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Least Mastered Learning Competency

Compare the light and dark

reactions in photosynthesis.
Where’s my Food?
Guide card What is photosynthesis?
Students Note Plants, algae, and other
chlorophyll-bearing organisms
After reading this page capture light energy and use it
I still do not understand to produce food. This energy is
Now I understand what the passed on to animals that feed
lesson is all about. directly on plants or on other
What I think about the things to animals that have fed on
do. plants. The entire process of
capturing light energy to
Easy Hard produce food is called
For this lesson, I want to study it photosynthesis. The equation
Alone is:
With one of my classmates. 6CO2 + 6H2O + light chlorophyll
Within the group (energy)
C6H12O6 + O6
Photosynthesis is two stage process. In the light-dependent process, light
The light reaction that took place strikes chlorophyll in such a way
in the grana of the chloroplast as to excite electrons to a higher
and the dark reaction that took energy state. In a series of
place in he stroma of the reactions, the energy is converted
chloroplast. (along an electron transport
process) into ATP and NADPH.
Water is split in the process,
releasing oxygen as a by product
of the reaction. The ATP and
NADPH are used to make C-C
bonds in the dark reaction. The
photosynthetic process, in which
food(sugar) molecules are formed
from the carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere with the use of ATP
can occur in the dark as long as
ATP is present.
Photosynthetic General Equation
Activity card 1

Arrange the jumbled letters to produce a word.

_________ 1. TAP- formed during light reaction.
_________ 2. YGXONE- gas given off by plants.
_________ 3. TRELECON- energized during
_________ 4. AWTRE- splits into hydrogen and
_________ 5. LOPHYOLRCHL- traps light energy.
Activity card 2
Study the diagram below and complete it using the words in the box.

Light energy
Is absorbed by

Energy carrier that becomes ENERGIZED CHLOROPHYLL that supplies energy to

split and add

That are trapped by
That is released ( energy carrier)
NADP (H acceptor)


For use in the That stores energy

dark reaction
Word box
for activity card 2

Water Oxygen
NADPH2 Water
Activity card 3
The fixing of carbon in a carbohydrate

Combines with
A five carbon sugar in the chloroplast
( CO2 acceptor)
That is gain used by combining and substituting
To form
To combine with CO2 H for a phosphate

A very unstable
RDP and
That splits quickly and forms
That can be used H2O that is released
PGA, a 3-carbon compound As nutrient or converted to As a by- product

and forms
combines 2H supplied by NADPH2 from the light reaction
with ( energy supplied by conversion of ATP to ADP )
Word Box
for Activity Card 3

PGAL 6 carbon sugar

ADP 2 molecules
Glucose Carbon dioxide
Check it out!
Study the following illustrations below.
Differentiate each stage of What I already know
photosynthesis. about this page?

What I learned from

this page?

What I still want to

know about this page?
Assessment Card 2.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. Which of the following reactions is also known as photo phase?
a. Light dependent b. Light independent c. Anaphase
2. Which of the following reactions is also known as synthesis
a. Light dependent b . Light independent c. Metaphase
3. What kind of energy is used to split two molecules of water?
a. Light b. Proton c. Neutron
4. What is the energy source of the cell?
a. NAD b. ADP c. ATP
5. What is made up of 5-carbon sugar and an important carbon
dioxide acceptor?
a. ATP b. RUDP c. PGAL
6. Which co-enzyme capture the hydrogen molecules?
7. How many carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are present in
a glucose molecule?
a. C6H12O6 b. C5H11O2 c. C12H6O12
8. What are the end product in dark reactions?
a. ATP and NADPH b. sugar c. enzyme
9. In which part of the cell does light reactions take place?
a. thylakoids b. stroma c. stomata
10. In which part of a plant cell does dark reactions take
a. thylakoids b. stroma c. stomata
Enrichment Card
The ___________ is the conversion
What I already know about this of light energy into chemical
page? energy. The light dependent
_____________________________ reaction includes the
_____________________________ conversion of __________
energy into electron energy,
What I learned from this page? then into short-term energy
storage __________. The
_____________________________ __________ reaction involves
_____________________________ the conversion of short-term
energy storage to long term
What I still want to know about energy storage
this page? ___________.
Spot the Difference
Reference Card
Dela Cruz, Susana B.
Biology ( Pheonix Next Century)
Agar, Irene C. et.al.
Science and Technology II
Internet Explorer
Answer card

Activity No. 1 Activity No. 2

1. ATP Chlorophyll
2. oxygen Water
3. electron Oxygen
4. water NADPH2
5. chlorophyll ATP
Activity No. 3 Assessment No. 1
CO2 A. Dark reaction or light –
6 carbon sugar independent reaction
PGAL B. Light reaction or light-
Glucose dependent reaction
Assessment No. 2. Enrichment Card
1. A 6. A 1. Photosynthesis
2. B 7. A 2. Light
3. A 8. B 3. ATP
4. C 9. A 4. Dark
5. B 10. B 5. Glucose

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