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Daisy Chauhan
Associate Professor
Management Development Institute, Gurgaon
E-mail: daisy@mdi.ac.in
M: 9818762933
Emotional Intelligence is defined as a set of
competencies which enables one to recognize one’s
emotions, moods ,behaviors, and impulses and to
manage them best according to the situation.

EI focuses on behaviour in complex, unstructured,

and uncertain situations.
 EI is the ability to handle stresses of modern
workplace which may be actually more important
than intellectual competency of employees.
It is an aggregate of abilities, skills, and
competencies that represent collection of
knowledge used to cope up with life effectively i.e.
practical intelligence.
 Ability to manage emotions in one’s self and in others
in order to reach desired outcomes.
The "New Yardstick"
 How we handle ourselves and each other
goes beyond intellectual ability and technical
 It focuses on personal qualities such as
initiative, empathy, adaptability, persuasiveness.
Significance of EI:
Some Research Findings

Hay Group study of 44 Fortune 500 companies found

that salespeople with high EQ produced twice the
revenue of those with average or below average scores.
In another study, technical programmers
demonstrating the top 10 percent of emotional
intelligence competency were developing software
three times faster than those with lower competency.
Significance of EI
 A Fortune 500 company in financial services
proved that their high EQ salespeople produced
18 percent more than the lower EQ salespeople.
 One recent study conducted by a Dallas
corporation measured that the productivity
difference between their low scoring emotional
intelligence employees and their high scoring
emotional intelligence employees was 20 times.
Significance of EI
 A Texas-based Fortune 500 Company had utilized
personality assessments for candidate selection for
years with little results in reducing turnover in
their high turnover sales force.
 After turning to an emotional intelligence-based
selection assessment and EQ training and
development program, they increased retention by
67 percent in the first year, which they calculated
added $32 million to their bottom line in reduced
turnover costs and increased sales revenues.
Significance of EI
 TalentSmart tested emotional intelligence alongside
33 other important workplace skills, and found that
emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of
performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all
types of jobs.
 Studies indicate that IQ attributes only 20% to
success while EQ predominantly contributes to 80%
 If IQ gets you hired, it is EQ that gets you
 IQ can give you positional power but EQ can give
you Personal Power
 IQ does not increase after adolescence
 EQ is largely learned and continues to develop
throughout life.
1. Emotional Self Awareness
2. Assertiveness
3. Self Esteem
4. Self Actualisation
5. Independence
1. Empathy
2. Inter-personal
3. Social Responsibility
1. Problem Solving
2. Reality Testing
3. Flexibility
1. Stress Tolerance
2. Impulse Control
1. Happiness
2. Optimism
Cognitive Emotional
Mind Mind




From Feeling to Action
From Feelings to Action
Self Awareness Self Acceptance

Self Acceptance Self Regulation/Management

Self Regulation Thoughtful Action rather

than impulsive action

Responding rather than Reacting

Awareness of others feelings Responding appropriately

Reflecting on earlier experiences for Corrective Action

• A person with high emotional intelligence can manage
his or her own impulses, communicate with others
effectively, manage change well, solve problems and deal
appropriately with situations and people.
• They also have empathy, remain optimistic even in the
face of adversity.
• This "clarity" in thinking and "composure" in stressful
and chaotic situations is what separates top performers
from weak performers in the workplace.
How EI Helps in Decision Making
Logic + Feelings = Good Decisions
Feelings help us to:
 Focus on important things and see them from
different perspectives
 Be flexible and open to change
 Be creative and aware of opportunities
 Generate more alternatives
 Analyse based on earlier experiences
 Make choices between competing options
 Analyse short-term and long-term implications of
Implications of EI
 Physical Health – The ability to take care of our health
and especially to manage our stress, which has an
incredible impact on our overall wellness, is heavily tied to
our emotional intelligence. Only by being aware of our
emotional state and our reactions to stress in our lives can
we hope to manage stress and maintain good health.
 Mental Well-Being – Emotional intelligence affects our
attitude and outlook on life. It can also help to alleviate
anxiety and avoid depression and mood swings. A high
level of emotional intelligence directly correlates to a
positive attitude and happier outlook on life.
Implications of EI
 Relationships – By better understanding and managing
our emotions, we are better able to communicate our
feelings in a more constructive way.
 Understanding the needs, feelings, and responses of those
we care about leads to stronger and more fulfilling
 Conflict Resolution – When we can discern people’s
emotions and empathize with their perspective, it’s much
easier to resolve conflicts. We are also better at negotiation.
Implications of EI
 Performance at work. EI can help you deal with complexities
of the workplace, lead and motivate others, and excel in your
 Many companies now view emotional intelligence as being as
important as technical ability and require EQ testing before
 Success – Higher emotional intelligence helps us to be remain
internally motivated, can reduce procrastination, increase
self-confidence, and improve our ability to focus on a goal. It
also allows us to create better networks of support, overcome
setbacks, and persevere with a more resilient outlook. Our
ability to delay gratification and see the long-term directly
affects our ability to succeed.
Implications of EI
 Leadership – The ability to understand what motivates
others helps build stronger bonds with others in the
workplace. Therefore it inevitably makes those with higher
EI better leaders.
 An effective leader can recognize what the needs of his
people are, so that those needs can be met in a way that
encourages higher performance and worker satisfaction.
Role of EI
 EI helps in taking ownership for your feelings.
 EI helps in analysing the cause of feelings.
 EI helps in avoiding impulsive action.
 EI helps in looking at long-term consequences of one’s
 EI helps in RESPONDING rather than REACTING.
Gender Differences?
Women tend to be more aware of their emotions,
show more empathy and are adept
Men tend to be more self-confident and
optimistic, adapt more easily, and handle stress

However, on the whole,

men and women are generally equal
in total emotional intelligence.
Emotional vs Rational Mind
 Fast, Spontaneous Thoughtful
 Perception based Fact Based
 Intuitive Analytical
EI: The Balancing Act
EI helps in decision-making by balancing:
 Rationality (Head)
 Emotionality (Heart)
 Intuition (Gut)
 Conscience (Soul)
Stages of Developing EI

 Exploring your feelings

 Linking feeling with physical sensation
 Understanding the cause-effect relationship
 Examining whether actions/decisions were based
on thoughts or feelings
 Taking ownership for consequences of one’s
 Learning from the consequences
1. Taking the time for mindfulness

2. Recognizing and naming emotions

3. Understanding cause of feelings – Understand Cause-Effect Rel.

4. Developing Sensitivity

5.Preventing depression through “learned optimism”

6.Managing anger through learned behavior or distraction techniques

7. Developing listening skills

8. Complementing gut feelings with Rational Thinking for DM

How EI helps in Connecting with People
 Makes you aware of your emotional state & those of
 Helps you regulate your emotions while
 Makes you sensitive towards others feelings/emotions
 Helps you deal effectively with others emotions
 Helps you develop your assertiveness and not be
unduly influenced by others
 Helps you put across your point without becoming
 Helps you maintain your cool in difficult situations
 Enhances your influencing capability

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