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Hearing loss

Types of hearing loss

Types of hearing loss

There are four types of hearing loss :-

1. Auditory processing Disorders

2. Counductive

3. Sensorineural

4. Mixed
Auditory processing disorders

Auditory processing disorders occur when the brain has problem processing the information
contained in sound such as understanding speech and working out where sound is coming Kids
with this condition can’t process what they hear in same way other kids do because there ear and
brain not full coordinate

Trouble understanding speech- Kids with APD are thought to hear normally because
They can usually hear sound that are delivered one at time in a very quiet environment
(such as a sound treated room). These kind of problem usually happen when there is
background noise. Which is often the case in social situations . so kids with ADP can have
trouble understanding what is being said to them when they are in noisy places like a
background, Sports events and the cafeteria parties.
Symptoms of Auditory processing disorder

Symptoms of ADP can take from mild to severe and can take many types of form, if you think your child
have a problem ask to yourself these questions :

Are noisy environment upsetting your children ?

Does your child behavior and performance improve in quieter settings?

Is your child disorganized and forgetful?

Does your child have difficulty following directions , whether simple or complicated ,

Cause :- Often the cause of ADP isn’t known. Evidence suggests that head trauma, lead poisoning and
chronic could play a role sometimes they can be multiple causes.
Conductive hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is problem with the outer or middle ear which interferes with
the passing sound to the inner ear. It can be caused by such things as too much ear wax, a punctured
eardrum , a fluid build up or abnormal growth in the middle ear such as otosclerosis. It is more common in
children and indigenous populations. Surgery and sometimes of technology can be used to treat
conductive hearing loss Such as bone conduction, hearing aids, bone anchored hearing devices and
middle ear implants

Presentation - Conductive hearing loss makes all sounds seem faint and muffled.the hearing
loss is worse in low frequencies. Conductive hearing loss usually identified through newborn
hearing screening or may be identified because the baby has microtia or other facial
abnormalities. Conducting hearing loss developing during childhood is easily due to otitis media
with effusion and may present speech and language delay or difficulty hearing later onset of
conducting hearing loss may have and insidious onset to related chronic middle ear disease.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural Hearing Loss - It occurs as a consequence of damaged or deficient cochlear

hair cell May be abnormal at birth, or damaged using lifetime of an individual . there are both external
causes of damage including noise trauma infection and drugs, as well as intrinsic causes, including
genetic mutations, a common cause or exacerbating factor in Sensorineural Hearing Loss is prolonged
exposure to environmental noise for example being in a loud workplace without wearing protection or
using headphone at high volume for a long period. Exposure to avery loud noise such as bomb blast
can cause noise included hearing loss.
Symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss : -

Frequent symptoms of SNHL are loss of acuity in distinguishing foreground voices against nosies
background difficulty understanding on the phone some kinds of sounds seeming excessively loud
or shrill difficulty understanding some parts speech (fricatives and sibilants loss of directionality of
sound (especially with high frequency sounds) perception that people mumble when speaking, and
difficulty understanding speech similar symptoms are also associated with other kinds of hearing
loss audiometry or other diagnostic tests are necessary to distinguish sensorineural hearing loss.

Identification of sensorineural hearing loss is usually made by performing a pure tone audiometry in
which bone conduction threshold measured and speech audiometry may be helpful testing is
performed by audiologist . there is no proven or recommended treatment or cure for SHNL
management of hearing loss is usually by hearing strategies and hearing aid . in case of profound or
total deafness a cochlear implant is a specialised hearing aid which may restore a functional level of
hearing SHNL is a least partially preventable by avoiding environmental noise chemical and drugs
And head trauma, treating or inoculating against certain triggering diseases and condition like
Mixed hearing loss
Sometimes a conductive hearing loss occurs in
combination with hearing loss (SNHL). When this is the
case is called a mixed hearing loss in other words mixed
hearing loss there is at the same time damage to the outer
and middle ears ability to conduct sound in to the inner
ear and the brain damage to inner ear or auditory nerve.

Cause of mixed hearing loss : - there are several cause

of mixed hearing loss including those for sensorineural
hearing loss these can include illness drugs genetic causes
of the inner ear. Causes of conductive hearing loss may
including earwax fluid in the middle ear, Ear infection
perforated eardrums and malformation for outer and
inner middle ear.
Symptoms of mixed hearing loss : the symptoms of mixed hearing loss are reduced hearing in one
of both ears (bilateral mixed hearing loss ).

Treatment of mixed hearing loss : depending on the degree and make up of mixed hearing loss, It
may be treated with medications surgery, hearing aids or an implantable bone conduction hearing
system a baha bone conduction implant is an effective for mixed hearing loss because it totally
bypass the conductive element of the hearing loss and need only to address the sensorenuel
element . a health professional can talk to through the options and help you make the most
informed design if you don't already have someone to speak to.when considering , what to the
most import thing is to have all the information.

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