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Shenia Septiyani 113170068
Pembimbing : dr. Defa Rahmatun Nissa, Sp.A
 Nama pasien : An. L  Nama Ibu : Ny. A
 Umur : 4 tahun  Umur : 36 tahun
 Jenis kelamin : perempuan  Pekerjaan : Ibu Rumah
 Nama ayah : Tn. A S Tangga
 Umur : 42 tahun  Pendidikan : SMP
 Pendidikan : SMA  Alamat : Waled Kota
 Pekerjaan : Swasta
Keluhan utama : Kejang 1 kali di rumah

Riwayat penyakit sekarang :

Pasien datang dengan keluhan kejang 2 jam sebelum masuk RS,
frekuensi 1x, durasi 3 menit, kejang seluruh tubuh dengan mata
melihat keatas, anak sadar setelah kejang. Kejang merupakan
yang pertama kali diderita pasien, sejak 5 hari sebelum masuk RS
pasien mengalami demam, demam naik turun, tidak menggigil dan
berkeringat, mual + muntah 1x berisi makanan, batuk pilek
disangkal, BAB cair sejak 2 hari yang lalu, frekuensi >4x, warna
kuning, lendir - darah -
Riwayat penyakit dahulu
Orang tua mengaku bahwa sebelumnya anaknya tidak pernah
sakit seperti ini.

Riwayat penyakit keluarga

Keluarga tidak ada yang mengeluhkan BAB cair atau sedang
sakit muntaber.

Riwayat pengobatan
Ibu pasien hanya memberikan obat anti panas berupa
paracetamol sirup diberikan ibu 3x1 sendok obat.
Riwayat tumbuh kembang
 0-3 bulan : mengangkat kepala 45 derajat
 6-9 bulan : duduk, merangkak, tepuk tangan,
menggunakan telunjuk untuk menyentuh benda
 9-12 bulan: bisa berdiri sendiri

Riwayat imunisasi di puskesmas

 Hepatitis B : 0 bulan
 BCG : tidak tau pasti
 DPT : tidak tau pasti
 Polio : 1 bulan
 Campak : 9 bulan
Transition headline
Let’s start with the first set of slides
Quotations are commonly printed
as a means of inspiration and to
invoke philosophical thoughts
from the reader.

This is a slide title
◉ Here you have a list of items
◉ And some text
◉ But remember not to overload your slides with content

Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both.
Big concept
Bring the attention of your audience over a key concept
using icons or illustrations
You can also split
your content
White Black
Is the color of milk and fresh snow, the Is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer
color produced by the combination of space. It is the darkest color, the result
all the colors of the visible spectrum. of the absence of or complete
absorption of light.
In two or three
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear sky Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum. courage.
A picture
is worth
Want big impact?
Use big image.
Use charts to explain your ideas

White Gray Black

And tables to compare data


Yellow 10 20 7

Blue 30 15 10

Orange 5 24 16
Whoa! That’s a big
number, aren’t you proud?
That’s a lot of money

185,244 users
And a lot of users

Total success!
Our process is easy

first second last

Let’s review some
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter and ripe Is the colour of the clear sky and Is the color of blood, and because
lemons. In the spectrum, yellow is the deep sea. It is located between of this it has historically been
found between green and orange. violet and green on the optical associated with sacrifice, danger
spectrum. and courage.
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter and ripe Is the colour of the clear sky and Is the color of blood, and because
lemons. In the spectrum, yellow is the deep sea. It is located between of this it has historically been
found between green and orange. violet and green on the optical associated with sacrifice, danger
spectrum. and courage.
You can copy&paste graphs from Google Sheets
Android project
Show and explain your
web, app or software
projects using these
gadget templates.
iPhone project
Show and explain
your web, app or
software projects
using these gadget
Tablet project
Show and explain your web,
app or software projects using
these gadget templates.
Desktop project
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using
these gadget templates.
Any questions?
You can find me at @username & user@mail.me
Special thanks to all the people who made and released these
awesome resources for free:
◉ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
◉ Plant illustrations from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in
naturgetreuen at BHL
Presentation design
This presentation uses the following typographies and colors:
◉ Titles: Playfair display
◉ Body copy: Tinos
You can download the fonts on this page:
Click on the “arrow button” that appears on the top right
SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes.
This means that you can:
Resize them without losing quality, change fill color
and opacity and change line color, width and style.

Isn’t that nice? :)

Now you can use any emoji as an icon!
And of course it resizes without losing quality and
you can change the color.

How? Follow Google instructions


🔌🔑 and many more...

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