80%)
 Nicturia  Disminución del
 Frecuencia urinaria calibre y fuerza del
flujo urinario
 Urgencia urinaria
 Interrupción del
 Tenesmo vesical
flujo urinario
 Titubeo miccional
 Goteo post-
Otros signos y síntomas :

 Disuria
 Flujo miccional no cilíndrico
 Dolor en glande
 Disfunción eréctil
 Hematuria
 Dolor suprapúbico
• Lumbalgia
Valoración de la Obstrucción :

 Ultrasonido transabdominal
de vejiga y próstata con
medición de orina residual

 Urografía excretora

 Uroflujometría
Posibilidad de Neoplasia :

 Tacto rectal
 Antígeno prostático específico
 USG Transrectal de próstata
 Biopsias transrectales
PSA (Variaciones)
Sustancia producida por las células en la
glándula prostática
<4 >10
ng/ ng/
ml ml
◎ La mayoría de los l
hombres sin cáncer ◎ Los hombres que ◎ Si el PSA es
de próstata tiene tienen un nivel de mayor de 10, la
niveles de PSA PSA de 4 a 10 probabilidad de
menores a 4
tienen una tener cáncer de
(ng/mL) por probabilidad de 1 próstata es de
mililitro de sangre. en 4 de padecer más de 50%.
La probabilidad de cáncer de
tener cáncer de próstata.
próstata aumenta a
medida que el nivel
de PSA sube.

◎ 15 % si tienen
cancer , usar
◎ Tienen PSA aumentado
PSA (Variaciones) aproximadamente el 80% de
los pte con Ca demostrado y
el 30% de los HPB.
Factores distintos al cancer de
prostata (PSA Aumentado) :
◎ -HPB Algunas cosas pueden causar
que los niveles de PSA bajen:
◎ -Edad mayor
◎ -Inhibidores de la 5-alfa
◎ -Prostatitis reductasa
◎ -Eyaculación ◎ -Obesidad
◎ -Montar en bicicleta ◎ -Aspirina
◎ -Ciertos procedimientos ◎ -Estatinas
urológicos (biopsia de
prostata y tacto rectal) ◎ -Diureticos tiazidicos

◎ -Ciertos medicamentos
(hormonas masculinas
Use Diagrams to break down your message

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White Gray Black

And tables to compare data


Yellow 10 20 7

Blue 30 15 10

Orange 5 24 16

Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud?
That’s a lot of money

185,244 users
And a lot of users

Total success!
Our process is easy

first last

Let’s review some concepts

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the sky and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet historically been
yellow is found between and green on the optical associated with sacrifice,
green and orange. spectrum. danger and courage.

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the sky and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet historically been
yellow is found between and green on the optical associated with sacrifice,
green and orange. spectrum. danger and courage.
You can copy&paste graphs from Google Sheets
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screenshot here

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Desktop project
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Any questions?
You can find me at @username & user@mail.me
Presentation design
This presentation uses the following typographies and colors:
◎ Titles: Nixie One
◎ Body copy: Varela Round
You can download the fonts on this page:

Click on the “arrow button” that appears on the top right

Yellow #f8bb00 Orange #ed4a00

Fucsia #e8004c
Blue #00acc3 Aqua #00d1c6
Lime #bbcd00
You don’t#65bb48 GrayIt’s
need to keep this slide in your presentation. #617a86
only here to serve you as a design guide
Light Gray #a1becc
if you need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint®

Special thanks to all the people who

made and released these awesome
resources for free:
◎ Presentation template by
◎ Photographs by Unsplash
SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes.

This means that you can:

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Isn’t that nice? :)

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🎨🏈🏰🌏🔌🔑 and many more...

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