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Aim: Argument Essay Review

Do-Now: Pick up worksheet and two sheets of loose-leaf.

Argument of Fact/Definition
- Argues what is or isn’t; true/false; applicable/inapplicable;
- Provide three reasons and supporting evidence to justify
those reasons
Argument of Policy/Proposal
- Argues that an idea SHOULD be adopted
- Your essay should focus on BENEFITS/HARMS,
NECESSITY (why do we need to adopt/reject),
FEASIBILITY (can it be done)
Argument of Value
- Argues for a prioritization of factors
- Your essay should list and justify the factors in order of
Topic Categories (Main reasons)
AP Language 1994 Question 3

In The March of Folly, historian Barbara Tuchman writes:

Wooden-headedness, the source of self-deception, is a factor that plays

a remarkably large role in government. It consists of assessing a
situation in terms of preconceived fixed notions while ignoring or
rejecting any contrary signs. It is acting according to wish while not
allowing oneself to be deflected by the facts.

Some people would claim that what Tuchman calls wooden-

headedness plays a remarkably large role in all organizations and,
indeed, in all human affairs.

Write a carefully reasoned persuasive essay that defends,

challenges, or qualifies this idea about the prevalence of wooden-
headedness in human actions and decisions.
Topic Categories (Main reasons)

- Moral
- Personal goals
- Interpersonal relationships

- Education
- Health/Crime
- Stability/Political

- Jobs
- Production/Efficiency
- Cost/Benefit

- International relations
- Environment
Topic Categories


World Social


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