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Circulatory System

Cardiac Muscle Cells and Tissue

Different types of blood cells
White Blood cells-
There are many different types of white blood cells. The main
purpose of the white blood cells is to ward off infection. These cells,
which come in many shapes and sizes, are vital to the immune
system. White blood cells are also called leukocytes.

Red Blood Cell-

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body and deliver
carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs to be exhaled. The body
creates these cells at a rate of about 2.4 million a second, and they
each have a life span of about 120 days. Red blood cells are also
called erythrocytes.

The main purpose of the platelets is to help the blood to clot. These
clots act as plugs to stop bleeding and serve as a base for new tissue
growth and healing in the injured area. Platelets are also called

Stem Cells
Stem cells have the ability to become many different types of cells,
and they can replicate rapidly.

Mast Cells
Mast cells are long-lived tissue-resident cells with an important role
in many inflammatory settings including host defence to parasitic
infection and in allergic reactions
Cross section of veins and arteries
Differences in vessels.
Veins collect blood from the capillaries in the
body and return the blood to the heart. The walls
of the veins are thin as the blood is at a much
lower pressure. To prevent the backflow of this
lower pressure blood the veins contain valves

The arteries take blood away from the heart and

transport it around the body to the organs and
tissue. The walls are thick and muscular so it can
withstand the high pressure of the blood being
pumped directly from the heart

Capillaries are the thin walled vessels that form a

network that take blood and oxygen through the
organs and tissues

Cross Section of Veins and Arteries

What happens during Myocardial
A Myocardial Infarction is what happens when
there is a sudden complete blockage of an artery
that supplies blood to an area of your heart; this
causes the tissue to die. The cause is often a build
up of fatty plaque and other material inside the
artery. The plaque is covered by a lining of fibrous
material. That lining can rupture, allowing the
plaque to be released and a blood clot to form

Explain the effect this has on the body?

After this happens if you are still alive the
aftereffects of this can include Irregular
heartbeat (arrhythmia), heart rupture
(myocardial rupture), heart failure, leaking heart
valves, low blood pressure, and swelling of the
heart sac (pericarditis).
Heart Of Matter Diagram

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