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Process Journal
IB Visual Arts
Visual Journals are a large part of your
score. These will go into the Process Journal.
The easiest program to create your Process Portfolio screens is through
Powerpoint, Keynote or Word using an A3 landscape page setup.
Info from thinkib 2
Part 2: Process Portfolio
40% externally assessed
9–18 screens 13–25 screens
Pages will show evidence of at least two different art
making forms from 2 columns of the Art Making Forms
Pages will show evidence of at least three different art
making forms from 2 columns of the Art Making Forms

The Process Portfolio PDF will
be viewed on screen by
examiners so it follows that
using a landscape format will
facilitate viewing. There are no
set specifications as to format ,
the general consensus is it's up
to each student and will vary
from school to school and
student to student.

Assessment Criteria
There are 5 assessment criteria for the PP, for a total of 34
A Skills, techniques and processes: 12 marks
B Critical investigation: 6 marks
C Communicating ideas and intentions: 6 marks
D Reviewing, refining, and reflecting: 6 marks
E Presentation and subject specific language: 4 marks

The PP assessment criteria could be described as verbs...
Criterion A Skills, Techniques and Processes
EXPERIMENT refers to the development of skills and the use of materials across the required art making forms.
Consistent with intentions means that it is purposeful rather than random exploration. Assured and sustained
Criterion B Critical Investigation
INVESTIGATE specifically refers to investigation of artists, works, art forms. It includes both the investigation itself and
the consideration of how this relates to/influences/guides the students work. How have my investigations impacted my
artwork? Visit page on Critical Investigation
Criterion C Communication of Ideas and Intentions
COMMUNICATE developing and communicating ideas and intentions, both visually and verbally. How have my ideas
developed through experimentation with techniques, materials and ideas? Visit page on Ideas and Intentions in the
Criterion D Reviewing, Reflecting, Refining
REFLECT means to develop a growing an artistic self awareness and the ability to self reflect, analyze and review own
development. How have I developed as an artist? Visit page on Reviewing, Reflecting, Refining
Criterion E Presentation and Subject Specific Language
PRESENT refers to the overall presentation, clear and legible, visually engaging, with appropriate art vocabulary
used throughout. 6
Meeting the criteria
The process portfolio is exactly what it's name implies- it is all about the process and the developing portfolio of
work. However the assessment criteria do refer to some very specific aspects of the art making process and it is
best to keep these in mind and let your students know exactly what is being assessed.
How many
9-18 screens are
submitted for SL
and 13-25 screens
for HL

• Part 2:
• Process Portfolio Criteria A. Skills, techniques and processes Using the required number of
art-making forms from the art-making forms table, to what extent does the work
demonstrate: • sustained experimentation and manipulation of a range of skills, techniques
and processes, showing the ability to select and use materials appropriate to their
intentions? • Candidates who do not submit works reflecting the minimum number of media
and forms will not be awarded a mark higher than 3 in this criterion.
• B. Critical investigation To what extent does the work demonstrate: • The student’s critical
investigation of artists, artworks and artistic genres, communicating a growing awareness of
how this investigation influences and impacts upon their own developing art-making
practices and intentions?
• C. Communication of ideas and intentions (in both visual and written forms) Using the
required number of art-making forms from the art-making forms table, to what extent does
the student demonstrate: • the student’s ability to clearly articulate how their initial ideas
and intentions have been formed and developed and how they have assimilated technical
skills, chosen media and ideas to develop their work further?
• D. Reviewing, refining and reflecting (in both visual and written forms) To what extent does
the work demonstrate: • the student’s ability to review and refine selected ideas, skills,
processes and techniques, and to reflect on the acquisition of skills and their development
as a visual artist? E. Presentation and subject-specific language To what extent does the
work: • ensure that information is conveyed clearly and coherently in a visually appropriate
and legible manner, supported by the consistent use of appropriate subject-specific
The image on the left shows two
consecutive journal pages but if
this had been created on one large
A3 paper with typed text it would
make a fantastic PP screen: It
meets the criteria in so many ways:

•Experimentation with a range of

techniques and processes.
•Connections between studio
practice and researched artists
•Communication of ideas and
•Reviewing, reflecting, refining
•Great visual presentation and art

https://www.thinkib.net/visualarts/page/18100/process-portfolio-format 9
Requirements of the Process Portfolio

SL students should work with at least two art-making forms

from separate columns of the table.
HL students with at least three art-making forms, selected
from a minimum of two columns of the table.
The basic art-making forms table
Lens-based, electronic and
Two-dimensional forms Three-dimensional forms
screen-based forms
•Time based and sequential
•Drawing •Sculpture
•Painting •Designed Objects
•Lens media
•Printmaking •Site specific/ ephemeral
•Digital/ screen based
•Graphics •Textiles
•Lens-less media

•3D forms may include many different sculptural techniques, such as carved, modelled, constructed, cast,
designed...and the last column which includes lens based forms also may include lens-less media such as
rayograms, cyanotypes, pinhole photography etc.

Presentation for class only. Info from Thinkib.

APPS you need:

• Download: free app called CamScanner

• Download: Dragon Dictation which allows you to
dictate your annotations using a recording
button. Your voice is then transcribed into written
Examples from the Tony Buzan mind map gallery:
Creating mind
maps for your
process is a
great method
to adopt.

http://www.mindmapart.com/ 14

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