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What is a leader?

A leader is a person who guides

others toward a common goal, showing
the way by example, and creating an
environment in which other team
members feel actively involved in the
entire process. A leader is not the boss
of the team but, instead, the person that
is committed to carrying out the mission
of the venture. A leader is a person who
has a vision, a drive and a commitment
to achieve that vision, and the skills to
make it happen.
Kinds or Types
of Leaders

A leader who depends on his or her

position in a clearly defined hierarchy
to influence followers, who adheres to
established rules and procedures, and
who is generally inflexible and
suspicious of change. Tells people
what to do and how, but the basis of
his orders is almost exclusively the
organization‘s policies, procedures
and rules.

Charismatic leader is
someone who sways followers
with a dynamic, magnetic
personality, usually through
inspiring speeches.
The autocratic leader (Lewin,
Lippitt, & White, 1939) is given the
power to make decisions alone, having
total authority. This leadership style is
good for employees that need close
supervision to perform certain tasks.
Creative employees and team players
resent this type of leadership, since
they are unable to enhance processes or
decision making, resulting in job
Democratic leader allow the
team to provide input before
making a decision, although the
degree of input can vary from
leader to leader. This type of style
is important when team agreement
matters, but it can be quite difficult
to manage when there are lots of
different perspectives and ideas.
Non-authoritarian leadership
style. Laissez faire (French for,
allow to pass or let go) leaders try
to give least possible guidance to
subordinates, and try to achieve
control through less obvious means.
They believe that people excel
when they are left alone to respond
to their responsibilities and
obligations in their own ways.
leaders tell their employees
what they want done and how
they want it accomplished
without getting the advice of
their followers. Assumes
paternalistic role which forces
subordinates to rely on the
leader for their satisfaction.
 an abusive unprofessional style
called bossing people around
 has a paternalistic attitude of I
know best
 one rule type, he’ the authority
and doesn’t delegates
 one who tells the people what to
do his position
 expects hero – worship and greed
for publicity
 expects hero – worship and greed
for publicity
 thinks he can sit by himself and
sees all angles of problems
 thinks he can sit by himself and
sees all angles of problems
 commands and expect compliance
 leads the ability to withhold or
rewards and punishment
This type of leaders consult
with subordinates on proposed
actions, decisions, and
encourages participation from
them. He/she doesn’t take
action without subordinate’s
 invite the people to participate or share
to a greater or to a less extent decision,
policy and operation methods
 leaders maintains the final decision
making authority
 encourages the people to develop grow
and rise in the organization
 enjoy a sense of personal importance,
value and achievement
 knows how to delegates duties
 recognize and praise an idea that comes
from someone else
 maintains the position of friendly,
helpful, adviser both on personal and
professional matters
sets the rules and interprets as
they see it. Usually, the original
intent is benign, but force of habit,
and the simple fact that they can
get away with it makes the leader
sloppy, and to a certain degree
lazy, finding it easier to push
buttons to achieve a desired
outcome, rather than doing the
hard work of facilitating a hard
high pressure tactics of
emotionalism is used to sell the
people into following the
directions set by the leader.
a father figure who wants
everybody to feel good. He/she
maximizes performance through
facilitation. He/she eliminates
barriers for subordinates and
leads with authority, even
though at times appearing to be
just one of the pack.
emphasis is on keeping everyone
happy and satisfied
leaders hears and considers his
subordinates decision
“As we look ahead
into the next
century, leaders
will be those who
empower others”

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